WTF is going on with me nightmares have started again ,exactly the same as before 😢 wat if i would have just ran away n left them both behind instead of lettin s##thappen 😞a dint ask for any of this s##ti was just making sure nothing happend to me brothers at any cost so why am i been haunted by my own self 5 years of not having one bad dream then sayurday watching titan n theres a part with this guy hawk flashes back to wen he was a kid with his baby bro n that was it was in bits sorry people dont know who else to talk to it just feels like doom and gloom sick of tired of been so sick n tired sorry people for going on one 😞😔
Never felt like this before - Lung Conditions C...
Never felt like this before

I guess this is a nightmare about something that happened in your past.
I know I get nightmares, that's one reason why I am awake now as well as coughing and wheezing.
A real nuisance , one of my inhalers made them worse I am certain, I told the pharmacist and my GP and it was changed and things have improved.
But I think you should discuss your feelings with your health professional to see if they can ease your problem, maybe with a talking therapy . I use meditation techniques, but I learned under trained supervision to help with any difficulties that arose.
Best wishes.
Hi are you still smoking? This isn't a good idea with lung disease. I hope you feel better soon.
Oh and better edit out the s*** as you will get told off otherwise as swearing isn't allowed on here! x
Oh dear Thomsk, that doesn’t sound good. Please try and talk to your doctor and get some help. Your family need you and care what happens to you.
Keep talking to us too of course. Hope things improve. Take care xxxx
Yes, some guided talking therapy with a counsellor should help you work through the issues that cause the nightmares. All the best.