4 weeks ago i went to see my GP convinced i had a trapped nerve in my back only to be told it was RA related and a x-ray would confirm this sure enough the results showed there was heavy wear and tear in both hips,I knew this was not an RA pain and went for a second opinion this morning because the pain between them both was driving me up the wall, then the other GP asked if i minded if a young Asian trainee carried out the consultation and he would observe, he must have been reading my notes he started to talk about my lungs and RA i stopped him and said i am here about another matter and if there was time left i would like to talk to him, After the usual poking and prodding they both agreed that i did have a trapped nerve just because of the location of the pain. They agreed that the ware and tear could have been my 35 years in the removal business, Then i said to the young Asian GP when i started working i was 6'.2" this was due to me carrying piano's and when i left i was 5'6" he looked bewildered he was ready to start typing when the doc cut in and shook his Head, before i left I told him if he had a spare hour that suited us both i would be delighted to discuss my illnesses s with him, My own GP was busy but i asked to be put through to answering M/C I told him about my trapped nerve and not to blame RA for everything and if he needed a second opinion there was a young trainee in the next room that would confirm this. feeling a bit better now. Doc Mattcass