I am just curious as to weather cannabis oil can help with copd as i have been diegnosed with it about 5 years ago and untill now the inhailours have worked great but just getting over a cold ( i know a cold ) but my chest is hurting and i have a nasty cough,dr said i have just got over a chest infection ( nice to know ) now i hurd about cannabis oil helping cancer patiants so wpuld like more info please
Copd and cannabis : I am just curious... - Lung Conditions C...
Copd and cannabis

how do you get cannabis oil were from mite give it a try am in uk
Not sure but had a look on ebay not sure if its leagle in uk but would love to give it a try its also called hemp oil, i have been reading up on it a bit but not sure about copd but right now ill give anythibg a chance
Hemp oil or Love Hemp as its commonly called is not the same product.
Priced at £45/£399 for a 5/6 day supply is not a viable option.
There is no clinical evidence, only hearsay, that cannabis is a reliable treatment for any lung condition.
Thanks for that mate i have been reading up on it and it woyld seem that it has benafits to a lot of health problems and has been used for thousends of years by american indians so still unsure about it it seemes that a lot of plusses and some negatives so a little more reaserch must be done i think however at this point in my life im willing to try anything lol
Thank you i will
There is an FB website called COPD UK, which is very informative on all aspects of COPD, and where you can get a very good quality CBD oil (CBD is the legal oil) - much better than Holland & Barratt et al.
The bottom line is that there is no cure for emphysema which is permanent damage to the lungs & will progress. To date there is no proof that cannabis is going to reverse the condition. I know we are all anxious to find that magic medicine but for now we have to live the best we can with what we have available to us. Life style changes & medications are the only things we’ve got to keep us going & stave off the inevitable progression of this . That being said, I’m optimistic that progress is being made toward a cure as it is one of the biggest killers here in the US. If you smoke - quit & get exercising! At least you’ll feel a bit better which in itself is a kind of cure. Cheers!
that's funny I was diagnosed with it over 5 years ago and after thinking positive and getting acupuncher mine has declined it mite get worse if you want it to but fight it and you can win its exactuly people who make these statemeanths that people b leive they will get worse did you know if their was a cure for copd or any other fatal deseise phamarsuticle companys woud go bust that's y they don't make a cure you have to find your own cure or you will just b another number in the cemetry
Thanks for that and you may well be right but i am going to keep teying new things they will ether work or not but if they do its a bonous if they dont then sratch off the list i am 61 uears old now so not got a lot to loose by trying and if i find something that works just think how many people will benafit from my teying
I have a real issue with the use of cannabis but am staggered to find that people with COPD etc use it!
We are told that stopping smoking is the best way to slow the progress of the disease yet people smoke cannabis to make them better?
Oh well, each to their own but I for one won't be rushing out to the local dealer!
I would recomend acupuncer for copd after gtting a nasty bug 8 days ago after saw throat and tiredness iwas left with heavynes over my eyes nasal heavy ness to after the first 5 minets of acupuncher I cud feel my eyes head getting lighter and felt a fluid running down my throat and after half hour acupuncher iwas amazed as it cleard it all it was amazing I asked the acupuncherist can a doctor clear this with a needle he laughed and said no its expensive but worth it for ilneses
Im not on about smoking it as i stopped smoking 11 years ago now so wouldnt take any chances there,i
im from Washington state in the usa and cannibus oil pretty helps with everything including asthma and epilepsy. there is a CBD med made in the UK that has been approved for use in Epilepsy in the USA. someone that is very dear to me has grand mall and tonic clonic seizures …. its a drug resistant situation for her. I brought her some CBD from my home state as at the time Medical use was illegal in her state. its been 3 months now since her last seizure.... look into acupuncture its incredible and Chinese medicine has been around 3000 yrs ,,, by comparison Rx medicine has been around for about a minute and the side effects for most are stupid …. the big money is in management not cures. if the problem is cured then theres no more drugs sold