I rang gp tshis morning and was as assertive as I could manage and asked him to change the antibiotic as its not working which he agreed to do.I'm in a care home It's a joke the care is minimal.I don't want special attention but a bit of kindness and concern wouldn't go amiss!So now I have to wait for the new antibiotics to come and I don't know how long that will be.I'm very wheeze chest and noises breathing.Can anyone help with some positive adviceThanks XSandie
Chest infection worse and am getting ... - Lung Conditions C...
Chest infection worse and am getting scared as I've had pain in back

Hello Sandy
Good for you!
Can’t they get it from the chemist’s? Or have you got visitors who could do that for you?
If not asking to see the paramedics..
Let us know how you get on.
Take care x

No visitors at the moment,my daughter doesn't want to catch anything as she has my granddaughter 9months to care for.I shall just have to wait til it gets delivered and don't know what chemist it's gone to.You're so kind to respond to my msge.It's a long day here sometimes x
We are here for you Sandy. Your daughter could phone the GP or the home to find out, do you think? A little family pressure goes a long way sometimes..xx
Hello again, can you find the pharmacy phone number on the meds or blister pack you already have? If the staff administer your meds to you then make sure you're ready with a pen when they dole them out to copy down the number. Give the pharmacy a ring, hopefully they'll bring them to you ASAP.
Glad you've got some new abs on the way 😃, get well soon. P
Hi sandy. You must always send in a sputum sample to the surgery so the microbiologist can give you the right antibiotic for the right bug. The doctor really should be checking you over iv you have pains in your back when you breath so if it don't get any better in the next day or 2 you need to see the doctor again. Hope you feel better soon
Thank you.for the helpful reply.You are right but as they never ask for a sputum sample I should probably request one.The drs we have here aren't good,they can't be bothered to ask for that.I keep thinking it's because this home has some very old people so things get left.I'm the youngest and I don't like what goes on.Thanks again x
It is essential to give a sample as that is the best way of knowing what is going on. Have you had a chest X-ray. What a carry on! Can’t believe the state we are in. As suggested by various people, as your daughter is unable to visit perhaps she can speak to your gp on your behalf. Let us know how you get on. Good Luck and Best Wishes.x
Thanks for your reply.No haven't had chest xray and just had trouble breathing when laid on t h e bed.The carer in charge said I don't have a temperature and blood pressure ok,but still find it hard to breathe.She wouldn't call gpbbut I've told her if I'm still like this in an hour I will call myself.My daughter's busy,she's got a 9month old baby so I don't like to bother her.Anyway thanks anyway for your kind thoughts Sandy x
Hello there..its so sad to hear you are not receiving the proper care you are entitled to and it doesn't sound like a bundle of laughs where you are,especially when you're feeling poorly. Good advice from everyone regarding ringing the chemists etc but it is horrid to read the doctors on site don't seem to care very much. I wonder,has your daughter ever voiced any issues regarding the care home? I realise its so very difficult nowadays to point out any lack in the quality of care you receive- in case things are made even worse by an un- professional nurse/auxiliary but you sound rather fretful. Perhaps speak with your daughter or other visitors but PLEASE do come back and tell us how you are. Best wishes.
Sorry to read that you are having such a difficult time! I am asthmatic and got a very bad chest infection on Boxing day which of course set off my asthma; I didn't leave the house for 5.5 weeks except for seeing the GP and was on steroids, antibiotics and loads of inhalers. The infection has now cleared and I had 34 days of two different antibiotics and now I am still on the steroids as it takes time for the inflammation in my lungs to go down. I am much better, but it is a very slow process; this is the difficult part....one has to have patience with one's body.......it is very frustrating...but there is no other way.
My GP has seen me weekly to check on my chest and that is very helpful. I would really recommend that someone professional listens to your chest to see what is going on.
Hope this is helpful and I wish you strength!
Thank you for your very kind and helpful reply.I've only got antibiotics and nothing else to help breathing. I will give it another day and if no better will callout of hours dr over the weekend.It's got to be an improvementcompared to my own GPS as they're useless with this problem.Good luck hope things are better for you.xSandyx
I have been talking this out with the nurse at my gps am sick of having Amoxaline in my emergency pack has it doesn't work for me and I always have to go on to another prolonging my agony all she said it was the first port of call if it doesn't work you then do a sputem test oh I said we may be dead by then or in hospital well done you xx