Well after spending a couple of nights in hospital I come home to find all my medical support gone. I have been discharged from my community matron, Telehealth removed and can't even get my emergency meds unless I see a doctor.I usually have great medical support but it seems no longer, I am going to contact my surgery to see if I can find out why. Will let you know how I get on, thanks for listening. Love Bernadette xxxx
Disappointed: Well after spending a... - Lung Conditions C...

That's terrible Bernadette and no way to treat anyone. Hope you get some answers. Xxxxx
Good luck my dear. Sadly the NHS is slowly being dissembled. Do hope you get all the help you need
I agree with Leesea about the NHS - there are more and more cuts, rationing etc so we have to fight for what we need. After hospitalisation you certainly need this support all the more - not the time to cut you off. Please do let us know how you get on. Having no support must be contrary to the NICE guidelines for copd treatment.

Thanks just waiting to hear from my surgery. Will let you you what happens xxx
I do hope you get all your medical support back Bernadette and that you are feeling better after your hospital stay. Lilian xxxxxx

I will let everyone know what happens. Thanks for all your support love Bernadette 😳 xxx
That's not good!!
However I don't think it is down to NHS cuts/disassemmblance of the NHS it is just poor nursing practice to discharge you without any discussion with you.
I sure they will be happy to discuss their reasoning with you.
Stay well!
Well Damon1864, I get the feeling that the criteria for these services has changed without patient knowledge. Have to admit I am finding that many services are reverting to DIY, i.e I take my own blood pressure, check my uric acid levels, monitor my breathing then see the dr every three months for prescriptrion reveiw. Sounds like that's what they propose for you. Good luck with finding out let us know how you get on, maybe the hospital felt you were well enough to be discharged back to GP at this time.

Thanks xxx
This sounds dreadful - hope you get it sorted soon - let us know meanwhile take care xxx
That's. Nice. Goverment. Need. To. Wake up. Care. And. Education. Should. Come first. But. They. Waste. And. Spend. On. Audits. That make no sense. Inquirers. That. Go on forever. And cost. 100 of. Million. Why. They get. Private. Care. We. Have to make. Do. And. Go with out. Shocking. It. Really. Is. Well we. Either. Exempt. Our. lot. Or. Make. A. Noise. Demo. The. Health. Sec. easier. Said. Then. Done. But. The. Way I feel. I. Think. I must. Paul. N. London.