This is a new thing that has started happening to me: For the past 5 months it has slowly become harder to breathe in steam from the hot showers I take. At first I noticed the steam only irritated my lungs and I'd wheeze a little. Now its at the point that I almost pass out, the corners of my vision go black and my limbs feel heavy; heart racing. I have to leave and get fresh air and I'll be fine in about an half an hour. This has never happened before so I'm confused as to why this happens. I'm so used to taking hot showers its hard to give them up too.
Why is it hard to breathe in steam? - Lung Conditions C...
Why is it hard to breathe in steam?

Showers emit a fine mist on the edge of the water spray, this contains minute particles of water, which every time you inhale goes deep into your lungs. First to try is change your shower head to all steel or chrome covered plastic. Not a multi spray.
Second to try is reduce the water flow to lowest possible.
Keep the bathroom well ventilated, open window and door if needed.
Effects you more if you have Emphysema.
Walk in showers are better than small enclosures.
Yes!! Same problem with me. A shower is full of water (obviously) in it's gaseous form. So, we take in less oxygen. I just keep the door open. Still makes me so out of breath I could faint. 😒😓 Stone gives very good solutions. I hope things improve for you. xx
If I have to shower, I use a stool to sit on, to help me keep my balance. I prefer having a bath instead, and also leave the door open.
I always had my Oxygen on when Showering as the Humidity is higher in The Shower. Bought a Big Toweling Gown to step into rather than use any energy to towel dry. Since having my "Blingy" Valves, I do not have my 02 in the Shower, still have my Gown though. & Oxygen, mainly for night time. xxxx
When having a shower I have found that facing the shower head his far better for breathing
You don’t get that gasping effect or struggling to breath .
Hi, I have had the same problem. I found that the warm air from the shower seemed to suck out all the fresh breathable air. I installed a seat in the shower and get a carer to do my washing just so if I pass out their there to get you out. I used to physically pass out & could be useless for anything up to half an hour.
Hope you find the answer soon. I take a bath and have little steam in the bathroom but find I am reaching for the window within minutes. Will be interested to hear your outcome. Best wishes
I’m much the same Gee_Rokudo I leave the door open and have a seat in the shower ..inhaler to hand to .. x