I saw a GP on Thursday about getting some pain relief as I have a fibroid on my tendon in my left foot. I've never seen this one before and want impressed. He prescribed codeine despite it having flagged up as unsafe for me with COPD. He said there is a chance it would cause breathlessnes and if it did I was to call an ambulance. Needless to say I wont be taking them, I'll just have to grin and bear the pain when it wakes me at 2 am.
Hopeless GP: I saw a GP on Thursday... - Lung Conditions C...
Hopeless GP
I don't know what your copd is, but mine is severe emphysema. And I take co codamol for severe headaches regularly. For if I didn't I would end up with migraines. The codiene strength is 60 ,and I take it 4xdaily. It has the added bonus of drying up the mucus. It can constipate you, and also make you drowsy when you are not used to it. I haven't found it to affect my breathing. But we are all different. I have never had asthma. So it might affect asthmatics. Hope that helps. Pat x. I am sure there is pain killers to suit you. Ask to see another gp if you are not happy
I would see a different doctor if I were you Pantani as your GP seems to have a very flippant attitude. Good luck to you. Xxxx
The only over the counter painkiller I can take is paracetamol but these are ineffective. I can't take Iboprufin because it gives me a stomach bleed. When your waking up in agony at 2 am and cant sleep it soon gets worrisome. The GP saw that codeine flagged up as potentially harmful but didn't want to look at alternatives. Of course you don't know that I have been suffering with this pain for a year. The orthopaedic surgeon I saw in 2017 said that they no longer operate to remove fibroids as the just grow back along the line of the scar. She told me that if over the counter painkillers were ineffective then I should see my GP. I finally decided to this week, the last time I saw a GP was September 2017 so I don't think I take up to much time.
I'm so sorry you are in this situation Pantani . I understand your reservations. And not being able to sleep because of pain is really dreadful and detrimental to health. Perhaps a heating pad may help some of the discomfort? I think seeing another gp may be best. Please do take care and I hope you get relief very soon. xx 🍀
I think your gp was sensible to warn you of codeine’s potential to make you breathless, just in case, but I believe serious problems are rare. In fact, opioids like codeine are also prescribed to make breathing easier. I’ve recently had 60mg x 4 daily for a fractured rib and not had problems, even though my breathing is very poor at the moment. Maybe try them in daytime first so you can see how they affect you?
I would be asking to see a differant gp. if you cant tolerate co codamol then you should not take them, to pescribe them and say if they cause a problem call an ambulance shows a lack of care or understanding . To go to a&e is in its self traumatic but to know its avoidable makes it even worse. Hospitals and ambulances are streched enough without picking up the pieces for a lazy gp who cant be botherd to look for and pescribe a sutible treatment. Not to mention the distress caused to you and your family. not being able to breath properly is scary and distressing and shouldn't be treated so flipently by your gp.
I have no problems taking co-codamol regularly for osteoarthritic pain, and I have mild emphysema and asthma. My GP has also prescribed me the receptor specific NSAID etodolac rather than ibuprofen and Naprosyn because of the stomach and bruising problems I had with those. So there are other pain meds available. Go back and see another doctor.
The thing with me is that I have severe to very severe emphysema and suffer sob quite often. I have been hospitalised twice because of sob and severe chest infections. Both events were very frightening. So I am reluctant to risk the possibility of having a bad episode and need blue lights trip to A an E.
Hi Pataki,
I don't know if you take any alcohol, but in spite of my COPD and lack of lungs, I drink a glass of red wine or a short if I have pain. I do know that codeine leaves you breathless , same thing with me that's why I prefer some wine to the other chemicals. I distract myself a lot, too, with whatever I can to not feel the pain so much, or with hit or cold compresses, ice bags, ice spray, hot water bottles😊. I hope you can manage the pain better. Have a warm Sunday and big hug!❤
Sorry, my phone made an error, Patani with your name, always changing my text..😨😊