Reposting this hoping to get some feedback!
I have been experiencing shortness of breath and chest tightness for 6 weeks now. I had a chest X-Ray that came back clear.
My breathing test, however, revealed a low DLCO level at 60.4% of predicted value and a DLCO/VA of 99.3% of predicted value.
My other respiratory levels are within the normal range - so it is only the DLCO that is low.
The doctor has ordered a CT Scan, which I am getting done Thursday, but I am petrified at the idea that these numbers could mean I have lung disease. My breathlessness is now constant.
I was running around, jogging, and was very active until 2 months ago when I started feeling numbness in my right leg. I was tested for muscle and nerve disorders and everything came back clear. A few weeks after that, the heavy chest and breathlessness started.
I am a 49 year old woman.
Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Needless to say, I am a nervous wreck.
Many thanks to anyone who can help.