And another flare up. Coughing it up and keeping warm. Look after yourselves x
Another damp day: And another flare up... - Lung Conditions C...
Another damp day

You too. Take care. Thank you for the flowers 🌷

I don't do steroids very well. Just so shouty and to no end. Maybe I should stand for Parliament, and don't think I would do that very well. My anti bs are kicking in. COPD tired now but thanks for all the kindness
Take care and get well soon. Xxx
Feeling better already. Up and at them. Thank you for your kindness. Dr came out last night. Surgery rang this morning with a double quick appointment. I am okay with FEV 29/34 But worrying about drop in oxygen levels that have gone from a healthy 97 ish to 90. I know it is a progressive illness. Stay strong and do not panic
Hope you feel better soon stamford1234. (I'm new on here and your reply to Happylondon just made me laugh- the first thing that's made me laugh for a week so Thank You)! What a beautiful garden. That wasn't taken today was it?

No Art, but it was taken at a very special day at the end of Summer last. You just reminded me, we have had two trees delivered today. Not an impulse purchase, a cherry and a plum. Now I will get the breath together and plant them. I just remembered I ordered six rose bushes too I will send pictures.
How lovely having such a beautiful garden to enjoy. I do my best with our tiny back yard but ultimately it’s for the washing and the cat litter tray! Still, I manage to get some colour in there and my Passion flower flowered for the first time ever this year. Look forward to seeing some more pictures.

Hi Art,I am only up so late because I can't sleep at all with the Prednisolone. I think we will have to get some local help with the trees and the roses. You have a cat? Must run to bed now. Really COPD exhausted. Nice to talk in this breathless world
Know the feeling feel plain myself just my breathing gone to pot because of the weather. Keep warm.x