Hi all hope you are all coping ok with the warm weather. I am having trouble laughing as i end up coughing then cant breath with my COPD. Mine is moderate and i take Fostair and Incurse inhalers. Anyway the main reason i am posting tonight as about a month ago i was diagnosed with IBS ( irritable bowl syndrome ). To put it midly its not very nice and most days i am finding it quite stressful. I understand there are steriods in one of my inhalers i am not sure what one. The thing is i get very, very hungry. I am not sure if its the steroids or from giving up smoking ( i gave up November when i first found out about COPD ) or if from having an empty stomach from going to the loo so much with IBS.
I am curious with the steroids as i am sure they are to blame for my vivid dreams/nightmares. If it is one of the inhalers is it wise to ask to have it change or just put up with the dreams?