I adore my beautiful mother in law of 88 still walks 2 miles daily to our local village very sprightly young woman who has just left after being here for a cuppa was being nosey to see what we were doing in the back garden workwise....i said to her i had been feeling the cold outside while digging and shifting stuff and she uncovered her wares and showed me 2 hot water bottles tied with string around her one at the back and the other at the front .... It's her way of keeping warm apparently in the colder weather she went off muttering about buying me 2 hot water bottles from the market tomorrow ....im still crying with laughter at the thought of it but respect the method in her madness and if they are bought for me i will definitely be trying them for size ....lol my whole day has been lifted by this lady who I have had the pleasure of knowing for 30 years xxx
Mother in law : I adore my beautiful... - Lung Conditions C...
Mother in law
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Bless her where there’s a will there’s a way, just goes to show how much we like our comfort as we get older. 😂😂 X
Totally agree she's done some mad things in her time but the logics there and reasons so I will go with it ...thing is how well she wears those hot water bottles and her planned outings are in keeping with them cooling down by the time she gets home lol xx
Well I've got to admit,it's a good idea.Better than freezing your bits off.
Exactly which is why I will try it when she buys them will have some fun doing it I guess x
She is not mad at all, or there are two of us. I have done that trick in the past, when I used to be a skinny ribs. Good on her for sussing it out.
She's mad believe me lol you met Andrew he's her son and he's mad also love them both lol xx
You use those hot water bottles Angie. Keep yourself warm. What a wonderful lady. Xxxx
I will give them a try sassy I promised her i would lol and she's beautiful but as mad as a box of frogs xxx
A generation that we have to admire. That's full of determination. I just love to see people like that. Majt Xx
She's definitley admired by me her ways are lovley xxx
I bet you have great times together, I just love it priceless. 😁 Xxx Majt
We do have good times with her she can be a scamp but we deal with it given that we can be scamps as well she's a hardy lady and will go on forever no doubt lol xxx
Nice lady..It’s funny.. It brought me back memories, my mother-in-law was a Scot. She was into electric blankets and sure enough I’ve got my electric blanket..They are safer nowadays than they used to be!!
We only had a chimney fire in the front room in those days and an outside toilet next to the coal shed..bless her, her name was Agnes and I used to call her Nessie, she came from Kelso and used to say the berrrrns.
Electric blankets were very much a love of Scots being one myself we had them as children in our beds with flannel stripey sheets lol ...im from glasgow originally so different dialects in Scotland we were known as the weans...glad the post gave you some nice memories from your past ....xxxx
Ahhh very interesting!! Thank you for the history!! Yes it all came back 😊 xx
We had those bedsheets too!!! 🤗
The ones nowadays are rubbish compared to back then lol the candlewick bedspread were a novelty also I loved 🤗🤗
Yessss..,And the candlewick bedspread!!!
Must be vintage nowadays 😃
And flippin expensive lol x
There are battery operated heated jackets that you can buy now Angie, don't know how much they cost but they'd probably stay warm longer than hot water bottles. But - what a game mother in law you have, no wonder you get on so well.
I have a heated jacket I wear on the bike but this is kept warm with the bike engine running and keeping it charged lol I'm a afraid I don't use it much lol she's a bloomin nightmare but enjoyale company love her are you well magpuss how is Geoff xxx and my jackets come with ties up the back when I get put in my small room with bouncy walls lol xx

Oh wow, a plug in jacket! I'm fine thanks but I'm keeping my distance from Geoff - he's got a shocking cough and I don't want him sharing it with me😷. You have one of those jackets do you..........mmm, that explains a lot😄😄😉.
Ah poor lad stay far away I hope he's better soon ....i will have you know my jackets are made to measure by versace and very nice fit as I can't move to well when I'm allowed in the bouncy room lol 🤡🤡🤡
You will not be "trying them for size" you ungrateful woman,i shall make you wear them all year round in gratitude to such a lovely and adventurous old lady.do look after her she sounds like a really strong willed lady bless her soul................skis and scruffy xx
I will try them and if I don't like them Andrew can claim them lol I'm not ungrateful she's my boo as I call her ...masses of street cred lol xxx
When I was fourteen I worked Saturdays at the very large Bull Ring Market. A lot of the traders would wear hot water bottles tied around there waist to keep them warm whilst standing around waiting for customers. I am now 70.
What a nice story and good memories for you i hope ...mother in law has worked outside all her life she was a foresters wife like me so obviously a long ago generated idea xx
I think shes a genius and I wish I'd thought of wearing hot water bottles!! I'm tired of being cold and it's only November! It'll make my coat less baggy too ha ha..What a wonderful lady xx
Thankyou lovley xxx
How refreshing Angie and down to earth. Mad as a box of frogs! lovely. Many daughter's in law would be more judgemental. Make sure you wear the hot water bottles. Lilian xxxxx
Anyone remember Thermogene? Sort of pinkish cotton wool - remember having that in my wellies and it certainly kept my tootsies warm.
Thermogene wadding had it shoved down my wellies in winter lol it had a backing on it xx
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