Does anyone know what the difference is between a HRCT and a normal CT?
HRCT scan: Does anyone know what the... - Lung Conditions C...
HRCT scan

Think HR is Hight Resalution CT Scan.
Guess the might want to look closer at bits n bobs

I have not been offered one it was just mentioned in my referral letter that I have not had one
Usally repeted ct scan's are just as good usally use die to see structers vesals.
Forgot to mention on your last post about guts sweeling if had lynth node issues that can cause fluid swelling retention.

You mean like a lymphedema? I don't have any of those but thank you for your response
Think ya said had one removed or diseased would imagen would cause local swelling as thats how lynthatic system moves juices water round us

No not me think you might have me confused with someone else. I have bilateral pleural effusions but they have remained small and stable whilst I have been on treatment
Hi i must of IS easy done tbese days GLAD all is stable with plaura stuff

The cancer has spread to some of my lymph nodes but I have not had any removed and there is no swelling.
Am sorry to read that perhasp the catching it in time
I think its where they inject a dye so they can follow it through the body. X
It's the way the machine is operated, thinner slices and moving slowly. Hence a better resolution.
High resolution scan just means more in detail and the machine movement is slower than the normal ct scan and it takes pictures of thinner layers...x

High Resolution CT scan is when they inject a dye that goes through your body showing more detail of the blood vessels. You don't really need it for showing lung conditions. I usually refuse the dye because I don't like chemical being put through my system. It can feel like a warm rush as it goes through. I hope that helps.

You mean the iodine I have had that on my regular CT scans for the ovarian cancer. I don't think that is what is meant by high resolution. I think it's as the others have said it's slower and thinner layers. I think it's the way they set up the machine
Scardycat Just a quick link to the wicked pedia bible thingy explains all. regards............skis and scruffy cat
Thanks for that. Is there any advantage of giving one over a normal CT?
Yes there is much finer detail given than in a normal ct scan,

Sorry I disagree. Chest x ray showed problems, Ct Scan showed suspected Lung Cancer, Pet Scan confirmed Cancer. A further CT Scan with contrast next week will show if the intense radium treatment has worked. Without these scans my husband would not have been able to have the treatment he has had.
I am not sure what your point is exactly I was asking what is the difference between a CT scan with contrast and a high resolution CT scan
ScardyCat 40 I have already apologised I meant to reply to littlepoms comment re scans, instead it appeared at the end of the comments. I can see that it would have made little sense hence the apology. All I was told is that a high resolution scan with contrast gives a finer definition. My husband had to have a blood test two weeks ago before the scan, hospital phoned yesterday to say bloods not all ok so he has to go in for the day to have the scan as he will need to go on a iv drip before and after the scan.
Actually the contrast is much better for seeing small airways in lungs and unless you are allergic to iodine or about to have RAI its better to have it done
That's for littleporn not sure why it posted here