Hi guys how are you all? .. I have been experiencing a weird sensation of numbness in my right lung coming up under my arm, it’s not a pain a such but a very uncomfortable feeling. Can anyone relate to this? Doctor did say there was some crackling in the lung when she listened .. very emotional day yesterday and today just looking for some help here .. xx
Pain in right lung : Hi guys how are... - Lung Conditions C...
Pain in right lung

Hi Candyred sorry you're not feeling great. Did the doctor prescribe anything for the crackles she heard ? You may be nursing an infection which will make you feel rotten.
You said yesterday was a very emotional day and I'm not prying but just want to say that if you're struggling emotionally why not see the doctor. We trot off to GPs with all our physical ailments but hesitate to go and mention our feelings. I carried grief around with me for six years and finally accepted a low dose antidepressant. It does take the edge off things. Sorry if I'm rambling and being no help at all but I hope you feel better soon. Take care, Sheila xx
Hi, this sensation maybe related to a partial collapse of the lung, see if your GP can refer you for an xray or CT scan at your local hospital.
Hiya Candyred not been on here for long time due to husband been terminally ill.Like you my right lung is really bad.I have had 2 courses of Doxycycline & steroids.I was feeling worse sats at 89 and feeling like lung is paralysed.I went to GP yesterday he said right lung was bad along with breathlessness.He said maybe the bug in lung had become resistant to doxycycline as that's only antibiotic that's ever cleared things.He said he didn't think I was going to avoid hospital for Iv.I am still same so have 24 hours to see if improvment.I am also on a long course of steroids instead of 8 a day for week.I hope you start to feel better very soon.Its a horrible illness and does have times of been emotional.I am on antidepressants now.Speak to your GP you are not alone with these feelings.I cry as am only 54 and can't do the things I want with my 2 grandkids.At times I feel my bond with my wee grandaughter is not the very close bond I had my hubby will tell me I only think that.I love them both so mutch they are our world x
Hi ... this is my first post . I’ve been asthmatic since early childhood and have managed to reach 70 ! Over the years I’ve been on every drug imaginable. Last year I had pleurisy with very bad pleural pain . It’s mainly my right lung that’s always been the villain of the piece !!! Anyway after months of pain and awful breathlessness I caught pnuemonia and was admitted to hospital . Tests and scans have now revealed I have bronchiectasis! Every day is unplanned as I never know how I will feel ! I suffer extreme fatigue and it appears now that even after a day out I spend the next in bed . My doctor has given me an emergency kit of steroids and antibiotics. I was taking doxycycline for a long while but the hospital immediately changed to clarithrimycin which appears to work much better . I do hope you find a life balance but overall you must listen to your body and make concessions to your disease . Good luck !! Xx
Hi, can't help you with diognos , but know how you feel emotionally , I was diognosed with lung disease in December, and getting my head round it is hard , I try and be positive and tell people I'm fine, but deep down I'm not , but this site is good as we all relate , so when your feeling low send me a message xx
Linnie13 thank you that was so nice to read . . I struggled for many years but now i take each day as it comes .. same to you if you need a shoulder I’m here 😊
Thanks for that, my condition is a strange one , suffered for a out 7 years with a cough , hos treated me for reflux although I kept telling them I didn't have symptoms for that , so spent a couple of years on stomach tabs that didn't do a thing , I saw another doctor in November ,who said it wasn't reflux but down to a blood pressure tablet , I had asked in the past if it could be that ,and was told no, anyway I took Ill 22 December with pneumonia and went into stage 2 respiratory failure , whilst in hos was told I had fibrosis scarring ,and was refererd to a specialist at another hospital ,had tests and now been diognosed with hypersensitivity pnuemotitious ,caused by something in the environment. Could be birds but not sure, now I am on a low dose steroid and immunity suppresent tablets ,also I now have to use ambulatory oxygen , I find having to use the oxygen ,the worst ,I'm 62 and up to December worked full time and had a busy life, now I have retired and slowed down , but I'm still going that's the main thing , sorry for going on but it helps to talk about it x
Hia this whole lung stuff not very not understood nor how our emotions impact . Don't laugh I am the retired psychologist. Should know .but Uk not good this .i trained USA and mostly worked around world . What I do know here you have to keep asking . Experiment your meds . I have docs here who work with me pluss doc friends SA . I have no problem some meds that take edge off . But I silly fool who started this steroid story . I really feel for u .i go acupuncture. Have amazing oriental cat . If you england this summer high polen levels Not cool . Xx
Hi Candyred I've deleted what I'm writing about 5 times but just wanted to say I hope you're doing as well as can be. Especially with the steroids, or asteroids as someone I know called them.