I have copd and asthma (not debilitating) and I have been on anti depressants for years, however, I have found the pills are making me feel worse now and I've put in a lot of weight. I also have leg and sciatica problems. After speaking to the doctor, I am coming off the pilks, very gradually as I am on a high dose. New Years resolution was get fitter. I bought a fitness tracker, joined a Gym and spa and since I have been going I've felt a lot better! My goal is to walk on the machine for 30 mins, swim for 30 mins and dance for 30 mins. I went for 5 days last week and 3 days this week. I love the steam room and drink lots of water. I have turned a corner.
The fitness tracker has been great and because it registers my steps, heart and calories burned, I am finding out what I can do, not can t do. I am 68 years old!!