I haven't posted for ages because I've been ill on and off and have lots of family commitments. I suffer from bronchiectasis, asthma and bile acid malabsorption. I am applying for PIP but it is making me anxious. Any advice would really helpful.
Applying for PIP: I haven't posted for... - Lung Conditions C...
Applying for PIP

I personally can't help you. But if you ring blf on Monday they have a benefits advisor. And will help you. Best of luck to you
Have a word with the BLF Benefits Advisor
When applying for PIP, do not stress the things you can do, stress those you cannot do, or do as you used to. Be honest about breathlessness, difficulty washing and dressing. If something as simple as making a drink leaves you heaving for breath say so.
Say it how it is on a bad day. If you could do with grab rails, a stool in your shower and any other aids say so.
I know we are all, quite rightly, proud of the things we manage to do despite our lung conditions but PIP assessment is not the time to say so.
Have to hand, a list of medication, any documents from health officials and a personal list of all the things you find difficult because of your lungs.
Most PIP assessors are really nice. If you get a muppet who refuses your claim then appeal.
Wishing you all the best xx
Keep a detailed daily diary for a short while. The information will be useful for helping you to complete the forms. There isn’t enough room to put everything down so write it on pieces of paper and attach them to the form. Include a list of medications. Keep a copy and send the original via recorded post.
Every small detail must be mentioned e.g. if you cannot bend down to put your socks on then you are not fully capable of dressing yourself. Think of what your carer does for you because you cannot complete those tasks and be sure to write them down. Also write down the emotional support you need.
Have someone with you. Mine was done at my house as my copd us pretty bad. My hubby was brilliant. She did want me to walk upstairs but explained I have problems we had to have chairlift in. They try and catch you out I did get turned down and when we read report she hadn't put anything in report about having to use oxygen all day I was sat with s tube. We insisted they got reports from hospital which I had just come out of and speak to my gp. Day later they came back and had reversed their descion and was entitled to full pip. Have a look at website benefits and works. Or speak to age concern who usually have an office near by to you and they really helpful as well blf.
Hi, you don't need to be anxious about it. All u need to do is complete the form. If they need any more information or they want you to see their own gp they will inform you. Just tell them everything. The more you delay it the more pip you are losing. It cannot be back dated!!!!
Just remember to fill out the form as though your talking about the worse day scenario PIP is all about how you can/can't cope not about whats wrong with you.
I'm in the same situation and also feeling incredibly stressed by it - as well as angry that I have to go through it. I'm not expecting to keep my car, even though I'm worse now than I was in 2011 when given an indefinite lifetime award. However, I'm not going down without a fight!
I know how you feel. I keep questioning myself as to whether I'm poorly enough.
Does your council run a benifits advisory service as they do in Nottingham where we live if so I highly recommend you us this servic as they will fill out the forms with you also if you need to appeal the decision they will take you through this as well, good luck
Please remember when applying for PIP. it is not what illness you have it's how it affects you...
for example cooking a meal for one. Do you get dizzy from side effects of medication? can you bend to an oven to remove hot dishes,, Just a couple of examples.
Dressing - Can you dress yourself or do you need help, for example do you get pain or breathless - If you need help how long each day,,,, Just an example,
Can you bathe and be safe on your own,? Do you need help with reach and can you manage to wash your own her, if not why? How many days a week,,,
Toilet needs - Even if you just need help holding the wall because you are out of breath or in pain, this counts..
With PIP you must need help 7 days a week and for a substantial amount of time, The above are basic care needs.
There are also getting about questions which I won't go into..
You will probably have to have a one on one with ATOS, not as bad as it sounds. Or they may contact your GP.
Good idea to get an adviser but the basic questions above still apply.....Remember it's how your disability affects you.
I have just scraped the surface here but one bit of advice - Side effects of medication and in you case being short of breath can be the thread than runs through the 4 examples I have given. Good luck.
To quote Abigail ... You don't need to be anxious about it. All u need to do is complete the form. If they need any more information or they want you to see their own gp they will inform you. Just tell them everything. The more you delay it the more pip you are losing. It cannot be back dated!!!!
I would say that the sooner you apply the better because if you get it, it is back-dated to the date they receive your application. My husband sent his in in September but, due to an op getting in the way, he was not interviewed until April. He was given the enhanced rate for both - back-dated to September! (Just for info, they do not usually allow such a delay - but his application was put on hold when we informed them of the op - we then had to ask for a reconsideration when he was ready.)
The assessor we had was very pleasant and appeared to appreciate how much he was struggling. I would reiterate that you should emphasise ALL the things you have difficulty with.

Thank you harts. I'm anxious because I don't look ill. I don't seem to be as bad as some people here and I don't use oxygen.
Myc husband looks healthier than I do until he starts to move! He is not on oxygen but is on max medication for his condition. His SATS levels are fine until he has an infection. They do not judge you on that alone. The fact that he cannot walk more than 20 metres without stopping to catch his breath, cannot cook a meal on his own, cannot wash himself without help, cannot wash his hair, cannot walk upstairs, wash his clothes, go shopping, sort out any domestic emergency - in fact do hardly anything for himself.... But if you see him watching TV and holding a conversation you would think he was fine. We have just changed our car to an automatic in the hope he might be able to drive again (no energy wasted changing gear) but no such luck. Just emphasise the tasks you need help with -don't say you can if there is any doubt - and you should get the help you deserve. If you need more exact detail just ask. Good luck.

Thanks so much. It's really kind of you to spend the time to give me so much information when you obviously have a great deal to do to care for your husband.
Hi. I don't look poorly just have trouble with my breathing. I find cooking difficult I panic with my breathing so my hubby took over cooking. For me I have anxiety attacks with my breathing. Worth trying get someone to help you fill in form
Ask your consultant to complete the form on your behalf. I only had to fill out my personal details and my consultant completed everything else on the form.
I can’t really add to what Wheezyof and others have said, other than to say good luck with it and try to stay calm. Make sure your answers are for your worst days, not your best 😊
I am on ESA and PIP. I have been getting the payments since 2015.
In the first instance I had to fill in the forms and then have an interview with a Advisor. She was a Nurse who was qualified in the condition we both have. Anyway at the interview I was asked a lot of questions about my condition and was awarded points on the basis that my Bronchiectasis effected my lifestyle.
I wouldn’t worry yourself over this issue. Just be honest about how your condition effects you and your family on a daily basis. You will be fine I am sure