Hi everyone sorry I haven't kept you up to date but I have written several posts but imust have deleted instead of posting .put it down to my age 😁anyway I've been in Royal Brompton in Feb for the Celeb trials .to see if my lungs were suitable for an op .After all the data came back from the computers as the trials are linked to computers , they were ound to be good enough for one of two ops .Lung Volume Reduction surgery or Valves .Upshot I'm down for LVRS and I meet the surgeon on the 11th may to discuss procedure and if I have my questions .I'm elated but also very scared can anyone put my mind at rest about this op .I've googled it and scared the pants off myself .!!! Hope you are all well I do read your ists .
Much love Barbara ❤️
Ps photo of my lovely dog Alfie