Good afternoon all. I am in desperate need of advice. I've tried all different ways of giving up smoking and always fail. I know how destructive it is yet I still do it!!! Any help or tips would be trule appreciated. Thankyou
Smoking: Good afternoon all. I am in... - Lung Conditions C...

Oh wish I could tell u to stop I was the same I gave up for 5 months bit of stress on Thursday back on it not good
Have you tried Champix? I tried many, many times and finally succeeded 11 years ago. It's not easy but if you want it badly enough you can do it and don't let your brain or emotions tell you differently! 😊
Have you tried vaping, nicotine only not flavoured. Less harmful then traditional tobacco products.
I smoked for 40+ years and stopped 14 weeks ago. Tried everything from cold turkey to vaping. Finally went to a hypnotherapist, 1 visit and I haven’t touched or wanted a cigarette since x
I used patches and the occasional 2mg gum when needed. Tried vape but it didn’t suit my throat. Don’t beat yourself up about it .Just keep trying. I still have relapses I.e holidays, odd weekends then just back to the patches and gum. It’s a constant struggle for many if honest and I really admire anyone who simply gave up and never looked back. Just keep trying . Never give up giving up!!
I stopped 18 months ago and tried most things the only one that worked for me was Gum
It helped me give up by only allowing myself one cigarette per hour, when I was able to manage with less I saw a no smoking nurse at th GP surgery and was given patches . I never had another one. The knowledge of knowing something was wrong kept me from going backwards and 6months later I was diagnosed with COPD. Please don't give up trying, it will be well worth the effort.
This book gets good reviews:
Good luck!
My 20yo daughter has started smoking which is heartbreaking as I'm caring for my mum who has COPD from smoking as a young woman
I cut down in stages as I couldn't give up smoking all at once. First, I didn't smoke until midday. When I got used to that I didn't smoke until the 6pm news on TV. When I got used to that I set the date, and gave up on 1st August 1985. I also identified the times I was most likely to crave a cigarette, and changed my behaviour at those times. So my favourite smoke was with a cup of coffee after a meal. So I started drinking tea instead of coffee, and getting up to do the washing up instead of sitting at the end of a meal. I also replaced the hand to mouth motion of smoking with eating sunflower seeds singly. And I looked at everything I could find about the damage smoking does and what the lungs of smokers look like in comparison to people who don't pollute their lungs.
All the best for your next attempt. Just keep trying and one day it will stick.
I gave up smoking over a decade ago having found it impossible to give up. Then I had no medical problems except a bit of asthma. After years of trying this is what I did.
1. I set a date a month later and decided that was when it would happen.
2. Whilst waiting for that date I stopped having a cigarette when I usually did so I didn’t have one, for example, whilst driving, after I had eaten, in the house, when on the phone.... in short all those times I one had one out of habit.
3. That man who wrote books on giving up smoking had drawn some simple, funny cartoons and they were in two little books (one to read before and one when you did it) so I looked at those.
4. On the day I stopped I went to the chemist. They examined me and gave me patches.
5. I started using the patches and went to the chemist weekly. The patches irritated my skin and gave me nightmares but I used them.
6. I did some second hand smoking in that I chose to stand with my smoking friends but not for long.
The upshot is: I never smoked again and have never even being tempted. And believe me ... I’d tried everything else.
Which is just as well as, following pneumonia 4 years ago, I got bronchiestisis which has nothing to do with smoking and my lung function is brilliant but heaven knows how that would have worked had I smoked!
I do hope this helps!
I know it's easy to preach when you've done it but at the end of the day you have to decide to quit and not 'try to quit'. Trying implies failure . The first 2 weeks are hardest. You can try sipping water every time the cravings come on or get up and move around. Sweets can help. It's about distraction. Visualise yourself as a non smoker. You could get some pictures of really damaged lungs and put them on the wall where you can easily see them. Congratulate yourself every day you don't give in. You will do it believe me. I smoked for many years and tried all the usual things, acupuncture, patches, Zyban but always failed. Once I'd made my mind up to stop, it made it easier. Good luck
Hi I gave up 20years ago after smoking for 33. I actually tried many times but the last 3 werr the most memorable. I tried hypnosis and after would have mugged someone or even killed for a cig. Chalked that down to big fail. I then tried with patches didn't even start them. Think I may have been afraid they would work. Fail again. Finally with my husband and daughter 'nagging' me I decided I'd do it. i had 2 cigarettes on the sunday and Monday morning I took off the patch and cadged a cig from a friend. It tasted disgusting so I threw it away put the patch back on and never smoked another cigarette. I actually used the oatches for just 5 days. So keep it up and it will come right in the end. Be positive you will win. Good luck!!
I did it with ecig smoked e cig for 8 months. Not smoked for 2 years
Hi, I tried many things to stop smoking - the only thing that worked for me was taking- nicotine lozenges - available from Boots and Large Tescos.
Be aware they are not cheap, but are cheaper than smoking.
Good luck.
Oh Festie I feel your pain and frustration .. it’s a horrid addiction but we love it.. I stopped smoking with the patches ..boiled sweeties plus lollipops plus chocolate .. chocolate bars oh crisps more chocolate cakes candy .. yip I stopped but put on 2 stone!..
I've found that finding a reason outside health (which is important) I gave up 16 years ago when I saw my first grandchild, been tempted a few times but fortunately the grandchildren kept coming 😁😂 . I've got 4 now and wouldn't risk it until they've grown.
Try find a reason outside.
Worked for me.
The only thing that helped me stop was Zyban and now my Dr says they won't prescribe it anymore for smoking. Why I asked, and I'm still waiting for the reply. Possibly its because its a treatment for depression. Can I get a private prescription to buy it myself.? No. When I asked why, I still await an answer. Online they ask for a lot of money for these tabs but it's worth it to pay for them. I know there are others like Nicotinel and Champix but they did absolutely nothing for me.

Hi Festie,
I imagine you've already seen all the advice on the British Lung Foundation website? If not, that's a good starting point and might have some ideas you haven't already considered to help you kick the cigs for good:
Failing that I know that my friends found that mobile phone apps which tell you exactly how long you've gone without a cigarette and calculate how much money you've saved were a really good motivational tool.
Best of luck.
You really have to want to give up, that’s all that’s necessary Willpower
I'm the same Festie, life is so stressful when you have COPD, I find it a comfort although I know it's such a dreadful habit. Will we live any longer if we give up now or will the stress of giving up kill us. I'm 74 & smoked since I was 15.
Thanks everyone for your advice. This forum is a constant source of strength and information and I am so grateful for all of it.
I took chantix for a month but didn't stay on it due to the cost. I set my quit date, but immediately stopped smoking in the house. I cleaned my house top to bottom, washed all the bedding, curtains, etc. On my chosen "quit date" I started using the nicotine patch for the nicotine withdrawal, for that hand to mouth part of the habit I sucked on red licorice. Once I got past having to have something to puff on, I sucked on butterscotch candy for the occasional cravings. I have been smoke free for almost 18 years.