Hi everyone, I am in desperate need of help and advice. I have emphysema, and I have been paying off monthly for a much needed holiday for myself and my husband. This will be our last holiday abroad as I had to take early retirement on medical grounds and the work pension is almost a thousand pound a month less than what my wages had been! Anyway, I have to have oxygen for the flight, I think it was 2 litres a minute. When we went away 2 years ago, I had to arrange all this for the first time. Well, I have just found out that Thomas Cook (the airline we were with in 2016) are no longer providing additional oxygen on the plane! They have said that I can take a portable concentrator, and when I said I don't have one, they advised me to speak to my GP. So, does anyone have any advice? Is there maybe an option for me to hire one? Basically, if I can't get one to take with me, then I can kiss goodbye to this very much needed, not to mention expensive, holiday.
HELP!: Hi everyone, I am in desperate... - Lung Conditions C...

Thank you, I have taken a look, I will have to give them a call later to find out how much it will cost to hire a portable oxygen concentrator. Busy this morning, but by lunch time, I will be ready to make my phone calls
I don't know who your oxygen supplier is, bu mine changed liquid oxygen to a portable concentrator a few months ago. They are Aire Liquid. My respiratory nurse changed my prescription to one of those instead of the liquid oxygen. Hope you enjoy your holiday. Keep smiling
Carole x
I we are going away in September and need oxygen for the flight
I use a portable Concentrator at home but we are not allowed to take these out of the country plus they are not powerful enough
So I went to O2 we have got one for £345 pounds it’s more powerful it has a 6 hours running time I have ordered an extra battery so I can keep the oxygen going hope this helps .
Hi I cannot answer you but, one of the members of this forum uses IHIC for when he is abroad but not sure whether they allow it for plane travel I'm not sure. Try BLF mrsmummsy administrator she msy be able to throw some light.
Good luck.