Watch it! Message from Bullyboy. - Lung Conditions C...

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Watch it! Message from Bullyboy.

34 Replies

All us dogs have watches,

We know what time it is.

So don't be late with dinner

That's like taking the p***.

We know when it is walkie time

The rain is no excuse.

You know that you'll come in the end

So arguing is no use.

And when it comes to bed time,

And I'm cosy in my box,

Don't come and disturb me,

Or again I'll chew your socks!

34 Replies
sassy59 profile image

That made me laugh Don. I needed that. Xxx

in reply to sassy59

I hope the need wasn't too bad, I'm a bit behind with my reading. You and Pete OK?

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to

Yes we’re fine thanks Don but had a bit of a day to do with Petes mum. It will be ok in time. Xxxx

Oh Don-hilarious.

Apart from the rain, to which Twinkle refuses to expose his fur, he could have written this.

Right now he is giving me the dead eye because I am watching Lucy Worsley making Tudor fireworks and five minutes late with his bedtime biscuit.

in reply to

Oooo-er! I must watch that. I have a 'bit of a thing' about Lucy. :-)

in reply to

It was on last night and I recorded it. They recreated the display at Kenilworth Castle near to me. Dudley spent the equivalent of 2 mill pounds just on the fireworks when Elizabeth I visited him. My husband and I were in the explosives business so it is fascinating. How I love gunpowder!

I am going to hear Lucy talking about Queen Victoria at Stratford’s literary festival next week. Shall I give her your felicitations?

in reply to

Never mind the felicitations, get me her phone number please. 😂 BTW do the authorities know of your love of gun power? :-o

in reply to

When we first started up we used to keep it at home in a store in our field and were legally entitled to use force against any intruders. Later we bought the ICI depot in Litchfield for our new factory. The authorities were very suspicious of us at first, especially as my husband was Iraqi and so became our constant companions and eventually best friends. We made shotgun cartridges by the way

in reply to

You're not to be messed with then, eh? 🤣

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to

Me i detect a slight sexy lisp?sorry about that i had a quick hot flush :)

Another explosives the Army we used to play with plastic explosives and i just love that marzipan smell lol.

HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply to skischool

I don't know anything about explosives but I do love marzipan 😜

2greys profile image

Hahaha, it goes for parrots and sea gulls too, they have a knack for telling when it's feeding time. I swear that Sinbad could actually read the clock, or at least new the position of the hands, he was an extremely intelligent parrot.

in reply to 2greys

You were very privileged to have had such an intelligent bird for so long. Did you ever solve the mystery of the red marked seagull?

2greys profile image

That is still a mystery. It could of been blood from an injury or a dye/paint from a landfill.

HungryHufflepuff profile image

That is strangely true of my sheep, cats and foster chickens. They expect me to go out in all weather and they know when I’m late with their mealtimes and are sure to let me know too. Thanks for the laugh Don, I am sick with the flu and off my food (an unknown for me!) and totally feeling sorry for myself but I feel a whole lot better now 👍

TomTitTot profile image
TomTitTot in reply to HungryHufflepuff

Sorry you're ill. 🤒 Can't even have a lie in when you have animals. I'm thinking the sheep and chickens will impatiently wait, but cats, no. We are theirs to command and must be obeyed.

Take care and I hope you feel better soon.


HungryHufflepuff profile image
HungryHufflepuff in reply to TomTitTot

Thank you ☺️ I was just having a moment of self pity. Being at this forum is wonderful, the funnies make me laugh, the cute stories cheer me up, and everything else just puts things in perspective. But I will be glad when I feel better and as you say, I'm being commanded to get up so am currently trying to prise myself out of bed. Thanks for your good wishes, that's really cheered me up 🐈🐑🐏🐔🐓🐱 I hope you are doing well too ⭐✨

Sorry to hear you're poorly HH, I don't suppose you get much sympathy from your sheep but you do from me anyway. Glad you are feeling better now. .

Candyred profile image

Fantastic! X

kpm346 profile image

Are you talking about my border collie ha ha, instead of her box it is in my bed

Hacienda profile image

So Right Don, They are so "With it " Our Princess even chooses which Coat she wants to put on for Walkies, Got to give in.. Her own Duvet on my Bed, her own Sofa, her own Chair...ETC ETC....It's a Dog's Life. xxxxxxx

TomTitTot profile image

Love the drawing. Have you ever seen the short video clip of the impatiently waiting boxer, he sits in the driver's seat and leans on the horn. It's a hoot! 😏TomTitTot

in reply to TomTitTot

I pinched the drawing from the net,hopeless at drawing myself. I haven't seen the video, I'll go and look for it. 👍

Izb1 profile image

Oh! Don you are so funny and read the dog so well. Just love your poems, they really brighten the day. I dont have any animals, but my Mum and daughter both had dogs and it seems to apply to both of them. My daughter has a feral cat that they rescued in Tenerife she doesnt like me and I dont much like her, she claws me each time we pass, so I avoid her as much as possible, but the dog just loved me and was so funny, sadly she has now passed. X

in reply to Izb1


Kandi2 profile image

Thanks Don! A lovely morning smile!


If my Russell sees it’s raining,

her bladder closes tight!

However much persuading

won’t get her out at night!

But, so right about the mealtimes....she wakens from her snooze

Just before the News!

in reply to Kandi2

😂 Love it. xx

MoyB profile image

Fabulous, Don! I can just see Midge with her watch on - or perhaps its a FitBit these days. Lol! xx Moy

Shirleyj profile image

That sounds just like my two dogs x x x😁😁

Pantani profile image

That ode sums my dog up to a tee, she always lets you know when its walkie time and feed times.

Spacecat1 profile image

Both out cats know when it's 8pm they come in from their wander in the garden

Sit in front of me staring waiting for me to make the move to kitchen. Then it's curl up on the favourite spots on the settee. They love their creature comfort. The youngest of the 2 always knows when I'm not feeling well he snuggles up on the settee with me and the same when I go to bed.the other cat dosent get a look. But wouldn't be without them

If hubby goes out i sit and talk to them. And if we both go out we leave the radio on.

Kristicats profile image

Love it...

Harry13 profile image

Thanks for putting a smile on my face Don. Cheers. H

SquirrelsHolt profile image

Classic Hidden !!! Xxx

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