Mornings walk 8km : πŸ’™πŸ€— - Lung Conditions C...

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Mornings walk 8km

β€’19 Replies


19 Replies
2greys profile image

Although I am just a few miles across the water, I do envy your location and fresh air to go walkies away from the constant traffic fumes.

in reply to 2greys

Don't you drive at all hun x

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to

No, I am very short sighted and gave up driving 30 years ago as I felt it in unsafe not being able to see in the distance. Having replacement lenses every 6 months.

in reply to 2greys

Ah I see well I could pop over pick you up anytime of you wanted a wander other than that's it's the ferry lol and 6 buses 😊😊😊

2greys profile image
2greys in reply to

Thanks for the offer, I am going to be taking next week off from work and will have to get the ok from the boss indoors first. Will pm you later.

in reply to 2greys

Do that bring her with you can always pick you up and drop you back no problem x

skischool profile image

Taxi for manchester please.i want a limo i'm not riding pillion on your motor thingy,nothing too posh for lunch will do and i will bring my old cannon slr with 200mm lens for the flora and forna shots,i'm quite good at headless shots with a varying degree of camera shake.oops sorry i thought it was a general invitation............skisxx

in reply to skischool

Limo hire for weddings outings and general pick up available for a decent price ££££ lunch will not be included in hire but can be bought and paid for by them that stuff their faces with the food ....i don't mind headless pics some are very amusing feel free to book the mystery tour πŸ˜πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘

skischool profile image
skischool in reply to

I think i will have to apply for a visa from the 'National Trust'to visit the New Forest area but at the moment,with my Hernia i will have to apply to the 'National Truss'...............xx

in reply to skischool

I know a good colo rectal surgeon and a fantastic scrub nurse that could sort that hernia right out shall I book you a bed with the limo hire πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ as the jungle book song sang trussss in me xx

skischool profile image

I will stick to keyhole surgery as opposed to your suggestions which appears to point to another entry point lower down,however i have no objections to a scrub down by a fantastic nurse though at my age i should avoid such fantasies............skisxx

in reply to skischool

I should think so to oh well can't have it all my way laparoscopic it is see you through the keyhole ..behave yourself you will give yourself another complaint if your not careful β™₯β™₯β™₯πŸ˜„

skischool profile image

Getting back to the original post my dear,do you use a camera stand or tripod to take your pics as they are always crystal clear or is that just a steady hand?Also do you not have wind in the new forest as the water shots always seem motionless with barely a ripple.Love them all............skisxx

in reply to skischool

I bought a tripod with the camera but never used it to be honest ...never felt the need ...yes we have windy days and can take your breath away if out on the open forest....i don't practise anything with the camera I take what I see at the time and can't believe how good and clear some of them are ...i don't mean that to be modest it's just a lovley camera and easy to control especially round here where there is so much to capture xxx and thankyou

megshafer profile image

I love the way the water looks like a mirror for the tree. A beautiful, perfect picture!!!


in reply to megshafer

Thank you Meg ...i love reflections in the water ....not when I look on it though lol xx

megshafer profile image

From you little avatar, you look very pretty! I was at a charity event and my Cannon camera, did not come home with me. I will replace it, you are inspiring me with your great photography.

Meg πŸ€—

in reply to megshafer

Yayyy can't wait to see you post some pics bet you will have great results good luck Angie xxx

Lin76 profile image

Wow is this a pretty lake. I took a walk...about 4 blocks. Its good for me but got too hot so i cut mine short. Tomorrow i am getting up and walking. Too many hills here,and get short of breath! Way to go thats so far! Awesome!

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