hi guys does anyone use the oxy app on there watch , I’ve tried the meter and watch at the same time they both had same readings but what I don’t get is how can it come up say 86 then I do it again takes 15 seconds later and it’s 96 can it leap that far in 15 seconds
Apple Watch : hi guys does anyone use... - Lung Conditions C...
Apple Watch

Hi Hometeam. This probably has nothing to do with your experience but I noticed different readings on my finger oximeter. I would take a reading and it would be lower than expected so I would do it again. It took a while for me to realise I was holding my breath on the first reading!
My oximeters always show a lower value at first, then it's climbs,
You need to allow a bit of time for the oximeter to settle.
I also was holding my breath, which affects reading😀
I've just bought a smartwatch and used it for the first time since yesterday.
I bought mine to monitor my oxygen levels whilst I'm sleeping.
I set it up to monitor oxygen and heart rate every ten minutes and it's given me good clear results.
Which one do u have SimonJJJ
This one, Iowodo R1.
I'm just using it to measure pulse/oxygen/sleep pattern..For 17quid you can't go wrong.
Works with Apple or Android.
Thanx4that.could u let me know how u find it,as gd+bad re reviews xx
Been using it 24/7 for almost two weeks now. It's done everything I've asked of it. No complaints from me.
I bought mine to measure my oxygen levels and sleep patterns. In doing so I've managed to work out how far to prop myself up (pillow wise) for the best nights sleep.
I've 2 oximeters. One starts off in the 80ies and climbs up to a more respectable level. The other always starts in the 90ies.
I have both an Apple Watch and a Huawei that both measure oxygen and they are different from each other most times and both are different from my finger pulse oximeter. I know the pulse oximeter is supposed to be on your finger for about 30 seconds or so for it to stabilize. My respirologist puts his oximeter on my finger and then goes and opens my file on his computer and then comes back to take the reading so he doesn’t look at it until it has been on my finger for about 30 seconds roughly. As far as going from 86 to 96 in a short period yes I believe that can happen especially if you were exerting yourself which may have caused your sats to drop and then sit down and take a reading. When my sats drop from exertion they recover quite quickly when I sit down. Of course I don’t really know if my sats were as low as the oximeter reads when I first put it on as it takes a few seconds to stabilize so the low reading when I first put it on may not be my sats being that low but may be the oximeter needing time to stabilize. When I mentioned my sats dropping on exertion to my respirologist he said he wasn’t concerned as long as they recovered in under a minute which they do.
An interesting few days
On 8/ Feb My Apple watch was going beserk.
15 alerts saying my heartbeat was very low.
I didn’t give it any thought as I was feeling ok , until I stood up, then went a bit light headed.
My sensible wife phoned 111 and spoke to an advisor , a clinician called back. After a few questions, the clinician called an emergency ambulance which arrived in 10 minutes. I didn’t fancy spending hours in A&E then being sent home.
Then it became scary
Blue lighted to A&E in the RLUH and straight into Rhesus where a Dr. and nurses waiting.
Transferred to Acute Cardiac unit
Monitoring over the night the alarms going off sounded like tubular bells where my bpm dropped to as low as 29 I was given a battery of tests and various drugs to improve the heart beat.
The next day I was transferred to Liverpool heart and chest and had a pacemaker fitted.
Good job the Apple Watch worked .
Excellent care from everyone in both hospitals.
I’m fine now thanks. Just waiting for the appointment to check it is all working ok.