Feeling proper fed up. Matron was due today she couldnt make last week had a anxiety attack took half a lorazapam changed my kaftan and got up early for me Then she rang because I didnt go to hospice yesterday had bad stomach early hours tuesday morning she said i have to be clear for48hours before she can come she is now coming monday after i have Been to Breatheeasy they are doing something for copd. Day but will have to leave straight after excercise. There is pie and peas on i ordered some for frank will have to Bring them home it seems every other appointment she makes is cancelled so when she comes it will be nearly a month since i saw her tomorrow apointment with consultant hope he is giving me the azhithromycin .Friday oxygen nurse not seen her since june they rang today to see if i had a infection told her just finished Abs she is still coming anyway Because she said the way i am she would never get to see me
No Visit from matron : Feeling proper... - Lung Conditions C...
No Visit from matron

Sounds like me, I do wish that they didn't keep mucking you about and that life becomes better organised. All love xxx
Oh Margaret everyone is trying to put a tick in the box and also avoid illnesses, they forget the people they are supposed to be caring for.
Let’s hope tomorrow goes well and Matron arrives on Monday. Xxxxxx
You are are so right its a shame that couldnt swap my appointment with someone who would be pleased to get a earlier visit .I get all uptight when i have appointments so then i have to go through it again shame I will miss the copd day meeting after the class as i understand it will be speakers raffle and pie and pea lunch. Will bring it home for frank love Margaret xxx
I really don't know how u cope with it all. I only have mild Bronchiectasis but suffer with Depression so know how tough it is to keep going mentally. My hats off to you
To Be honest dont feel like I am coping that well and depression as you know is so hard to conquer Best wishes