Hi all, lying in bed this morning and thinking how on earth did I catch a real vicious cold, complete with a dry cough every ten minutes. Had taken such care all year to avoid large crowds, cinemas, etc, anywhere I would be likely to encounter anything contagious. Then it occurred to me, what about the pre-Christmas parties, all the hugging and air kissing that takes place with the family etc. Then it really hit me. My daughter in law was Head of Contagious Diseases in a major hospital, (but now heads a Hospice) and her eldest daughter has just qualified and is in the A&E at the hospital that she was head at. We were with them for two days a couple of days before Christmas, along with a lot of other family members and friends. Allow an incubation period of six? days or less and the timing is right. I do enjoy family dos, but I shall have to think about them in future. No way round it, go and risk catching something, or stop at home. Just not fun no more!! Take care all.