Oops I already posted--but I'm new here, newly diagnosed with COPD and asthma. I'm from warm breezy Chicago . I have been helped by all the info and interactions on this site and others as well as a good pulmonologist --and by several meds, pulm rehab, and upping my visits to a gym. I can't walk the 12 miles I was doing just 18 months ago but on non snow/ice days I'm able to enjoy a good 5 or 6 miles (I get bored on the treadmill). On my first doc visit I had O2 saturation of 86 (and 54 after the 6 minute walk) but after meds and with Pursed Lip Breathing ---I'm at 97 then 93. !!
I'm looking forward to meeting all of you and learning as much info and insight as possible.