Has anyone tried Stiolto Respimat-tiotropium bromide and olodaterol Inhalation Spray? My doctor just gave it to me yesterday and said it was new. It is taken two inhalations once per day. My first time was last night a couple hours before bed. I sleep so well. Not sure if it was the reason or not but I am hopefully optimistic. Was just wondering if anyone else out there has tried this medication and what there findings may be.
Has any one tried Stiolto Respimat - Lung Conditions C...
Has any one tried Stiolto Respimat

That should have read...I SLEPT so well...sorry!
Certainly NOT new!
"Tiotropium/olodaterol (Spiolto Respimat) was launched in the UK in June 2015 and is the fourth LAMA/LABA combination inhaler to be available in the UK."
Hi ribbon yes I have been having 2 puffs first thing each morning for the last year and it has so much difference. No coughing or breathlessness as before. Good luck. Jane
Oh Jane...what great news!! I quit smoking 9 months ago and have had increasing shortness of breath. Partly due to an umbilical hernia....but not sure how much is the hernia or having quit smoking and perhaps copd showing itself more....which seems odd because I would have thought it would have gotten better than worse. I am positive about this medicine helping. One dose so far and I really think I can feel a difference already. Thanks for your input. Much appreciated....just makes me even more positive!!!
I had a terrible reaction to it. Clearly I absorbed it very quickly, too quickly in fact and it made me quite unwell for several days afterwards. I went back on to trusty, unexciting Anoro which neither helps nor hinders particularly although the data would disagree with that statement according to my consultant. Really glad that it's working well for you x
Me too Clare - propped up on 4 pillows fighting for breath - just shows how different we all are in our reactions and I wish doctors would take this on board.
Wow...so sorry to hear that!!! That is so scary for both of you!! I never, ever would have even tried it had I known the possibility. I am not in a place where I have a lot of lung capacity to play with right now.
Clare...may I ask in what way you felt ill or what kind of reaction as I can be sensitive to things so just in case.....I start to feel strangely.....I will have some idea that it could be a side effect. I am not reading the leaflet.....lol
My reaction started immediately with bronchospasm. Within an hour, I was feeling ill and the chest pain was terrible. Exhaustion/fatigue and fever had flattened me within 3 hours and the GP confirmed allergic/hypersensitivity reaction. Obviously I stopped it that same day but I was ill for the next 5. I was 100% fine before I took that inhalation. I will never underestimate the power of inhalers again!
I guess it may not be new technically but it certainly is new to lots of doctors and pharmacies. I have been taking it for a couple of years and for quite some time the pharmacy didn't even keep it in stock as I was the only one using it. Lots of family doctors just prescribe what they are used to and what they have been using so it is new to many doctors. The only real problem I have had is acid reflux.
Thank you Jackdup. Acid reflux bothers me less than not being able to breathe!! So all good!!! Thanks for giving me the heads up though so I can make sure to have some meds for that if needed as I have had some issues with acid reflux without it being drug induced. Thanks too for the explanation as I am in the states. Not sure in what order the US or Britain received the med...but now I am kind of wondering what is actually being released now. If this one is this good....I am hoping the newest are even better!!! One can hope!!!
Yes I have been on it for about nine months, and its not easy! It tends to stick to the back of my throat, making me gag! It can also cause Thrush in the throat, at least it has with me, so I always use it at meal times, to try and get rid of any residue left in the mouth/throat!
Thank you Dumpton good to know as I have had issues with Thrush before with Advair. I will now be alert in catching it early should it happen. Hope things get better for you!!!
I started this inhaler at the end of May and the first day saw a HUGE improvement in my breathing. I love it. Hope it goes well for you xx
Dedalus I feel the same way!!! I am loving it so far and praying it continues. This med really gives me hope as to what they might come up with in the future!!! I pray they keep on bringing forward meds that work this well or better for everyone!!! xx
I asked to try this in February but it is not being proscribed in Bucks yet, I saw my specialist last week and she said it most likely be a benefit to me but she wants me to have a CT scan first as we think I may have another bullae problem as my lung function plummeted by 11% in 6 month and I am really struggling again.
Hmmm....so you did not have access to it before now either. I am so sorry to hear about your recent increased breathing issue. I sure hope your specialist gets you straightened out and you are able to try this medicine. If your like me, I think you will love it. I don't feel as stressed breathing wise...don't have that fish out of water feeling right now when I move around a lot. Let me know when you try it what you think and I hope all goes well at the doctors!!!!
Yes been on it for 4months never felt better..I also take flixotide for mild asthma..have no breathing or wheezing problems anymore..
I'm so excited Beverley!!! Thank you for your post!!! I also have asthma so I will keep that medicine in mind as well to ask my doctor if need be. I am feeling better than I have in a long time!!! Hope everyone finds the right medicine to leave happier!!!
Hi Ribbon36 im new on here..do you have copd..?..I have mild only diagnosed 4months ago..after chest infection...ive never suffered with any chest problems or breathlessnes before chest infection..was gobsmacked to discover I had copd + mild asthma..ive smoked for the last 40+years..but never had chest or lung problems..still smoking..just cant give up...
Yes, I do have COPD. Started just like you with lung infections. Started landing me in the hospital. I quit smoking 9 months ago. Then had emergency surgery for appendix...then they found cancer...so then surgery for colon cancer. During that time of being more non active I started having more issues breathing so I quit smoking...then I got worse....probably from inactivity as much as any thing else. I now have a huge hernia from all the surgery and am still inactive...not totally..but pretty much and cannot exercise...lots of shortness of breath since I quit....chained to the nebulizer and oxygen at times but was not on any maintenance meds. Doctor gave me this med a few days ago....now off the oxygen except for sleeping...using neb a whole lot less.....and feeling pretty good....like as soon as I have this surgery...I am going back to working out and getting off this oxygen at night!!! lol.....PLEASE try to give it up. If there was ever any one that no one thought would quit smoking...it was me. I had even resigned my self that I would die from it....I still may but not now!!! I have quit and I am not going back ...I want one every day...some time every moment....but I tell myself....to just breath in and out....and breathing feels pretty good ...especially now!!!! Please try to quit...it is too late at some point...and it gets later and later as you put it off. Hugs!!!!!
Omg you have been through the mill..fair play to u for givingup smoking..wish I could..how long have you had copd...did you have a lung function test...I did and I have 70+ lung function..my respiratory doc said it was very good considering I've smoked for 40 years..he said I could stay the same for a long time if I give up smoking..and walk every day..which I havnt done yet..what stage are you at with your copd..hope you get off the oxygen and feel better soon..god bless you...
I really don't know exactly how long I have had copd because I was told I had asthma and I am unsure if I may have also had copd as well. I had a lung function test about ten years ago and had 65% but was smoking all the time. I am not sure what my function is now. I felt like the test was taken during a lung infection to begin with so I am not sure how accurate that even was. When my lungs are clear and I have exercised and expanded them I can feel better than I did when I had that lung function test ten years ago but since quitting and not being able to exercise along with all else....it has been slow going...and I feel it!!! lol My doctor told me the same about quitting.....I wish I had back then ...but like you..I felt I could not....now I have to deal with more. Best of luck to you with quitting and God Bless you as well!!!!! xx
Been on it for about 18months and it works well for me. I recently moved and my new doctor put me on 'powder' lama/laba inhaler..... kept with it for a week but it was horrid for me, feeling of blocked up lungs and sore, very sore. Back on the 'Spiolto' now and back to walking and breathing and generally feeling better.
Works for me but everyone is different.
Best Wishes