Confirmed today with mild copd - Lung Conditions C...

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Confirmed today with mild copd

mickymouse123 profile image
34 Replies

not emphysema

fev ? figure mentioned 87% is this good

told ct scan not worth it

discharged back to gp

lost in my mind know

not know what to do or where to go now

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mickymouse123 profile image
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34 Replies

fev 87% is very good by damaged lung standards and probably equal to many of those living in London without a copd diagnoses. Don't you fret, your future can be long and happy. Just following the usual precautions and avoid smoke of any kind, if you smoke stopping now will be a good thing, helping to prevent any further lung damage.

Give the BLf helpline a call tomorrow between 10am and 5pm for an information pack and a chat. For contact number or to visit their home page click on the red balloon top right.

Best wishes BC

mickymouse123 profile image
mickymouse123 in reply to

thank you BC will do

peege profile image

Hi Mickey, to be discharged by the con is a good thing. Now the best thing you can have is knowledge to arm you for your future good health.

Keep looking in here and you will learn much to help yourself stay fit and well.

Please stop smoking if you haven't already. As Blakey says, so far it's mild and ff you look after your health then it can stay so & not get worse.

There are lots of things you can do, , wrap up warm, take supplements to keep your immune system strong, exercise, eat well, avoid people with bugs ..............

There are lots of YouTube clips explaining what copd is - dont lookat American sites.

Ask as many questions here as you like. We're a good supportive bunch really and most of us are really lovely :)

Take care and let us know how you get on. P

mickymouse123 profile image
mickymouse123 in reply to peege

thank you very much peeg

in reply to mickymouse123

also don't kiss any strangers in bug season ;) probably good to avoid all kissing during bug season :)

except vritual kisses, they ok :D

Toci profile image

Just to clarify - emphysema IS one of the conditions covered by the term COPD, as is chronic bronchitis. I agree with other posts, 87% is good. Avoid cigarette and other smoke, have a flu jab, eat healthily and get plenty of exercise. Let us know when you are celebrating your 100th birthday! x

longlungs profile image

Hi mickeymouse123 this is very good news celebrations in order :).I remember just how concerned you were waiting for your diagnosis,Just take it as a serious warning so as others have said being smoke free,keeping fit and eating a healthy diet will keep you enjoying the good life so very much longer.Im made up for you I really am.Enjoy yourself back in the land of the living yabbydabbydooo !!:) Janexx

mickymouse123 profile image
mickymouse123 in reply to longlungs

thank you very much jane

your remarks are very heart lifting

hope you are doing very well yourself

based on what i've read on here

this is a quite positive result

will stop smoking very soon within days

nice ti have your support xx mickymouse

Hi mickeymouse,how wonderful,that is great news.

Take heed of all the good advice been given you,the most important,stop smoking!! Your lung function may then keep at the great result you have now.

There's lots of posts here,about that,& you will get great encouragement from all these lovely people,

Good luck xx

mickymouse123 profile image
mickymouse123 in reply to

thank you very much Wendells

hope you are doing ok

best wishes Micky xx

joke profile image

stop smoking now it only takes you one way you want to stay where you are so give up it is easy stop now and in one hour you have started helping your lungs. not even the electric cig is good.

mickymouse123 profile image
mickymouse123 in reply to joke

thank you yes i will stop very soon

joke profile image

Welcome Mickey Mouse !!

Stop smoking and you will be fine take care and heed all this great advice off lovely people

mickymouse123 profile image
mickymouse123 in reply to

thank you very much boo-boo

yes will patches and gum stop very soon

have patches and gum

and great support from here

in reply to mickymouse123

I found patches worked on my back better than on top of my arm ! I put them on my back around were your lungs are, they irratated my skin at top of my arms and caused a rash but were fine on my back haha. Good luck set a date

Hi Mickeymouse! Those results are pretty good! PLEASE give up the fags! It is essential to stop any further damage, if you can do that you should be able to live a happy, long life without worrying about COPD! Enjoy you life! Take care, TAD xx

mickymouse123 profile image
mickymouse123 in reply to

thank you Tad

pollyjj profile image

Hi Mickeymouse, it nice to hear some good new on here for a change, please give up the smoking as soon as you can, it will be the best thing you have ever done for yourself and just because you are going to be fine does not mean that you can't keep in touch and let us know how you are going.

Good luck.

polly xx

mickymouse123 profile image
mickymouse123 in reply to pollyjj

thank you very much polly

yes am pleased with result

hope you are doing fine

have a lovely day

micky xx

carolcolley profile image

I was diagnosed with copd. I was so grateful that I had a chance to do something about it and keep it at the mild stage as some people don't get that opportunity. So the very first thing I did was stop smoking. It'd been 3 months now add as much as I could easily smoke a cigarette, I keep reminding myself how lucky I am. I was a very heavy smoker got 40 years so you can imagine how difficult it was but lots of people do succeed and why shouldn't you be one of them. I am not going to say good luck, I am going to say ' well done'

mickymouse123 profile image
mickymouse123 in reply to carolcolley

thank you very much carolcolley

yes i intend to stop very soon

i too realize how lucky i am

i will stop i know i can

lost mom in may to lung c

so i now the importance of this

thank you for your support

this is a wonderful site

wonderful people

take care

pamela67 profile image

Hi mickeymouse there's lots of lovely people on,this site that will give you lots of advice like they did with me about 10 months ago when I was panicking :) also I was still a smoker Been smoking for 33 years and now happy to say :) with the help and support of these lovely people I've Been ciggy free for nearly 8 months Ian not saying it's easy Given up but it's alot easier when you have good support all the best :) xxx

mickymouse123 profile image
mickymouse123 in reply to pamela67

thank you very much

hope you doing good

best wishes micky

Shadwell profile image

Stop now if u value your health do it now not soon every day is another day of damage your lucky to have found out early don't waste the chance you have got once the damage is done you can't reverse it every time u fancy a fag just think what it's doing to ur health once you get it into your mind that you've GOT TO STOP you'll be surprised how easy it is good luck

mickymouse123 profile image
mickymouse123 in reply to Shadwell

yes i hear you

thank you for your support

Catnip profile image

Hiya MickeyMouse

With results that good, your best bet is to stop smoking NOW. That will be the first step towards making sure that your lungs don't degenerate further and faster. Exercise, healthy eating (etc., etc) won't be a scrap of good if you keep on with the fags. I am assuming, of course, that you don't have a death wish...


junespoon profile image

Like every one says, don't smoke, it really does mean such a dibility, and it will suddenly hit you again. Good luckX

sadie1951 profile image

Hi Mickey Mouse, you are so lucky to have been diagnosed so early, many people are already at the moderate stage and starting to struggle before they get diagnosed. As everyone else says, give up the cigs and there is no reason why your lung function should deteriorate further, other than a natural deterioration due to age, but that's a long way off. All the best, you can do it! Sadie xx

mickymouse123 profile image
mickymouse123 in reply to sadie1951

thank you very much Sadie

yes i will stop now

i know i can

thank you for your support

hope you are doing well

best wishes Micky xx

Puffthemagicdragon profile image

I was diagnosed 2 1/2 years ago with very severe emphysema. I had only just given up smoking for a different reason. A good job I did give up as I would still be saying " it's just a smokers cough ". My Fev is 27%. Give up the evil weed now before you get readings like mine. I wish I had been diagnosed when mine was mild. Take heart. I doubt yours will get any worse if you stop smoking and take plenty of exercise. When I pass a smoker who is coughing I feel sorry for them.

I had never heard of COPD until I was diagnosed myself.

mickymouse123 profile image
mickymouse123 in reply to Puffthemagicdragon

thank you very much

onamission profile image

Hi Mickey what great news and in another way let this be the kick up the bum we all needed at one time to pack in smoking. I did it with champix 8 years ago I'm so pleased I was able to give up I knows its hard to kick the habit but I'm sure you will be ok take care.

helingmic profile image

Hi Mickey, (I seem to come trailing behind after all the others) I won't repeat the GOOD advice not to smoke. What activity can you do to move yourself: Gym, walking the dog, walking anybody else (!), trampolining,..? anything to keep you occupied, moving your lungs and keep busy off the ciggies.

I have this theory, perhaps not very scientific, that before the winter sets well in, nutrition becomes paramount. We need more energy to breathe. Energy comes mainly from food, especially protein and fat. It's perhaps a bit strange to go against the trend of people who eat too much, but we need to gather food, like squirrels, to be able to confront the snow, the ice, the gales. Yes, we can put woollies on, and that's indeed a good source of heat. But the main heat comes from food transformed into energy. My theory is eat well until spring. Fast after if you want!!!

After all, this is what happened in an older society which relied on the natural cycle of seasons. Christmas was a time to kill the fatted calf or pig. It was a time to live on reserves accumulated during harvest. then toward Lent, there was the fast until Easter, the joyful resurrection of Christ and the return of more clement weather. There must be some truth in this sort of arrangement.

A time to keep well padded!

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