Hi.I just found the and joined. It looks like I will be wishing that I found it earlier. I do have copd but I’m sure it would be a lot better if I could talk myself into quit smoking. I know I need to but don’t want to but I’m trying.
Me and copd: Hi.I just found the and... - Lung Conditions C...
Me and copd

You need to give up and you need to want to. A few years down the line, as life gets harder, you will be wishing you quit years sooner. The longer you continue to smoke the sooner that day will arrive and the longer life will be harder.
If your really struggling, speak to your pharmacy they may offer a one on one support.
You can also give e-cigs a try, nicotine based not the flavoured.
Is e-cig something that can be used with COPD without damaging the lungs any further?
There’s very little information concerning the long term effect and safety of e-cigs. General consensus is that they are less harmful than tobacco products. Using as a means of smoking cessation, the nicotine vapes, could be a good thing.
I know from personal experience that some flavoured vapes can trigger a breathing episode.
If i can do it you can i smoked for 45yrs i am 5 months cig free now x
Hi don't beat yourself up over it as you will stop when the time is right. I don't condone it but I carried on smoking for 9 years after diagnosis and only managed to give up last year. I am fortunate to have stayed only mild and I know others won't be that lucky. Carrying on smoking is playing Russian roulette with your health.
I finally managed it with the help of the Quit site on here so I recommend you join them as they will help you a lot. x
Thank you for the advice. I will join that one
I actually lurked in there for a good couple of months before stopping. I was terrified wondering if my depression would get worse etc. Then I decided how I was going to do it and went for patches and the white inhalator. I put off using the patch for nearly a week then got so fed up with my mind arguing with itself one day I just shoved a patch on to see what would happen I have been stopped for nearly 8 months now. x
Hi , you kept smoking nine years after diagnosed mild and you stayed mild , that’s amazing , so it’s pissible somone stays mild after quitting ?
Yes it is but I wouldn't recommend testing it to see if you do! I just got lucky that's all, most other people's lung function would decline and it could really accelerate it so you end up at the severe level. x
accelerate while smoking you mean ?
Yes. This is a risk I took and it was ok for me. I must have some good lung genes as well as bad, but there is no guarantee it would be the same with you. Like I said I got lucky.
What really helped me stop too was online friends on here who were worried about me continuing smoking and saying they didn't want me to end up like them. I had long accepted that copd and smoking would kill me in the not too distant future and part of me thought who cares? I had a friend with that attitude and she died at a year older than me.
Now suddenly by giving up the evil weed I have given myself a future and it feels strange but good. x
Great you took the right decision. I already stopped smoking and inhaling any sort of smoke and this decision will never change. Thanks for the encouragement
That's great. It took you less time than me to stop so well done. I am at 8 months now and I won't pretend it is or has been easy. x
I really stopped cigs on feb 2015. Since that time I can’t stand the smell and I have no need whatsoever to smoke again . It’s great feeling and I wish everyone will stop smoking to experience the change.
8 months is great achievement , it’s never easy , I smoked around 20 years and it was the hardest thing to do to quit. But it’s done.
Hi I succeded finall with HYpnosis, but it was also about dfinding someone I really liked to do it with...
It's not really a case of the method to use. This is important but much more so is getting into the right mindset and this is the difficult bit. x
Yep. I have been trying to talk myself into it even telling myself how stupid I'm am for not quiting
No don't run yourself down and call yourself names. That is not the way to build up your confidence that you can stop. It doesn't work. I beat myself up for years and it made me so stressed I reached for another fag!
What you need to do is be positive and tell yourself you are strong enough to do this and you can take control. This is what I learnt on the Quit site.
The negative messages we give ourselves actually stop us from being able to stop. You need positive affirmation and encouragement. Get into a healthy mindset and it is easier and more likely to be permanently stopped. x
Hi Whitey 54, I think Hypercat is right and that's how it worked for me. I managed to quit by constantly telling myself I didn't want to have a cigarette rather than I couldn't have one, which changed my mindset. Every time I got the urge I made myself say I don't want it but I did want to give up. Good luck 🐝
You have got to stage 1 joining the group. Now look at all the info on this site with BLF. Do the exercises do all the tips to stop . Now STOP! Good luck to you and do your best.
Home from Rehab, have oxygen at all times, waiting for my call for Double Lung Transplant. Quit smoking 4 years ago, if I hadn't I wouldn't be here, wanting so much to Live a life. And see my Family abroad. All advice From the Group is so precious and will help you to Quit. There Is no putting g it off, Do it sooner rather than Later, good luck. Xxx
Hi Many of us within this forum are ex-smokers, we have in the most part all given up. The lung damage cannot be repaired (at least not easily without considerable cost if at all) you sould give it up NOW or you may giving yourself far bigger problems at a later date that you canot put right. I too smoked and am now a worthless wreck, I need Carers to get me ready for the day, I cannot do any exercising of any sort, even washing up wears me out I cannot walk further than 5yards without getting totally breathless, hills & stairs are a no go area. I cannot do any tasks like gardening, painting or even hoovering. In other words quite useless, and all because I didn't listen when told of the possible damage smoking was doing to my body. I have applied for transplants, lung reduction, lung coils,lung valves and stem cell treatments all to no avail, I cannot improve my situation which was partly caused by smoking. Please for your long term health GIVE IT UP NOW. This should give you good cause to quit.