Good Morning everyone. Stumbled across this site at 4am propped up with pillows antibiotics and painkillers with horrible pleuresy pain so sleep wasn't going to happen. Everyone seems so friendly and supportive of each other on here which is great. I was hospitalised with pneumonia 18 years ago. It affected my immune system and caused Connective Tissue Disease which is an auto immune condition which is like Lupus and comes in many forms. My problem is when I get a chest infection my body over reacts with inflammation causing pleurisy and chest pain. Initially my pain was left lower back which was where the Doctor heard the crackles but after 3 days of rest and antibiotics my pain is worse and on the front right hand side. Is there anyone out there that reacts like this ? I so want to get better but this is so debilitating ....... thank you x
New member - Pleurisy as part of Conn... - Lung Conditions C...
New member - Pleurisy as part of Connective Tissue Disease

Hi sorry to read about issues ... I to have had crippling pain that makes you sweat in region you have talked about.
Have been AE countless times and the found nothing but obvious lung disease.
My doctor give me cream I rub on skin effected area.
When I read instructions was for shingles pain BUT you are right plaursy shingles even musical pain CAN all be chronic.
Only thing I can suggest IS pain killers and hold on in there.

Thank you for responding. Sounds like you've been through this yourself. From experience I know it can be a long haul to wellness and I would love a shortcut 😊. I intend to keep on doing the right things but hate being unable to go to work and get on with life ........
Am still waiting for welness part
But lucky I forget till next symptom.
Anyway hope ya start feeling better

Hi and welcome, so sorry to hear all your problems. I agree do take pain killers but remember not to over do it with them. If all this continues please go back and see your GP. We are all very supportive here so please post any time we are like a family. You take care and keep fighting. Let us know how you are doing. Love Bernadette 😳 xx
Poor you. I can sympathise, this is something I get regularly. My last bout was in November and lasted nearly 2 months. I manage it with close support from my GP. I have Lupus/UCTD. I used to always be given antibiotics but experience has taught me that these generally aren't necessary as the cause tends to be inflammatory rather than infection. These days, my prednisolone is pushed straight up to 30mgs/day for 7 - 10 days and then tapered gently every few days as symptoms permit. I also take co-codamol 30/500 which makes the pain manageable. Hot baths and hot water bottles help too!
It is agonising pain - so intense that I'm often gasping through it and certainly can't talk through it. Are you on prednisolone? Hope you feel better soon xxx
Thank you Clare x also thank you for your response. You're the first person I've known to have the same as me. Initially my diagnosis was CTD heading towards Lupus sphere however now it's just undifferentiated. It's affected kidney function, thyroid and I have pernicious anemia too. An eye problem I previously had has now settled. I seem to start off with chest infection and present with fever, rapid pulse etc as well as cough but then rather than improving as the antibiotics kick in - it seems my very own special inflammatory auto immune response decides to rear its ugly head you know ? The pain has shifted from one side to the other - so weird. Only been put on steroids once - and made no difference and I'm lucky enough to be quite well as long as I don't get an infection. Last time I went back to GP in this situation they wanted to send me to hospital to rule out Pulmonary Embolism and I refused to go because I know my body gets like this. But then at night when the pains scary I fret......
Pain moving around? Oh yes, I can relate to that - and the same happens in my joints too. Infections aren't so likely to trigger an auto-immune response in me but allergic reactions (of which there are many) will knock me to the floor within 3 hours!
I've been admitted numerous times too for susoected P.E and I can't blame the doctors for being jumpy but, just like you, I tend to stick it out and hope that I'm right and they're all wrong . . .
My kidneys have escaped thus far but my airways are damaged, I've had MG features, Pernicious Anemia, iron def anemia - I won't bore you with the list coz you probably have all the same!
I do need steroids for the chest pain - my ESR tends to hike whilst my CRP stays normal which is a clear sign of a flare. Stay tucked up in bed, you're in the best place. Take care x
......and still we soldier on 😊 X my joints are ok - I'm lucky there - it's all the vital internal organ stuff that's a worry ! It's not nice is it ? Don't reply right now I'm sure you must be busy - but I don't know about MG features (other than the sports car lol) ........
You take care too and hope the good days far outweigh the bad ones x