the midnight walk for the local hospice is on Sat night and I'm getting scared that I wont be able to finish.I have sturdy shoes, waterproof clothing and a strong determination to get to that finish line, and the bacon sarny. I have trained my feet and legs by plenty of walking, trained my bladder by hanging on as long as I can, and stayed up a bit later every night. I have done all nighters but it's usually been sat in the hospital at Richards bedside, not walking 10 miles. The 10 miles is all familiar territory, it takes me past my house at one point, (1st toilet stop, at least i know that'll be clean ) past my old house at another, and on the old route of where I used to walk the dog. In fact I have walked every inch of the route , BUT NOT ALL AT ONCE. I will be with my son, daughter and grandaughter. My son has been going to the gym and walking, my daughter is training for the national 3 peaks, so it'll be a walk in the park for her, my 19 yr old grandaughter is another matter. She walks nowhere she doesn't have to, and enthusiasm for the cause is her main reason for doing it. When we went over the route on the map, she looked at me and said "So am gonna die then "
Anyway we ARE going to do it,we are, we are.
I'm going to watch Dirty Dancing at leeds at 7.30, back to hudds for the start of the walk. Maybe I should dance all the way.