Hi, I have been visiting this forum for a while to get some other input and help with caring for my 80 year old Mum who has severe COPD.
I have grown angry and resentful over the last year since my Mum finally agreed to let me attend medical appointments with her because nothing seemed to be addressed regardless of her obviously worsening condition. There was pretty much no care in place, apart from increasingly regular repeated prescriptions of her emergency meds and an oxygen condenser that she was told to bring down to Bournemouth with her when she moved from Harrow, by the health authority in Harrow who dumped it at her house there after her second hospitalisation. Without a care plan or instructions.
The fact my Mum had an unregulated and unmonitored prescription medicine (the oxygen) in her home here and had never had any blood tests or guidance really on what to do, went unnoticed by her new GP for a year and a half after moving, despite her telling them on the new patient form that she had the oxygen from day 1 and having been seen by the alleged 'Respiratory Nurse' there. Who wrote in Mums notes that Mum was on Short Burst Oxygen Therapy. Not Long Term Oxygen Therapy with no management.
So over the past year I have done a lot of late night reading to try and find out what we were supposed to do.
And you know what? We were supposed to be told what to do because there are very clear guidelines about this by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence or NICE.
Now this does not have to be followed (it's a Guide after all) but really it should be. And here's why. Because GPs etc do not know this stuff well because there is a lot of stuff they have to remember like how many arms we have and what time the golf course is quiet.
So NICE, and they are nice, work out through a whole load of Very Clever nice People like other doctors and researchers and people with BSc and other letters after their names the best things to do (Clinical Excellence being the clue in the name) to treat COPD. They get people who can write proper and spell things like 'dyspnoea' to well, write every thing down so when the doctor or nurse or 'health professional ' has to be in the surgery for instance and see me, my mum or maybe you, they can read, because they all can I believe, the Guidelines of CLINICAL EXCELLENCE to treat me, my Mum or maybe you.
And then they can pretend they know what they are doing and pat each other on the back at the golf course when they are feeling very proud of how they have helped the poor mortals in their care to struggle through our existence for another day.
Make sense so far? They have a guide. It's here:
Type that in your computer and I know you all can because you are reading this. Aha!
Then search for COPD.
Find the guidance and read it slowly and bit by bit. It does start to make sense because you know what it is about.
Then you can see what your doctor or community matron (band 7 £31 to £41 thousand a year apparently) or anyone else involved in your struggle to be OK for another day is supposed to be doing.
Now, Very Clever People get upset sometimes when they realise that we may have dared look at THEIR GUIDELINES and they get VERY CROSS.
So type this into your computer too:
Then search for 'NHS CHARTER'.
And read that. The government has to write that so that people who are not VERY CLEVER PEOPLE like me can understand it.
And the NHS Charter does not say that I can be treated like a moron, dismissed, have medication stopped or changed out of hand and made to feel I am a burden. It does not say I should be grateful for the 5 minutes I get and never dare to speak up and question what is going on.
It says that the NHS work to help us stay healthy, it says we are to be treated with respect and in the best manner possible. It says that patients and carers should understand the treatment, the condition and have the right to challenge what we do not think is right. It says that the NHS staff should all work together for our benefit to give us the best patient care possible.
So I hope that all made sense, it has taken me a year to unpick the maze of incompetence and apathy towards my Mums care and I thought that she was the odd one out; slipped through the cracks in the system.
Guess what? I now know that isn't really true. And so do you.
So you can save yourself that year I spent staying awake on the computer and go straight to those sites and read about how things are supposed to be.
If you want to. I wish everyone the very best for the day. Well, except some Very CLEVER PEOPLE I know who I hope have their golf spoiled by the rain.