does anyone have constant lightheadedness especially when walking;;; My copd is still mild but i always feel foggy and lightheaded alot
Mild copd and lightheaded - Lung Conditions C...
Mild copd and lightheaded

Could it maybe be any medication that you are currently taking? I would it have a chat with your doctor about it when your next there.
thank you for your reply..... i do not take any medicatons ... maybe 1 time per month ill take a puff of albuterol but nothing else''' just also had a heart doctor check me out with a echo heart ultra sound and he said my heart is ok...
my doctor thinks its anxiety... all though i heart rate is always normal ... i notice it more when im walking .. i just feel off and lightheaded and in a fog
wow u so lucky no ti be taking meds i take abt 40tablets aday and i do get light headed when walking and when i first stand up due ti having stents in at moment and lung dis aswel understnd how u feel it annoying being lightheaded and dizzy but with me it usually down ti oxygen lev mb u shld gt yours ckeckd
Low blood pressure?
Good morning must be your meds I've had COPD for 25 years I'm lucky doesn't bother me too much I walk a lot did my last full marathon last year go see your doc I have my own therapy that really helps my breathing a lot take care.
Wow!!! You've had it for 25 years and it doesn't bother you much.
You've made my day, Haggis 12 xx
Check that you're not overbreathing when you walk, to combat breathlessness. It can have similar effects to hyperventilating in a panic attack, without the raised heart rate that goes with panic.
Yes I do i have servere copd Iv been told its when my oxygen levels drop hope this help take care xx
I occasionally get this when I’m stressed or very tired. I think my breathing changes and I don’t realise I’m hyperventilating. It also happens when I have eaten or drunk something I’m intolerant to. For example, even just a few sips of wine can leave me with a horrible foggy feeling the day after. 😒
I get this sometimes too. I’ve extensive bronchiectasis, on no meds except antibiotics on flare ups.
Fascinating, I've lived with balance issues and COPD for years. I never associated the two but makes one wonder. Decade plus ago we were going to S. America and updated our vaccinations. Six booster shots later all at once I have lived with a constant fog and balance, NOT VERTIGO. They can't figure it out. I am now at stage 2 plus copd. No idea how long I have had it. I was a runner most of my life and began to notice that when I tried to talk while running I got winded quickly. I was being tested for something else when they discovered my COPD. Just lost a dear friend who coming down some stairs ran out of breath (he stage 4) and passed out and his heart stopped. Apparently as I am sure most of us on here know we develop heart problems. In my case it is a valve that has had to work overtime and does not function properly...........
So the doctors can't figure out the balance/fog issue and so I just live with it and of course no cure for COPD. Have fallen twice but have learned to make damn sure I turn slowly. No cane. Whether the two are associated is an interesting item to ponder. Thanks for the post
Thanks for all the replies... my blood pressure is not low and i take no meds other than an occasional tylenol for a headache...its hard to explain but its a on and off wierd foggy lightheaded feeling... my heart was checked out therally by 2 heart doctors and they all is ok with my heart... just had another ct scan and my emphysema is unchanged since 2016 according to the ct scan .. so i am still mild ... still trying to quit the ciggs because i do cough alot of mucus.. and i get very cold easily. the coughing really sucks .. when i breath i hear a congested wheeze thaT makes me cough up the mucus then im ok but minutes later there is more .. if not for the mucus i wouldnt have to cough
You don’t have any inhalers? That’s incredible. Please try to quit smoking, I know it’s so hard, but it’s only likely going to make your lungs deteriorate and affect your breathing which could in part be responsible for you feeling light headed and foggy.