i've had echocardiograms, x-rays of my chest, x-ray videos of my breathing, ct-scans with contrast and hi-resolution, pages and pages of blood tests and they all report that i am healthy and "normal", yet my heart rate even laying down is 75 and walking is 100-120. I climb mountains, bike 40 miles, run 20 miles and strength train, yet my abdomen only moves 0.13cm
very short breath but every test, x-r... - Lung Conditions C...
very short breath but every test, x-ray, ct scan, numerous blood tests, spirometry, etc. is "normal" blood ox 95+% suggestions?

Hi @masduxia. So your lung function seems ok which is good. I assume they tested your thyroid? You can get breathlessness with thyroid probs but the normal NHS blood tests are very basic and docs tell you the results are normal when in fact they might not be. Just a thought...
Hi. If your abdominal area is hardly moving I think you may be breathing incorrectly. You may be chest breathing rather than from your diaphragm therefore only the top of your lungs are filling. Look up belly breathing and try to get into the habit. Extreme athletes also learn diaphragmatic breathing. If you do ab workouts then stop those immediately. Good luck.
Have you had a stress test?

I'm a smiling guy with very little stress and no anxiety. Don't really have any problems in my life except this shortness of breathing, which makes me feel tired when I'm not
Right but an exercise stress test?

Just walking test to determine if I need supplemental oxygen. My blood ox stays high. So no. But is there a treadmill test or such I should request?
No you sound healthy. Only to see if your BP drops at a higher level if exertion as well as your oxygen. If doc doesn't order them maybe leave it
I've been threw the same. 4 xrays 2 ct scans loads of blood test m. EKG stress test never had a echo just a quick one. I'm not short of breathe just have pain in my chest and back. My diagnosis is anxiety. Did your doc prescribe you beta blockers for the heart palpatations?

Docs have prescribed me nothing, except inhalers, which do nothing. Do beta blockers work for you?
Are you a pink disease survivor i have a similar story but milder symptoms