Hi everyone. I have chemical COPD. Every time I come in contact with sprays or air fresheners fabric softeners or anything containing toxic chemicals I get bronchitis. I just came back from our urgent care clinic with another prescription of amoxicillin. If I take it at the first sign of symptoms it prevents me from getting really sick and turning into pneumonia That's what happened 5 years ago the first time I got it. I went for over 3 years before I got it again, I have had it 4 times in the last 2 years and just found out this year that I have COPD. It allways happened about a week after I was exposed to anything containing toxic chemicals. I have gotten rid all the sprays etc. that I know caused my bronchitis. It's almost impossable to know what will cause it everytime, there are so many things that can bring it on. Does anyone else have the same problem?
Chemical induced COPD: Hi everyone. I... - Lung Conditions C...
Chemical induced COPD

I have COPD emphysema, and can experience non infection flare ups,
Caused by
dusty places
fumes, such as car exhausts
air freshener sprays or plug-ins
strong-smelling cleaning products (unless there's plenty of ventilation)
some e-cigs flavouring one is strawberry.
Hi Thank you for the reply. That sounds like what I have as well. It comes on very suddenly without warning. I go the the clinic right away and get my prescription and it works very well for me. I am lucky I don't need any puffers or other meds yet. I get short of breath walking up long hill but it's not that bad and I can still climb 2 flights of stairs, but no more before I start to get tired and out of breath. I noticed that the smells seem to be stronger than they seemed to be before and they make me gag. I know when this happens I will most likely get bronchitis.
HI again. The other day I put gas ( petrol) in my car and for the first time The fumes were so strong I I almost gagged that has never happened before. I am on antibiotics already for bronchitis, I hope that prevents it from getting bad because I feel pretty good now and I have three days left. What do you do when you come into contact with chemicals? I can wear a mask in the house when clean I have to wear one when I put gas in the car. I have never used a puffer and I don't cough when I get bronchitis. I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks.
I always stand down wind, and as far back as I can.
The problem with fumes is you need a carbon filter, plus a mask can restrict your breathing.
Many Petrol stations offer assistance when refuelling ask at you local station, if they have more than one attendant they most likely offer the service.
My local ASDA Station as a bell push to summon help if required.
Thank you for the advice. I will look for a station that hasthat service, most of them are strictly self serve!
I have similar problems, perfumes and smoke (including toast) are my main antagonists.
How long does it take for your symptoms to show up? The first time I got it was from febreeze and lysol. My hall closet had a musty odor and my coats smelled I had to through out the ones I couldn't wash. It was over a week befor I got it. I thought it was a cold so i waited too long to see a doctor and it turned into pneumonia and I was very sick but luckily the amoxicillin cleared it up in about a week. That was 6 years ago. Now it seem to come a lot sooner.
Yup definitely perfume, actually everything what has a strong smell, I will get problems that I have to use my inhaler to get back normal again. 🐇🐇
Sorry but could you have the pneumonia jab, surely you'd be entitled to it?
I have some bother with chemical cleaners and have switched over to all the eco ones and find them a lot better. A lot more expensive too x
I have the same issue I cannot tolerate perfume, fragrances in soaps, hair spray, washing powder, chemical fumes petrol, cleaning products, smoke, and the list goes on. I get a lung infection about 48 hours after a strong exposure to smells. Not fun at all!
It makes me so angry that so many people have to suffer because companies don't care and put $$$$$ before health. Every time I see a commercial where people are spraying these toxins in the air and saying how fresh it smells, when that smell is making so many people sick.
Yes I agree. But most disappointing is those people who know you cannot cope with the perfumes etc but continue to keep using them.
Yes I know the type. I play cards with a large group of seniors and one of them also has COPD but still smokes and wears strong smelling perfume and is in her eighties. She was told that some of us were allergic to perfume but she ignored them. She was finally told she wasn't welcome if she had no respect for the well being of others. She stopped wearing perfume. At least our law does not allow people to smoke indoors anymore. They have to go outdoors.
Well they aren't actually toxic are they? Must that you are sensitive to various vapours. The worst I've had was cleaning records with distilled water with 10% alcohol.it was really bad.
Look up 1,4-Dichlorobenzene - also known as p-dichlorobenzene. This is found in some Toilet deodorises and sanitisers.
Exactly! Benzene is what they used in refillable lighters and it had a very strong smell.
Hi, I have COPD and I’m more and more convinced that the majority of damage was done from pouring bleach into a bucket which, unbeknowns to me, had ammonia in and the fumes nearly knocked me out.
I was diagnosed about 18months later but I did also smoke for years prior to this.
Anyhoo, I have become so intolerant to fumes, I drive on ‘recycle’ in the car and upgraded to a new car earlier this year as my old one had no hepa filter in and was ill following long journeys, especially in poor weather.
I DON’T use any sprays anymore and have lots of spider plants in the house as they’re an excellent air purifier and you are correct, most sprays ARE toxic, anything with ‘parfum’ or ‘limonene’ in converts to formaldehyde when released in the atmosphere and they’ve been featured as toxic substances on a few tv programmes. There are other toxins therein too.
Why these are still allowed in substances when we know the dangers is beyond me???
I had to ask the cleaner in the changing rooms of a hotel I recently stayed in to stop spraying air freshener and to be aware of people with bad chests in future, (bless her, she was completely oblivious, as are most folk!!)
I agree most people are oblivious and even when they know they pay no attention because they think it doesn't affect them. If enough people could prove that a certain spray etc. etc. caused their COPD there could be a class action lawsuit. I don't understand why environmentalist groups aren't making everyone aware of these health risks. I just filled a box full of all the sprays anything that might cause me to get sick again. I will be taking it to the toxic waste depot. I am Lucky that the antibiotic I take helps a lot and I don't get that sick if I get it right away. I'm glad you let the cleaner know. I hope she passes it on.
The things that really make me bad are diesel fumes, cigarette smoke and, bizarrely, dry shampoo. Most often doesn't lead to a chest infection but leaves me coughing and gagging for ages.
I find so many things that I have been using for years now make me sick, ever since I got it the first time and that was 6 yrs. ago. The second time 4yrs later was a fabric softener which I hadn't used for 4 years. Now I have had it 4 times in 2yrs. This time it was a tub and basen cleaner that I have used for years, this time it smelled so strong it made me gag. and I turned on the fans and opened the windows but I still got it. From now on when I use a spray of any kind I will wear a mask and I have disposed of every cleaning product and hair sprays etc. etc. I will also wear one when I clean house.
Prior to being diagnosed with COPD (although I had symptoms for years and knew I had it) about 6 months ago I used oven cleaner for only a minute and it immediately made my breathing so tight that I nearly went to the hospital. It took hours to pass and was quite scary.