Dodgy Looking Skin Mole: Anyone know if... - Lung Conditions C...

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Dodgy Looking Skin Mole

21 Replies

Anyone know if skin moles should be even shape or can they have lumps grow out of them.

My brothers GP was un concerned but said she wanted to see him in 3 weeks.

I think personaly given its dosgyness he should of been referd AND makes me wonder if doctor had eye glass so she could see it propper.

21 Replies
fastball profile image

I don't like the colour so I would go back and see what a different GP says. That is what I would say to my children,

Wishing you the best.


in reply to fastball

Hi cheers my brothers got few on he's back AND first time i had seen it and to eye looked just tad darker BUT when magnifed could see edges.

I dont really know what doctor was looking at but agree with you he should see other doctor.

He's gp said the change with age BUT i dont tbink thats one them change with age ones.

sassy59 profile image

It is an odd shape JAS. I would advise your brother to see a different doctor and get checked out properly. Xxxx

in reply to sassy59

Hi sassy dose look dodgy mole not my brotber BUT did tell him he needs to see other doctor BUT is hard as dont want to panic him

Sandy- profile image

I agree that it doesn’t look an even shape and his GP should refer him under the 2 week rule - better to be safe. x

in reply to Sandy-

I know is wife is going mad really with gp decision BUT I agree he should be.

casper99 profile image

It's so quick and easy to get it removed.

I had a black, raised one on my face and arm, for over 30yrs.

The first one was removed and examined, and was fine.

The one on my arm, suddenly, shriveled up and was hanging by a thread, the day I had it checked. Hahaha. xx

in reply to casper99

Hi casper99

Brother and I was talking about em freezing them Off today gone are days of cotton and brave face lol

Shazza59 profile image

Hi, I had one similar on side of knee and doctor said it was ok. She decided to cryogenically freeze it off and it went blistered and worse so referred me to consultant who cut it out and sent for biopsy, was melanoma and had to have it cut out deeper and lymph nodes in groin removed for testing. Had not spread so caught in time. Advise your brother to go back and insist on referral as can’t take chances with these things. Good luck, Sharon.

in reply to Shazza59

Hi Shazza defo agree about expert and being safe than sorry ALL defo make sure my brother chases it up.

Glad yours was isolated and turned out ok in end WAS telling my brother bout catching them early AS some can be isolated BUT defo needs experts eye.

Cheers thanks

Annie31 profile image

I have had a decisively dicey looking mole on my thigh since I was 16, I am now 68 years old. It's still there despite being noticed by doctors over the years! My youngest daughter had one on her back that looked dicey - Gp who was supposed to be a specialist in this area decided to remove it, nothing sinister about it when examined but left helluva scar! My eldest daughter had a mole in the same place on her back (we are a very moley family on both sides!) and on our visit to my cousins place in North Carolina, her Cockatoo without any warning removed it for her!!!! No blood, no scar and certainly no after effects! Just a "oh"!!

So if you want a mole removed, ask a parrot! No fuss and no fee!

Sorry Jeff! Just a lighthearted approach but most Gps know what they are looking at when confronted with mo!es. My husband has had two basal cell melanomas on his face and both times dealt with to find both nothing to worry about following assurance from the GP..

However, if not satisfied it does no harm to take it a step further - wishing your brother all the best!

in reply to Annie31

Hi Annie thanks for reply It’s the not knowing really and it’s my brothers wife that noticed it had changed that alerted my brother.

Me personally I have never seen normal mole with bits popping out 12 n 3 Of picture AND when I looked my brothers as everyone’s moles even mine 😏

Guess am lucky there BUT is only mole hat is not same as all is others in colour shape.

It’s defo dodgy business this cracking on NOT really for faint hearted

Annie31 profile image

The one on my thigh seems to build up a blackish middle to it and I can actually scratch this until it peels off and leaves a brown lumpy mark. It then over time does the same thing again and builds up this blackish middle. No one has ever made a big thing of it and like I said it's been doing this for over fifty years. I also have a mark on my abdomen which has grown in size but no one seems to remark on it or worry about it

Annie31 profile image
Annie31 in reply to Annie31

I guess I'm saying don't go overboard on this until your brother has had a chance to be examined by an expert in this field with at least some real tests on this mole that will signify something to be concerned about.

Sandyeggo profile image

Hi JeffAjaxSmirh, I am not a doctor but have had skin cancer as well as my father and sister. When a mole or scab appears non uniform there is cause for concern and generally needs a biopsy. Most often non life threatening as long as treated in a timely manner. Good luck try not to worry although I know it’s hard

sandylo profile image

I had one removed off my cheek just under my eye last year it started as a grey coloured freckle and within a year went black. I saw the doctor when it was grey he said nothing to worry about then when I went back a year later took a picture of it said how long have you had this! I said you saw it ten months ago! He hadn'the even made a note of it. He did me a fast track referral I had it checked in 2 days at the hospital the consultant wasn't sure 100% if it was cancerous he took it off a week later with local anaesthetic it turned out to be a benign Venus lesion no further treatment not hardly a scar

Caspiana profile image

Hello Hidden . I don't know anything about moles so I'm pretty useless here , but I would always go for safety. Maybe just mention casually it would put his mind at ease and no doubt the minds of the rest of his family, to get it looked at by another doctor.

Hopefully it's nothing.

Wishing him well.

Cas xx 🍀

katieoxo60 profile image

Hello Jeff, one of the first questions would be how long has this growth been there?, has it changed colour, has it got bigger does it itch or bleed. If the patient is worried I would think an hospital check would be in order but having said that I have two similar to that which have been there for years. I have had a skin cancer removed in the past and two checked since but it is worrying and they can be removed quite easily to put a patients mind at rest. Would agree with you to return to Gp and at least discuss further. Best Wishes

Hi moles can go darker and am sure as long as it's not bleeding, flaking ,raised from skin or has changed appearance your gp will be pretty sure as they see so many sinister looking moles I can assure you ... I was worried about the dark moles especially a few but in fact it was a white tiny milk spot above my top lip that i squeezed thinking it was a spot that in turn went into a white flat staining which I still thought nothing off .. to cut it short that was cancerous it was a basal cell carcinoma I got it removed where it was cut out and have a scar from my top lip to bottom of my nose so like I said the pic u sent doesn't look too sinister plus have 2 more on my head which are like 2 skin coloured tiny lumps ...they need removing also .. good luck to your bro but I'm sure it will all be good zx

Wheezykat59 profile image

Hi if you use an iPhone there is a very good app called SkinVision that is very useful to use for moles it will give you an idea of how bad it is, it won’t do any harm to try it out. But I agree that you need a second opinion good luck and all the best hope everything turns out okay.


Jeaniep profile image

Hi, Yes I agree that you really should go back,and see a differant doctor.

Please keep us posted.

Sending kind regards


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