Hi,I have moderate copd,just recently I have been suffering bad indigestion if I eat less than 2 hours before going to bed, but if I don't eat at all i suffer from very severe bile reflex which in turn feels as though my lungs are full and spend a couple of hours trying to " clear " them out, which in the middle of the night is not good for my wife or next door neighbour, I plan to see my GP, but can't get an appointment for 11 days, any suggestions meanwhile ?
Indigestion and reflux: Hi,I have... - Lung Conditions C...
Indigestion and reflux

Gaviscon Advance works for both acid and bile reflux. I used to have a dose after each meal and another one just before bed but I only need to take the bedtime dose now. You could try just the bedtime one to start with though - oh, and try to avoid fried foods too. Good luck!
Hello. Magpuss gives good advice. You could also try raising the head of your bed by 6" or so as that also helps to stop the reflux at night. There are different cause of reflux so do see your GP.
Many thanks, I just wanted a temporary fix as I am waiting to see my GP,I will also try your suggestion, thanks again.
I sometimes have digestion issues so I take digestive enzymes (in pill form) before a meal that I know will cause problems. Don't know if this will help you, could be worth a try as they are inexpensive.π edited
Thanks for the advice, I have never heard of them but if they are inexpensive it's always worth a try, thanks again.
Not short term Jollj. When u c ur doctor ask him about omeprazole, that works for me. Worth a try. Good luck. π€π
Thanks Roysieboy, do you take them every day or just for a given period.
I went twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday from 10am to12. For the first hour we did exercises, then the second hour they explained about different inhalers, how your lungs work and are affected by the disease we have, using oxygen when flying abroad. All good things you might encounter. They are very knowledgeable and helpful. You can ask any questions and they do their best to help, or guide you in the right direction. I have benefitted so much from it, they asked me if I would go there when the new people start, which is about every 6 weeks and talk to them about how it has helped me. I think people like to hear from someone who is suffering from the same or similar complaints they have. I chat for about half an hour. The people there seem to think it is going well. I think at the end of the day it is up to us to try and make it work, with the help from those who take the class. They also can outhouse in contact with people who can help you fill in the forgot a blue badge and some benefits. It may work a bit differently where you are Iβm not sure if it differs from place to place. I am in Gravesend in Kent. Hope this is of some help to you. I would be interested to know how you get on. ππ€
Hi, You may need more than Gaviscon Advance - Refux can be a real pain.
While you are waiting to see you doctor, avoid spicy foods, drink milk or water rather than coffee and raise your head in bed. The reason for that is reflux can back up to your windpipe and cause you to cough.
Cheers Ern, last night was horrendous, came right up the back and down my nose,eyes watering, throat and chest burning as well as my lungs feeling full i had a caughing spell for over an hour,kept sipping water to try and ease things but to no avail,like I say it keeps everyone awake.
Acid Reflux can make your life a misery - A lot can be done to relieve symptoms. For a start your Doctor may prescribe Omeprazole or another drug of this type - Unlike Gaviscon these drugs stop acid being produced. This is how I was treated I can't say you will get the same.
I would try and get seen sooner. If food/acid is entering your windpipe. the sooner you get proper medication the better... Don;t worry though, reflux is treatable.. I think reading your answer, I would sleep higher, certainly not flat....
I find that when the acid reflux is so bad it gets into the lungs, sipping a glass of water with 1/2 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate stirred in - it's very soothing as it is used to neutralise acid spills and does work quicker than water.
Lifting the head of our bed by a few inches really helped me.
I had bouts of indigestion and acid reflux for years and would often be sick between 8 and 9 pm in the evening and then be fine. I was diagnosed with gall stones. During a stay in hospital in September last year due to chronic pain from my gall bladder I was told to change to a fat free diet . I chose to have low fat foods, no pastry or cakes, no chippy fish with batter which I loved as a treat, cutting down on butter, and looking at labels on food I buy . I eat smaller portions of food now but more often and have now said goodbye to Gaviscon, prescription tablets. I feel better than I have in years. Maybe worth a try while waiting for your GP appointment .
I have been taking Lanzoprazol which prevents acid production, for 18 years now. I had the same problem with bad acid reflux. It's a Godsend for me and couldn't do without it. Maybe your GP will prescribe something.
Good luck.
Avoid coffee, and eat small meals .
Kittiecat here I use esmoprazole dearer tablet I got from relief doctor it' good try them ask doctor for them there by nexium good luck π
Ditto all here who have recommended omeprazole - and you can get it over the counter so no need to wait til you see GP
itβs not yet available generically, but Nexium (ESomeprazole- next gen omeprazole) is a good choice
Good luck
I have acid reflux exactly like yours waking up literally joking on it burning canβt breathe awful! Nexium 2x a day with Zantac (ranitidine generic). These 2 drugs saved me seriously bc the reflux was so bad I now have Barrettβs Disease which has to be checked every couple years so it doesnβt turn into throat cancer. So please hurry to your doctor he may order a throat scope as well. Good luck π and p.s. I still wonβt lay down for at least 2hrs after a meal!
Hi Jollj, I suffer from the same but keep it under control by raising the head of my bed and taking a chewable tums tablet right before bedtime every night. Hard to believe how well it works. Good luck, sleep well, itβs important.
Hi All,thanks to everyone for all the very thoughtful replies, this site really is credit to all its fantastic users,I have tried a few of the easier suggestions and guess what, a good night's pain free sleep, I will carry on what I am doing but still go to docs to see if we can get to the bottom of things,here's to many more trouble free nights and thanks again to all you wonderful people who contribute.
Happy Easter π£
I too suffer the same. I was taking the shops own brand gaviscon because if the price. My GP prescribed Gaviscon Advanced 2l and leave 4 hours before bedtime, so far so good. Itβs been about a week now.
Best Wishes
Hello Jolly
I take prescribed Lansoprazole 30mg twice daily about an hour before eating. This has kept my severe GERD at bay with just an rare odd bit of indigestion.
The other suggestions are great too. I sleep propped up all night.
You are waiting a long time to see your doctor, but definitely your doing the right thing.
Good luck with the doc appointment, please keep us posted on what happens. Take care, SarCisMe xxx
Thanks for the reply i wondered about the propped up sleeping,will give it a go,thanks again
Sleeping propped up may work but can result in sliding down the bed. Lifting the top of the bed higher than the foot works better.
Make sure you have enough pillows to support your neck as your head can slip to the side and make you feel like your choking. You really do need to be quite upright and of course nothing to eat for a,few hours before bedtime. Take care, hope doc gives you something to stop this and does some investigations to find out what is causing you these severe issues. This can really mess daily living up when your affected as it's like a vicious circle. Hope your doctor listens to you. You could write down a list of your symptoms, what you have tried if it's helped and any questions you have. Sometimes when we're under abit of stress we can forget something important we wanted to ask, have done it myself a few times that's why I do write a list before going to any doctor/consultant appointment.
Take care, let us know what happens what you and your doctor decide to do. Caring understanding hugs. Xx
Hi, you are so kind! I use 3 pillows but tend to sleep a lot on my side which is usually ok, but in my sleep i lie in my back, this is when the problems start, I havnt tried sleeping proped up so will give it a go,will let you know any outcomes,thanks again,big hug from me too. Xx
Hi JollJ - I've been there... sounds like a nightmare.. & plenty of suggestions to try.
I have a few more suggestions, but I take a scientific approach, consider the CAUSE of the reflux:
How long have you been having a reflux problem?
What inhalers do you take for your COPD?
What other meds do you take?
Best wishes
Hi soulsaver,like your reply says, I try not to eat late, if I do i guarantee indigestion, but if I don't that's usually when I get the reflux, again I only usually get the reflux when I am on my back sleeping, it's a ride awakening almost choking so I can't win, I have 1 inhaler that I take at lunchtime every day ( spiriva respimat ) but I take 3 tablets to control blood pressure very night, have done this for years before my indigestion problems.
Thanks for your suggestions and concerns i will take one step at a time and see how things go, thanks again.
And the questions?
Sorry I thought I had answered the questions or have i misunderstood you,are you referring to your questions on your original reply,thanks
Re -reading my post seems to ask.. How long have you been having the reflux problem? Did you answer that somewhere?
You didn't say what the BP meds are?
How long have you been using Spiriva Respimat?
Sorry with you now, had the problem a while,had camera down to check for any thing sinister, all clear just before christmas,I was given 28 lanzaparazole tablets after which I was ok but the problem has returned,nothing was said by my GP about keeping on the tablets hence the booking of an appointment, my spiriva was given 2 months ago after a spirometry test revealed my condition had gone from mild to moderate,hope this helps,thanks.
OK well sounds like you have the answer in the short term - Omeprazole or lansoprazole.
I'd insist on an emergency appointment with your GP to get them prescribed, don't take 'no' and suffer for 2 weeks. Or buy Omeprazole over the counter (think it's available OTC? See link for Nexium ...same))
Or try ranitidine (also OTC) before bed while you wait for the GP appt.
Now, importantly, has it got worse since using Spiriva? Digestion problems are a not very common but known, side effect of the Tiotropium range of drugs (Spiriva, SeeBri, Braltus etc) and it may be adding to the problem, causing bloating, trapped wind & reflux.
You could ask your GP to try Fomoterol for example instead.
Best wishes.
Hi again,my thoughts were after lots of advice to buy omazaprole until I see my GP , the practise is currently searching for a new partner hence the wait, whilst I can cope albeit very uncomfortably i think there may be people in a worse situation than myself who need the appointment so I won't force the issue, I cannot honestly say it has worsened since the spiriva as I had the problem pre Christmas like I said, I think I contribute to the problem by having a chocolate biscuit for supper so bang goes that for the immediate future and try them during the day,again thanks for the very useful advice.
Hi have you tried lanzoprazole ant π acid 30 mg caps they do the trick for me not sure if you get them from chemist tho. Hope you find something soon. π
Hi...... You really need to look at your diet and the food you eat. The following is a list of food considered to be a. No No.
Tomatoes in any form.... Tomatoe sauce. Brown sauce. Vinegar. Mustard. Pickled foods. .....any type of pickles... Salad cream Coffee, Chocolate. To include all chocolate, plus choc biscuits /cakes etc.
Any hot and or spicy foods. Citrus fruit in most forms and acidic drinks. Alcohol.
Keep fatty fried foods to a minimum.
Sounds awful, but its not so bad.. I find when all is well I allow myself treats. My bed is raised on two house bricks each side of the bed head wrapped in plastic.
I try to leave 4 hours after last food before going to bed. My last drink about 3 hours before bedtime. Small meals only. Eat often......
Try not to bend over from the waist, always bend at the knees.
I have had a reflux problem since 2000......
Good luck.
Hi buzzy, thanks for the reply, you have hit a big nail on the head, chocolate is a massive downfall so probably contributed largely to the problem,when you say small meals do you mean snacks or just small portions of a normal meal.
Thanks again
I take Silical Jel which I buy from health store. It coats the stomach lining and promotes healing. May need Gaviscon as well.
If you have reflux, donβt eat within four hours of going to bed. The suggestion to raise your bed head 6 inches is excellent also. Both these helped me a LOT!
I have read that it helps to lie on the left side rather than the right as the opening of the stomach is on the right side.
Lots of good advice. Simple solutions are try and cut out fatty and spicy acidic foods, raise bed 6" all helped. Take ranatdine. Warning lazoprozol and emozul lower your salt and shouldn't be taken long term messes with neurology. These drugs can be linked to dementia and poor memory just a word of caution I ended up in ICU because of emozul messing with my salt levels don't want to be alarmist but better to alter things you can to reduce symptoms happy Easter!
I have just come across this: livestrong.com/article/3038...
No good at copying in links I am afraid, but it says that vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid in combination can be more effective than drugs and without the nasty side effects of proton pump inhibitors.
Thank you,that's interesting as I sometimes have to take B12 supplements to boost my levels,that's something else I can ask my GP, thanks again.
Omeprazole and the others called Proton Pump Inhibitors line the stomach to prevent acid forming, but they can also prevent absorption of things like Vitamin B 12. B12 Deficiency has all kinds of symptoms including poor memory, and thinking processes. The problem always seems to be now, that you take one thing and it causes problems in another area. If Reflux is your biggest problem at the moment then you may well find that you need to have a PPI to help. Diet is a huge thing though. If you look at the lists of things you ought to avoid, it can be a bit depressing, but I found that cutting out most of the things which have most effect, (others have listed them). for a week or two, which apparently gives you stomach time to calm down for a bit, and then introduce the things you like gradually, you may then work out what makes you feel worst. Apparently avoiding chocolate and peppermint is a bit different as it causes the sphincter at the top of the stomach to relax and makes it easy for the acid to spill upwards. I am ok with small amounts of chocolate now.
I found a direct link between my inhalers and reflux the worse are beta agonists and also oral steroids are bad. All the health professionals say I'm mad but there is evidence in various reports