I posted earlier for help to work out Fev1 % after just being diagnosed mild copd. Not good with technology but post was not clear so try picture. Any help interpreting would be appreciated.
Newly diagnosed mild copd fev1 % - Lung Conditions C...
Newly diagnosed mild copd fev1 %
Thanks 2greys but I tried it and still don't quite understand. I know FEV/FVC <70 is obstruction and I think mine is 0.65, does that mean 65%. Definitely obstruction seen. However how do you work out FEV1 as %. Mine is showing L figures. Is FEV1 above 80% mild? How do I find out mine as %?
Roughly FEV1 divided by FVC times 100 is also accepted as FEV1%. So 1.95 divide by 2.34 times 100 = FEV1 83.33 % or there about.
Sorry I forgot. Yes it is mild. You are extremely lucky to find out at this stage, you have time to make lifestyle changes to keep it that way.
Thanks 2greys but I noticed people show their FEV1 as % and I am still unsure what mine is?
Oh I think I have understood now. Thanks so much.
I am FEV1 26% Severe Emphysema Stage 4, So yours is Mild at 77% You can work well with that %. Good Luck, Stay strong. xx
I think fev1/FVC 0.77 was predicted figure. Think pre dilator was fev1/FVC 0.65
I wonder if fev% is only 64% or is that fev1/FVC?
You will have to ask your GP or Nurse, Your figures I don't understand. Sorry.
Hi the figure provided by 2greys is correct. This is how you convert decimal figures into the percentage ones.
To be on the safe side though I will leave a notification for stone-UK as he knows everything! x
I looked the equations don’t make sense.
2Greys is correct at 82%.
Where the 156% and 121% come from is strange.
And Fev/FVC Ratio is 83% not 77%
Hi stone my report says fev1 L pred. 1.95 pre 2.36 post 2.35 121%. Then FVC L pred. 2.34 pre 3.65 post 3.69 156%. Fev/FVC pred. Is 0.77 pre o.65. Finding it confusing. Diagnosed mild copd. I believe it is copd because fev/FVC ratio is <70 at 65%. However fev1 is that 82%? How do you work that out. I would really appreciate your help.
Normally you would have actually result, divided by predicted for you age etc times by 100 equals your FEV1.
Looking again at your results.
Actual is 2.36 divided by predicted 1.95 times 100
Equals fev 121% normal
Actual is 3.65 divided by predicted 2.34 time 100
Equals FVC 155% normal
Ratio Fev/FVC 78%
I would ask you GP for definitive answer as to your diagnosis.
Thanks for your help.
I saw on my report fev1/FVC pred. 0.77 but pre bronchodilator was recorded 0.65. Is that obstruction because ratio is below 70? Sorry for being a pain.
Obstructive is less than 70%.
I would still ask your GP to talk through the figures.
Thanks. Tried to call blf nurse today but she had phoned in sick. Thanks again for taking the time to reply.
I was diagnosed with COPD over 8 years ago and haven't a clue what my fev1 is. I go off how I feel instead of getting anxious over figures i can't change. You will come to terms with everything, time to eat well, get some exercise , and take medication when needed
I agree with you. People get too hung up on figures, when these are only averages and there is an enormous variation between individuals. Not only that, but symptoms vary despite having the same readings, so they are only helpful in terms of diagnosis and potential treatment. The real issue is how you FEEL - getting too hung up on the figures can make you unnecessarily anxious.
It is scary when first diagnosed. We need to be kind to ourselves and get on with our lives as best we can
No, people DON'T get too hung up on figures. Clearly that doesn't work for you but it's up to the individual how they cope. Just because you don't worry about them doesn't mean this is a better way of coping. What is best is whatever works for the individual - we're all different. See my reply to Lemon7 below.
Glad to read from several posts that this has been caught early.
Make whatever changes are needed and you could do very well.
You are indeed very fortunate.
Thanks to the experienced members here for explanations.
Goodness knows the condition is enough to deal with without having to navigate a load of peculiar numbers😏
To those saying they dont worry about figures but just go by how they feel - if that works for you then great. But many, myself included, want to know as much as possible about their test results and all the information they can get hold of. This is the only way I can cope with my anxiety. Not knowing drives me crazy. Ive been managing my condition and my feelings about it in this way for nearly 20 years and it helps me feel calm and in control. We are encouraged to self-manage and this is how I go about it.
There's no right or wrong, everyone is different. But if people want to know about their results I don't believe it's that helpful to just tell them not to worry and to go by how they feel.
Thanks for understanding
People mean well Lemon7 - they think they are being helpful, and who knows, maybe some folk are helped by hearing that. Just not me, and it seems, not you either
Yes. I want to know what is going on and have things explained. Early Dec a dr told me I think you have copd just from bronchspasm symptom. It took till this week to get diagnosis. In that time I have been really bad with anxiety. My mum has this condition and deteriorated over the years. She is 83 now but her quality of life has been poor for a long time. That is my main fear. Not how long I live but quality of life and fear of deteriorating rapidly. Thanks for being understanding.
Did mom smoke with condition ad my dad did
I thought I'd replied and think I lost the text!! My mum continued to smoke on and off for another 10 years after copd diagnosis. Finally quit completely. She is 83 now, had hip replacement at age with general anaesthetic couple of years ago. I was worried not about dying but deteriorating rapidly. I think I thought of how bad my mum was but in hindsight she didn't exercise much and put on weight. Has type 2 diabetes and takes statin for cholesterol. I exercise regularly, normal weight, cholesterol ok, gave up smoking almost 20years ago before being diagnosed mild copd. I was anxious about quality of life, not death, but folk on this site with severe copd still work! I have been encouraged by them. I am going to be proactive and do all I can to help myself. Finally fingers crossed that it will help me be as well as I can, for as long as I can. Good wishes to you.
I have terr7able thoughts going through my head can't accept it
I felt like that in February when first diagnosed. Recently I have begun to think it is silly to waste a day worrying about what might be. Anyone, even folk with no lung disease, can wake up one day and find a lump. No one is guaranteed good health, no one. My way of dealing with it now is to do all I can to help myself. Do you mind my asking what stage you are? I send you all good wishes and hope your thoughts don't trouble you too long. Hope you find some calm and peace of mind soon. All the best.
When were you diagnosed, age etc. Did you smoke or do you still? I'm 63. Stopped smoking almost 20 years ago. Have healthy lifestyle. My dr thinks my copd is probably more emphysema than chronic bronchitis. I don't have cough or mucus. I was just bit out of breath on hills or hurrying up stairs. In cold air had an episode of bronchospasm. My Fev1 reading was good on respiratory tests and my dr thinks it's because I swim and was keeping fit for my age.
59 yrs old. Month diagnosed stopped smoking on diagnosis. Mine emphysima and I am struggling
Stairs hills rushing can do it long working hours.
I'm no expert but folk on this site say quitting smoking after a while their breathing improves and hopefully yours will too. Don't forget you can ring the respiratory nurses on blf site helpline number. They ring back and answer any worries or concerns you have. Also when I was anxious after diagnosis my breathing was worse. Since being more calm mine has improved. Anxiety heightens copd symptoms. Stick with this site and learn more and inform yourself. Did you say your dad had this? I definitely believe generics makes us susceptible to this illness. I wish you all the best.
Yes his was due to occupation asbestos..it's only since he feel ill.3 years ago that it's affected him. He had 2 allotments which he had to give up when he was diagnosed with bowel cancer
My father didn't have copd but had bowel cancer. You and your family have had tough things to deal with, as have mine. That's why I said earlier that no one is guaranteed good health. I know of a 4 year old with leukaemia and a 14year old receiving treatment for lymphoma. Try not to worry too much, I try not too. Don't waste a precious day of life. Take care of yourself.
And know about it if I don't have my inhaler