Just returned from my 'walking tests'. Results are, after both tests - 1x6min without oxygen and 1x with @2lpm - certainly will benefit from ambulatory oxygen. Have been recommended for Liquid Oxygen (LOX), just have to wait for BOC to install - can't wait. The benefit I felt from just having the oxygen for 6 mins was indescribable, especially given our current temperatures! So I know that my breathlessness can be improved. Another thing I was offered, was the 'In-house' rehab 2hrs a week for 6 weeks. Can anybody tell me what the 'standard' exercise list consists of, as being of an 'independent' - some would say 'bloody-minded' nature I kindly refused the offer but the team was unable to furnish me with a list of their own?

Barneysbull,in my opinion you are being 'bloody-minded'as you say,why not at least attend one of the in house sessions and at least then you will see some of the exercises which are generally geared up to suit individual needs,discuss what you think works best for you and if you don't like the set up or regime you can do your own tailored regime at home.the reason i say this is that some people including myself waited a considerable amount of time for a PR course and i think you should at least give it a try...rant over and good luck to you in the future...........Ski's and Scruffs
The exercises may vary from group to group depending on location and available equipment.
Mine was, pre exercise warm up walking stretching, follow by walking, step ups, sit to stand, leg foot stretch, wall push ups,
Weight lifting ( hand), exercise bike. Upper body twist. Shadow boxing.
Followed by one hour education.
Different areas may have slightly different exercises.
after having 2 wait 3yr's to get on a pulmonary rehab course i went 4 an assessment 3day's ago i was feeling apprensive about going because ive been struggling 2 breath with the humidity in this hot weather, but i managed 2 get there, glad i did, i struggled a bit on the walk assessment, but got accepted and learnt a lot more than i get from my doctor, start my course on 14/ 8/ 18 for 9 weeks
Pleased to read that you have been prescribed supplementary oxygen - I am sure it will help but may not impact your breathlessness!
Whereas Pulmonary Rehabilitation will almost certainly help breathlessness.
These exercises in Rehab are a combination or cardio vascular exercises and muscle resistance exercises, both of huge value to us.
I don’t understand why you are refusing what has been offered to you? Many people are not offered this help because it doesn’t exist in their area.
Why don’t you change your mind and attend for the 6 weeks, make to most of the course then you will have to continue on your own anyway.
I would take everything on offer, you are lucky, some people have to wait weeks to get PR. You’ll get moving and it will improve your lung capacity thus your breathlessness..
Take care..
Try it if it's not for you move on so the next person can take your spot and not have to wait
I am not an exercise person at all but can only highly recommend pulmonary rehab. The benefits are great as are the dedicated physios. I went to my first class thinking this is not for me but was quickly converted. Do give it a try at least, I would be amazed if you didn't get a lot of good out of it. All the best.
Hi, I suggest you take the rehab, they have certain exercises that if they are too much they will stop you. It's fun to be with other sufferers who may be better than you or worse. There is a walking test, weights small - 5kg, either 1No arm or 2No depending on ability, a step up with different heights of platform. An elasticated band of various tensions, sit ups slow bend crouching, leg weight lifts and other exercises, you feel a bit drained after the first one but you DO get stronger and should be able to feel the improvement. They test you at the end with a walk test that usually shows how much further you can go after the building up. I too have had an oxygen test but unfortunately I am a mouth breather so the test with oxygen didn't quite work on me. If you feel better for it good on you.
Hi, Take the advice from everyone here, I have had 5 Courses over the last few Years as I await Double Lung Transplant. I'm still here and With my 02 , I am doing very well. I thank PR for this and the New Valves I have. Good Luck, Please give it a try, Your Loss if you Don't. . xxxx
Hello barneysball. I have got copd and emphysema. I have done the 6 week stint in pulmonary rehab and have carried on 1 hour per week at my own expense because I feel it does me good. The exercises we do r walking then use dumbbells to help the upper arms also we do step ups and others. These r all done at ur own pace. I had not really done exercises like this before but I feel a lot better for it. It has helped me with my bowls. I can’t sing it’s praises enough. It helped me so much that I was asked to talk to new comers and explain how it has helped me. Other patients say it is good to hear from someone who has got lung problems. Sorry if I have gone on but in my opinion it is worth a go. Hope this helps in some way. Best wishes. 👍🤓