Hi just bought a treadmill. Never used one. Consultant wants me to do more walking exercise to help with my lungs. How many minutes should I do for my first on it. Have anxiety problems so won't go to the gym.They don't want me to lose weight just get used to breathing properly before they think about an operation they looking at lung reduction. Op.so determined to do it but don't want to over do the exercise. Hubby will be around to keep eye on me.
Exercise: Hi just bought a treadmill... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi Spacecat1 .
I would say this is up to the individual and your condition. I would start with a gentle walk and build it up gradually. I also have a treadmill and walk between thirty to forty minutes each time. That paired with housework, shopping, dog walking 🐕 etc. gives me plenty of "lung exercise" time. Don't overdo it. Your pace .
Warm wishes,
Cas xx 🌸

My advice is just do what you feel comfortable with, we are all different and know our limitations. Just take things steady and build up gradually, don't try to push yourself too much. Let us know how you are doing 😘😊 Bernadette xx
I started by doing 10 min on comfortable walking speed and over time worked up to 30 min alternating flat and minor incline, I also have a mobility problem.
Find what works for you, build up gradually
You should "walk" to the point of being moderately breathless, the length of time should slowly increase before reaching that point before it levels out and then that should be your daily target.
Everyone is different. Here's some threads to read by others that use treadmills.
My Papworth bronchiectasis consultant offered me a tip early on about excercise -"don't ever be afraid to get breathless with your excercise regime". Slightly conflicts with the concept some people advocate of doing what is comfortable but I think I've found a happy medium between the two. Worth consulting your medical adviser though if you find yourself having issues with your heartbeat - ie taking a long time to recover to normal or suffering skips or unusually fast hear rates.
Good Morning Lizz, I do all Exercises on oxygen, But, I do them most Days, I go to the Gym on a Wednesday where I use the Treadmill, along with other Equipment. I generally do 5 minutes on Level 2 which I know is my Ultimate level on 02, doesn't sound a lot but it is for me, One hour is my time for all the exercise Days, Breathe Easy Exercise Class every Monday, We have now voted to have a second class every Thursday, I exercise at home, I also have a Stationery Bike. I have had Valves inserted recently, as I await Double Lung Transplant. We are all different with our capabilities, Take it slow to start and you will find your Happy Place. Good Luck Hun and keep your Body fit as you can. xxxx
Hi lizzric do what you can at your pace and gradually build yourself up you will find it gets easier and will help those Lungs.
Regards Dreana x
Thank you everyone now hubby has t read the instructions on how to put it up.
Good luck with the new machine. I love mine, and it has certainly built up some stamina over the months. I usually get on it for 30 + mins daily but had to take a break for an exacerbation, I am going to have to work back up to my 30 mins again, can barely do a brisk 5 at the moment. Go careful at first and have fun
Hope your feeling better now nothing worse than an exacerbation attack. Im hoping the treadmill will build up my energy levels. Never used a treadmill. I wouldnt go to the classes after a bsd time from staff and also anxiety attackd which i never used to have until last year when I ended up in hospital. DOCTOR put me on tablets to help. But they make me sleepy. Do hopefully treadmill i will gain some energy back and confidence.thanks for your advice. Let you know when up and running
I prefer to exercise on my own, at my own pace and I don't want to get all hot and sweaty in front of other people! It certainly boosts my energy, makes me sleep sounder and generally all round better. Managed to get to 10 minutes just now. My legs are a bit stiff for lack of exercise but my breathing is okay for me
Know the feeling i prefer to do things at my own pace and at home where if it goes wrong I can swear to myself. Hubbys now finished putting it up so I will be having my first go tomortow
That's good, and now in your own pace too. It's how you feel, that's the iimportant bit. I love it. Sometimes I just do, say, 10 minutes or so when I am waiting for the potatoes to boil. Works for me and gives a confidence boost. I keep a bit of a diary so I can mark up my progress. It's the stamina I enjoy, it gives that extra boost to the day
When I began my treadmill regimen with pulmonary rehab, they said do what's comfortable at first and then move up to 15 min.; did 15 for a few weeks, once a day, then on to 30 min or as close to it as I could get. When I finally hit 30, maintained that but increased tilt and speed.
Basically just do what you can handle but stretch it a bit. You'll be fine. Wear your oxygen.
I would advise you to get checked over by your doctor first before starting an exercise program. Then a slow gradual build up to the speed and distance you walk. I have fast and slow days. On a slow day I walk longer distances obviously on a fast I walk shorter distances but at a lot faster pace. I am comfortable getting out of breath but others are not. The important thing is that you are exercising.
My consultant advised me last week t do gentle exercise st the moment can barely walk. He's hoping gentle exercise will get my lungs going then next year I may be allowed to have the lung coils or reduction operation which is what I am aiming for and hopefully my consultant can see i pushing myself. Wants to see me next year. Think i am aiming for about March. So work to do. Let you know how I go
I have a treadmill and a fixed cycle in the garage. I have 23% projected lung and I walk for about 2 minutes on the treadmill and I am breathless totally. I use the cycle in much the same way. Slowly over the summer I have increased to 3 minutes at a time. I sometimes repeat this 10 or 15 minutes later when I am fully recovered. I also join a Friday class of get fit with easy moves sitting on a chair which has been very helpful. However little you do I am sure like me you will feel a benefit. Best of luck,
Good on you Hun, I know how it is, 32% and been Treading every week for 2 years plus Bike at home. Do it with my Buddy 02, we tend to do most things together. I am going to increase My Treadmill walk to 10 mins this Wednesday. Off to Breathe easy Ex., Class Now . All Systems go now. Good luck to you hallentine . xxx
Best get some science in it: Get yourself an inexpensive heart rate monitor (watch & transmitter). It'll include recommendation about your heart rate and age and how to calculate your optimum training rate. Use that to determine what the optimum training heart rate is for you whilst exercising. You'll eventually find you have to do more to get to that ideal rate and you'll know you've improved.
Usually 75% of your max is sustainable enough and doesn't totally exhaust out.
Using it regularly will help you get to know your body's exercise tolerance and how to safely push yourself.
My machine is in our garden room. To start with I found it boring so I got a cheap TV and a few box sets of Dad’s army, etc and by watching an episode per session found the time went quicker and I got more benefit.
Hi. Just to add, exercise stimulates the serotonin in our brains - the feel good factor - so will also help with your anxiety and make you feel better.
I would take it slowly & gently with say 3 or 5 minutes three times a day, building up each session by a minute every couple of days. This will improve your stamina & muscles slowly & without harm. It won't be long before you're doing 30 minutes per session on a higher setting & swinging your arms as you go! Good luck. P
My sister bought one, it nearly caused divorce. Was so large they couldn't lose the door 😂
Start at a gradual pace and when you are comfortable kick it up a notch......slow but sure 🐞
I’d let my body be my guide. Start slow and increase. You will know what you are actually capable of. Exercise is key to a longer life with lung disease.
If any of you have a Fit Bit we have a group on facebook. I set step challenges weekly, weekends and one goal day during the week to encourage each other to walk as much as we can. We have members at all stages of COPD. Unfortunately we can't accept people who do not own a Fit bit. It is a closed group meaning that only members of the group can see the posts. Some of us make a supreme effort to manage 3,000 steps a day whilst others manage 30,000. It's not a race, it's the taking part & encouraging each other that matters facebook.com/groups/1587237...
Listen to your body. You'll know what's right. Just push yourself that little bit more when you think it's time to stop. Good luck.
Good luck with your running