Anyone bin using E Cigs iv got a vapestick used it since march when i found out id got tumour on left lung ( had op to take it out) i am still using E Cig but just recently had a sore throat bit of a cough πx
Smoking: Anyone bin using E Cigs iv got... - Lung Conditions C...

Ive been vaping for 15 months now. In the beginning i remember I had some small problems I guess were related to the change from cigs to e-cigs. Now the only problem I get is a tickley cough at times but not sure if its the e-cig or fending off a cold.
I take honey and lemon hot drink each morning now but a gargle with salt water every now and then helps too.
Thanks jjude have you had or got probs w lungs or breathing i had 3/4 lung took out iv bin using ecigs to help keep me away from biscuit tin bin off work 5 months and struggling w weight gain due to stopping smoking and not being able to work π£ x
Well when I decided to give the dreaded weed up I was at a point where I could barely walk across the garden without being extremely short of breath, so made a decision to give up, that was 15 months ago. E-cig made it extremely easy for me and Ive not had one since. Then less than 6 weeks ago popped to docs about a nurse saying I had a low oxygen reading. was sent for a spiro test and was told I had copd with 43% capacity. But Ive not sat around(well not after the first day) and even though I have a degenerative disk/spine problem my posture not helping my breathing, I got to work on breathing exercises and other bits n pieces. Feel lots better just wish Id done it all sooner. My problem with weight is holding on to it. So my diet is high fats and cream cakes. little but often. at 8.7 last weigh in I'm happy.
So do u still use ecig now u bin diagnosed w copd Iv just read the mirror article looks positive for us who use e cigs there bin such a lot of bad reports especially where I live in South Yorkshire Iv also started excercising so hoping to get sum o this weight off π x
Yes I still use the vapour, and can't really see me giving that up any time soon. I can only go by how I feel, and to be honest, if i hadn't given up when I did, Id be in a sorrier state right now, and not looking too good. I found that link through twitter when I was browsing the tweets, don't know how I missed it from my FB feed.
Up here in the north east seems like everyone is using a vapour rather than a ciggie.
Yeah loads use em here it's just negative feedback from docs , nurses when I av to go for checkups but I will show em mirror report π x
Whenever Ive said Ive give up the fags but use a vapour doctors and nurses say thats ok. so if they aren't worried neither am i
I thought I would give them a go but couldn't get on with them made me cough more than real thing and was getting lot of pain in chest so I stopped using them the cough and pain stopped but then ever one is different
Ive also just come across this
I've gone onto Nicorette inhalers as there is no vapour, just nicotine, works for me and you can get them on prescription. Good luck, it is hard stopping smoking but don't stop stopping that is the key. if at first you don't succeed, try try and try again. You can beat it.
I've been an on/off smoker since 2000....I was a 40 a day for 50 years or so, I had an awful cough and felt awful, I would stop for a few months then back on them. I went to a smoking cessation clinic and tried Champix, magic...... I was always welcomed back when I fell off the wagon. I found that it was that hand to mouth was what missing and so tried Nicorette inhaler, works for me after doing the champix to get me off the cigs. Was using the e cigs but when I got diagnosed COPD decided I shouldn't put anything into my lungs that hadn't been tested as safe. Hope this helps, smoking cessation clinics are great. I feel great, no cough, put on some much needed weight.
I've been off them a year now, do have an odd one here and there.
I use ecigs and get a sore throat sometimes - but did with smoking as well - I swear by Olbas Pastilles they soothe it and clear it brilliantly good luck xx