Hi everyone just thought I'd say hello. I was diagnosed 3 years ago with mild copd after I quit smoking the year before, i never felt any better after I quit still very breathless all the time. I just want to say I've been reading all about you all for the last couple of years and want to thank you all for good advice you have all given. A proper little community. Wishing you all good health over the Xmas period and beyond xx
First post : Hi everyone just thought I... - Lung Conditions C...
First post

That’s a really nice post to read. Stay healthy and I hope you have a good Christmas 😎😎
Hi righty68 . I am so glad you finally said hello. It's lovely to hear from you. Wishing you a lovely Christmas too. xx 🎀🎄🎀
Hello to you too 🎄⛄️
The same to u righty. Hope things get better for u. Good luck and best wishes from this end. 👍🤓🎅🎁
Thanks everyone for the lovely welcome x
Hello righty
Welcome to the community...I like you are more of a reader but I thought I would share my experience. I too was getting breathless and I had to learn to swim properly for a venture I started in Greece 3 years ago. I had to keep at it and eventualy got to a stage where I was happy which took around 5 months. I noticed my breathing getting better and better to a point where it actually improved on my yearly copd check...and I felt almost brand new.
I think the trick is to keep it up because for the last year and a half I have suffered a few injuries (shoulder and trapped nerves in lower back) and now I feel I need to restart my regime once Im well enough to start.....I think any form of exercise is good for you but swimming really worked for me....hope that helps.
Have a great christmas to you and everyone on this group xx
Welcome to The Best Forum in the World Ha Ha, Remember we are only in the Next Room. Same to you Hun , A Very happy Christmas and an Easy Breathing time for you. With Exercise and The Right Diet you can achieve this. Sending Lots of Love to you Hun. Carolina XXXX
Hi there and WELCOME.
I too am a newbie after only finding this several years after my diagnosis.
It is so encouraging to log in here and find others who completely understand. For me that has made such a difference as one realises we are not alone, and the support is tremendous.
Don’t wait so long next time before posting.
Best wishes
Hello Righty. I'm mild and breathless too! Also new here but have found so much encouragement and support from everyone at a very difficult time in my life, for which I'm infinitely grateful. Good Health to you too and thank you everyone for being so lovely!!! x
Welcome Righty! Seasons' Greetings
Glad you have posted. I have been on for only a year or two. A wonderful, supportive group. Same here for smoking. I haven't felt a lot of benefit from quitting, but I have read that it stops the damage. Again, glad you are with us. Jan