suffocating : Hello, just joined the... - Lung Conditions C...

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Pauline-pm profile image
52 Replies

Hello, just joined the site so new to all this...I have copd and wonder if anyone can help me understand why in certain situations for example when cooking, tumble dryer, hot room, steam I can't breath and feels like I'm suffocating.... Doctor say's it's my imagination but I know it's not.... Thanks Pauline

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Pauline-pm profile image
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52 Replies

Hi and welcome to healthunlocked blf site

You not wrong there you doctor is deluded .. even tho anxarty plays as when you cant breath you do tend to suffer from it

You are quite right in what ya say lots of suffers feel same way

Must be our conditions and our airways being damaged tighting up and also being hypersensitive plays part

If you find it happen again use your blue inhaler .. I was told not to use mine more than six time a day

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply to

Thanks for that D3nis , I was beginning to think having copd is not as serious condition, as it seems medical staff treat you as though it doesn't have consequences .....I'm not one to panic but I really need them not to play things down because I have to give up smoking. I'm an optimist so if I know.... it makes me stronger, if that makes sense

Thanks again :)

in reply toPauline-pm

Defo agree there the post i have read in time here all say same and my own experance i would agree with you

Some dont like to know and some do .. I prefer to know along with a lot of others

Doc's gp see that much they go threw motions forgeting we are human and treat it like we are not capable of understanding out own condition

Who better then us to know what our bodies are saying

Stoping smoking and being firm with ya doctor will do you no harm and problery more good

Wishing you well cheers

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply to

Cheers, feel a lot better with knowing I'm not going Yes I'l definitely stop smoking :)

Take care

David123456 profile image
David123456 in reply to

If you have copd your blue inhaler won't work

-glad profile image
-glad in reply toDavid123456

why wont the blue inhalor work ?

rubyred777 profile image

Hi Pauline,

Welcome to the site. Every one will take good care of you.You didnt mention what stage you are. What is your fev 1? That will have a lot of bearing on how you feel.


Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply torubyred777

Thanks Ruby, I forgot to ask what my fev 1 is...They say I've got mild copd, but if this is mild.....

I think there's a lot more for me to know about managing it and this site is far more informative and friendly...:) xx

Hi Pauline welcome! I too get puffed with dryers etc but you wouldn't want to be in Sydney right now it is 80 % humidity, a steam bath , luckily we have a dehumidifier in the house. The best thing is to give up the fags, if I can do it well anyone can do it, you will really feel the benefits. Love and good luck with the cigs. LeeLee. X

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply to

Gosh LeeLee, I think I would die at 80% lol Hope your ok.... and yes your right off with the cigs!!!

Think this site will inspire me xx

oldcrow profile image

i suffer the same if i get to hot when cooking have window open its the steam that gets me or smoke change of tempeture causes it

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply tooldcrow

I wish nobody else had this....but I'm grateful l I'm not dealing with this on my own....Thanks xx

Hi Pauline and welcome to this amazing site! I certainly understand where you are coming from, think it is just a fact that we can no longer do these things easily, pursed lip breathing and a fan definitely help. Its not your imagination, though anxiety, which we all suffer from, does'nt help. Won't lecture re smoking, you know you have to quit!! Breath easy. Kin Xx

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply to

Thanks Kin, yes it does seem an amazing site so glad I found it... I found myself naturally breathing through pursed lips glad I'm doing it right Feel more inspired to give up the cigs with the people on this site :) xx

in reply toPauline-pm

Good luck with giving up the smokes. Never thought i'd do it, but think of the benefits, your house won't smell any more,neither will your clothes, you can go anywhere any time, the list is endless!! Try e cigs if willpower fails!! Love Kin Xx

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply to

Thanks Kin, I really need reminding of all the benefits of stopping the cigs :) xx

mustcarryon profile image

Hi Pauline. Welcome to the site. Ignore your gp, he quite obviously hasn't got a clue. All those thing affect me, steam always makes me cough and short of breath. My shower is quick with a window open, the same when I am cooking, windows open with extractor fan on. Take care.xx

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply tomustcarryon

Thank you....I almost felt as I was going crazy 3 doctors (gp & hospital) it was my subconscious or panic...thank god for all you on here :) xx

Cowbaybc profile image

Hi Pauline , it's been a year since being diagnosed with copd. I found that food cooking , particularly heavy food like sausage, hamburger well actually anything fried totally made me feel like I couldn't breathe , a few times I felt I suffocating in the shower those things were happening and then shortly after I was diagnosed. I quit smoking that day, although I do use eciggarets I vape I never had another I can stand the food and the shower no problem, but that didn't happen right away it took month, but things are so much better now...I can't believe how everything better, hang in there walk out of the kitchen but quit're going to feel great :)

Cowbaybc profile image

Sorry Pauline, it didn't only take a month it took months for things to improve..every couple of months I thought well this must be as good as it gets...but it gets better now its been a year woohoo! Good luck to you Pauline :)

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply toCowbaybc

Thanks thats just how I feel.....just being on the computer to long with the heat is hard to breath..

Was diagnosed last July... Can't wait to be free from the cigs :) xx

Offcut profile image

Welcome to the site and it has all been said above give up the smokes completely. You should make a mental note of what gives you SOB and see were the link is. Also look at your breathing technique to recover quicker.

Be Well

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply toOffcut

Thanks Offcut, I will.... I'm not usually thick....but what is SOB :) xx

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply toPauline-pm

shortness of breath

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply toOffcut

Thanks :) xx

Jolyn profile image

Hi Hubby used to get terribly breathless in the shower with the steam, so no, you're not imagining it.

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply toJolyn

Thanks for that Jolyn xx

butter-fly profile image

Hi Pauline. Glad you have joined us. Here there is always someone willing to listen to your fears and help out where possible. I have found out more about the vagaries of my condition on here than at any hospital or docs office where staff are too busy to give a lot of individual time to each and every one of us. In fact a lot of GPs are not up always up to speed on copd and anxiety related issues. Please contact the British Lung Foundation where you will find sympathetic and expert nurses willing to listen and advise. Click on the little red balloon above for the number.

Remember Pauline, we are always here to listen. Take care.


Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply tobutter-fly

Thanks Sara, I'm so glad I found you all.... feel as though I can cope better now :) xx

Hi Pauline nice to meet you and welcome to the site. Your doctor is talking tosh! All sorts of things can affect us lungies with our breathing. I find one of the worst ones for me is traffic. Aerosols can also make us worse. If you feel it makes you more breathless then it does. x

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply to

Thanks for that coughalot, means a lot :) xx

in reply toPauline-pm

You are welcome love. x

Hi - I too am new on this site & after reading all these replies I've realised that my COPD must be mild, don't know what FEV reading is, not been told, didn't know to ask either but I will next time I go. I haven't touched a cigarette for 7 years now, gave up first time 22 years ago, didn't smoke at all for 8 years, then my circumstances changed & I started again for around 2 years, gave up again for a few months, became a very secret smoker for around 2 years & so on & so on.......

I don't understand how you can smoke with COPD, even the smell of cigarette smoke hurts my chest & I get short of breath. I'm fine with steam, it helps to open up my airways so I think the advice you have been given Pauline is definitely to try to give up the weed, its not easy but I never thought I would ever finally kick it but I know I am now an ex-smoker. Good Luck

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply to

Thanks for the encouragement Penelope, it's what I need at the moment :) xx

in reply toPauline-pm

My pleasure Pauline. When I was young there was a song on the radio that had words like "I'll give up the habit I really will yet, when I've had just one more cigarette", it also had a line that said "I breathe through a kipper, some call it a lung" which turns out to be very prophetic ......... trouble was in the 60's everybody smoked, when I was in hospital as a patient the Doc would sit on my bed & pinch one of my ciggies. You couldn't make it up could you? Take one day at a time & don't beat yourself up if you fail at first just keep trying.

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply to

Oh yes I remember those days, lol Yes I will Penelope thank you for the support, the cigs will be gone before I know it :) xx

sandsandrew profile image

I feel the same way too, medical staff have came to take me into Hospital , said"Look he's panicking, so I understand how you feel, just do breathing exercises " B ig breaths in and SLOWLY LET IT OUT to calm yourself" so you are not alone. Best wishes for the future.

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply tosandsandrew

I know.... sometimes I despair with some medical staff, I do try to rise above it,lol Thanks for the inspiration it means so much.... :) xx

algil profile image

I've suffered the same way for many years,use your blue inhaler as much as needed, and I find putting my head through the open window for fresh air works well with me.try to sit down and relax also work's but you can't always do that.

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply toalgil

Thanks algil, every bit of advice helps, I do try and get myself out of the situation as quick as I can... :) xx

Nikkers profile image

Hi Pauline,

Welcome to a great site. No, you're not imagining it, many things can cause shortness of breath when you have COPD. Your GP is wrong, and there is one piece of advice I can give you in regards to that - change your GP and don't be fobbed off!

Good luck. XXX

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply toNikkers

Thanks Nik, been to GP today and told her about this great site, but you know what....forgot to ask her what my fev 1 is..... might phone them to get it... you can tell I'm new at this can't you,lol xx

katieoxo60 profile image

Hello Pauline-pm, welcome to the site. Sure other COPD suffers on the site will assure you your breathlessness is not imaginary, it is a known factor that steam effects the COPD symptoms, so sad to say your doctor is wrong on this occasion it would seem. Oh I have COPD too.

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply tokatieoxo60

Thanks Katie, I was sure I was right....I was experiencing it ..... and thanks to you all and this site, I was right.... can't tell you what that be believed xx

Dmactds profile image

Hi..., most likely it's the increased humidity..., that seems to be a burden with this health problem.

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply toDmactds

Yes I've noticed that Dmactds.... Thanks xx

barnowl1 profile image

Hello Pauline and welcome. Don't worry you are definitely not imagining it. Good advice already written all Ican add is that I tend to lie down for half an hour after a shower to get my breath back and replenish my energy. Do whatever your body tells you and you will soon learn what is best for you. Good Luck and hope you you are soon able to manage your ortnss of breath, barnowl

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply tobarnowl1

Thank you barnowl, yes it feels good to know it's real I was starting to worry because I'm not the type to panic easily and will start to listen to my body.... if I know something is wrong I can deal with it, especially with the support of you all...xx

helingmic profile image

Pauline, all this you have described does irritate the lungs. I need the window fan on and even thea windo open when I am cooking; I also put lids on pans as the steam and fumes, especially cooking olive oil, are irritants. Some detergents, definitely bleach, some soaps are also irritants. I try not to be around when my cleaner pours bleach into the toilet. I prefer the smell of vinegar to clean or soda crystals; they are not as irritants. Careful also with perfumes, that can really be atrocious.

I'm surprised that your doctor didn't prescribe you some Ventolin. Have you got a consultant and a pulmonary team nurse? if not ask to be referred to both. The pulmonary nurse is especially helpful and would never tell you it's your imagination. Hope this helps.

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply tohelingmic

Yes that definitely sounds like me helingmic.... Yes the doc has given me 3 inhalers...ventolin, spiriva and seretide they take the edge off but when I get the suffocation (like someone putting a pillow over my face... ) I have to get myself out of the situation.

I have seen a consultant once and have an appointment 3rd Feb....although he says I have emphysema and chronic bronchialsomething He thinks I'm so bad because my stamina is down but thats because of the condition, I do understand that but it's not only that..... if that makes sense.... haven't got a pulmonary nurse though... They say mine is mild... but it doesn't feel like it most of the time... But I'm learning good advice from you and others on the site, it's great xx

Shirat1 profile image

Hi Pauline, you ha e for sure come to the right place. I am new here too but I've learned more and felt more support here than anytime with a Dr. I have stage 4 copd , was told I had 1 to 2 yrs. That was 3 1/2 yrs ago and I have improved, not big but some. My point is nearly anyone that has a problem getting their breath especially when a stressful situations is going to have anxiety. For years I did a pretty good job of covering until, surprisingly a Dr noticed and recommended a med. I mentioned to him I didn't want anything addictive to which he replied, do you prefer the damage happening from the stress or taking the mildest form of the med and breathing easier. Plus I'm 76 so it's not like I'll become an addict!!!

Ask for something to help you. I only take it when I need it. Showering is hard and extremely humid weather. I'm learning to " LIVE IN THE PRESENT" not yesterday nor tomorrow. But these people here will never know how their experiences have helped this old lady have a positive attitude!!

Pauline-pm profile image
Pauline-pm in reply toShirat1

Living in the present...I love that and will use it Shirat...Yes stress has a lot to answer for,lol

I agree it is a fabulous site and everyone is so supportive and inspirational. I was so unsure of myself with this condition because I sort of felt invisible to most of the medical staff, but everyone here has given me my confidence back. Thank you for your support Shirat xx

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