Feeling down post op...: Sorry to be a... - Lung Conditions C...

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Feeling down post op...

Shancock profile image
15 Replies

Sorry to be a moaner but no one else to talk to. My husband doesn't understand the discomfort and keeps saying he told me not to have the operation.

I'm so uncomfortable, I feel better than yesterday in as much as I'm on my feet and moving about even out a wash on but I am so blocked you wouldn't believe. It's like I don't have a nose at all! It's scary I keep panicking thinking that I can't breathe as I have to breathe through my mouth all the time. It's really hard to eat and drink as I can't breath while I'm eating. My back really hurts which I assume is due to my reflux although I a man taking my meds. Worst at cant sleep at all, I've dropped off for the odd 1/2 hour but that's it so I'm exhausted and I know it's gonna continue like this for the next week. This morning a big ball of blood came out but now it's just clear liquid so the bleeding has stopped.

I knew I'd be blocked but this is terrible I've just got to grin and bear it for now. Also my ears are blocked and nose is all swollen so I look terrible.

I hope this will all be worth it in the end as I'll be very upset if I've gone through this for nothing. The only thing that slightly helps is to put tissue under my nose and up it slightLy, I don't know why it helps but it seems to. Right now I'm really not happy and feeling depressed.

Sorry about moaning though....

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Shancock profile image
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15 Replies

If it helps have a good moan we’ve all been there at some time or another. The thing to remember is that you were very brave and got the job done. Now you have something positive to look forward to and it will have been worth it. 😀👏👏

Shancock profile image
Shancock in reply to

Yes I hope so it's hard to think like that when you feel so bad but I'm sure your right I've just got to deal with it and I'm sure I'll see benefits over time. Thank you x

Poor you, it all sounds completely ghastly, no wonder you're feeling so down. Try to remember why you decided on this op in the first place - you couldn't go on as you were, with those headaches etc - so take the long view. As Don says, it'll be worth it in the end.

When you feel panicky about not being able to breathe, remember your anatomy, ie you don't need your nose to breathe, your mouth is connected to your trachea which is huge, there's plenty of room for you to breathe. To deal with panic, I find it helps to write a few bullet points on a card, reminding me why there's no need to panic!

Are you sitting up to sleep, with lots of pillows? Might be easier than lying down when your nose etc is so swollen.

Tell your husband how down you're feeling, be straight with him. It's all very well him saying you shouldn't have had it done, but he wasn't the one putting up with the headaches was he? Anyway WE sympathise, it sounds horrible but hopefully you'll feel slightly better each day. Sleep would help, have you tried any remedies? Phenergan is good, short-term.

Shancock profile image
Shancock in reply to

Thank you I know your right about the breathing thing I know it's just me being dramatic! I always sleep upright anyway to help with my reflux so yes I'm sat up with lots of pillows.

In a few days I can do a sinus rinse and I think that will help at the moment I'm just spraying Sterimar that the gave me.

They did offer me codeine to take home but I'm not good with it, unfortunately it's that way about lots of meds so I can only take paracetamol right now. I think feeling more tired would be worse really. I've got kids and don't want to feel spaced out as they need me.

I will get through it I know I will, people have far worse to cope with. But I'm just not very good with dealing with pain! I felt less pain after giving birth to be honest than this! Different but this is definitely worse. 😷

Caspiana profile image

Hello Shancock . I know what you mean. And yes, it s dreadful. Honestly, I remember being miserable for weeks. After you see the doctor next, and he cleans out all the built up residue in your nose, you will feel more like you can breathe. It really takes time. I was surprised at how long it actually took for me to feel "better". The truth is I did not feel the benefits of the surgery until a year later. I know it's a miserable time. I'm so sorry.


Cas xx 🌹

Shancock profile image
Shancock in reply to Caspiana

Caspiana, can I just ask how long roughy till the pressure started clearing in your head? I have pain around my eyes, cheeks and even upper teeth. Pretty much like when you have a sinus infection also my ears are blocking a little.

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Shancock

Weeks really. The thing is when they explain about the procedure, they don't mention that the discomfort lasts for a while. I wish they did. I would have done it anyway, but at least you know what to expect. I didn't start feeling the real change until a year later. It takes time. But the stuffiness will get gradually better . I know it's tough right now. And very miserable but hang on there. There is a silver lining. It's just a bit obscure at the moment

*gentle hug*

Cas xx 🌻

Shancock profile image
Shancock in reply to Caspiana

Thank you, I did my first sinus rinse this morning and loads of gunk came out but it was a relief and my ears feel less blocked. I've still got discharge but it mainly clear now bit brown/pink sometimes but not bloody now. My head aches terrible though.

Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to Shancock

Hang in there. It gets better. Albeit it slowly. 👍💜

Nose op are awfully painful...take all your pain killers.. sit up so you can breathe better.. lots of courage..xx

sassy59 profile image

Don’t be sorry as it’s not a nice operation. Each day things will improve but if you feel really bad, contact your doctor.

I remember our eldest son having his tonsils out last year......it was the worst he had ever felt.

Come on here and have a moan anytime, we’re here for you. Xxxx

BillBruce profile image

God bless you

Harry13 profile image

Hi Shancock. I can't even imagine how you must feel but just think the worst is over and your slowly on the mend and it will all be worth it when you look back on it later. Chin up. xxx

Shancock profile image

Thank you, I just have to be patient and I'm not good at that! It's the tiredness can't be up for more than 20 mins without having to go back to bed. I'm exhausted 😩 hopefully this will start to subside in few days time. Prob part the surgery an part the anaesthetic too I guess, that stuffs pretty brutal.

I feel like rubbish mummy at the moment just sitting in bed and not being able to play with my children. Can't wait till I feel better to treat them to something nice.

Harry13 profile image
Harry13 in reply to Shancock

Every day is a day nearer Shancock.

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