I attended a breath easy group for the first time 3 months ago and was not impressed no one acknowledged me and after sitting for 10 minutes had to leave as I could hardly breath due to the amount of perfume the women had on. MK
Breath Easy Group: I attended a breath... - Lung Conditions C...
Breath Easy Group

Hi 👋 1947 mags Just read your post wow you are right purfunes do start me off coughing st rehab I attend a guy had loads off aftershave & he to was coughing & I didn't have the heat to say maybe he's aftershave isn't helping but I didn't . Hope nurse notices & in a nice way address it to Jon was over powering . But a shame as we all love a little fragrance are lungs that doesn't x Hope your well best wishes Bernadette x
Welcome to the forum 1947Mags. Tell us a little about yourself.
Might be an idea to contact the leader of the group and mention the perfume problem. S/he may issue guidelines not to wear it in future.
Also 10 minutes might not be long enough to judge a group.
Hi sorry you had that experience. I didn't find perfume a problem at mine but it was very unfriendly too. There was a clique who ran it and they were awful. I stopped going. There was one woman who couldn't walk but had plenty of breath to moan and complain and she never shut up.

Hi lililil 😂 Just read some posts & the I thought I'd share I Sometimes thought if you talk a lot it crnt be a problem . But shortness off breath is airways they flar up unpredictable & respiratory professionals say when you are able talk away or sing away is best excercise for lung conditions believe it or not . Also the lady later she may be out off breath so 9b her welling day she attended & wasn't to her expectations as she might know that later the perfume will trigger her symptoms to flat up & probably is protecting herself so she goes on a rant & feels good to express her self wheather that is in viewed in good or bad light by other . So I say also she my be looking after company & rants now and again but who doesn't & we cannot judge If we are all fighting to keep well & stay away from triggers hope your good inself best wishes x Bernadette x 👍🏻
Thank you Bernadette but I am aware of that. There were others there as bad but she moaned and complained for England and no one else felt the need to. I wouldn't have minded if she had been funny but she was just miserable. Who needs that, whatever the reason?
I was acquainted with her for years before when she could walk etc. but she was still the same then.

Aww lilac 😂 I had to laugh out loudly when I read your reply funny in s nic way . Some people can be negative & it brings others down I understand . The re hab j go to am in a positive mind set & yes a lady their she is nasty to the staff & there lovely I turn the other cheek & think am bit allowing someone dampen my day & focus on myself let it go over my head as to return home & say to myself I benefited I. The rehab as we are there to put into it & get back what Heath we can to remain strong live life . As I am. It ready to give up . So let that lady rant just sit away & enjoy for you & she my see others enjoying it & who knows she my 🙏 Change for the groups sake . Ha x lovely to here back from you & hope you keep in touch & thanks for sharing & I do wish you well . I find the forum beneficial & it allows you to meet people who know understand that we have simuliar health downfalls in the same boat & nice to be able to reach out to each other x 👍🏻😘 Bernadette xx
Aw bless you Bernadette you are so lovely. I wish we attended the same Breathe Easy group
I only went to the Breatheasy group 3 times and that was around 5 years ago now. Apart from that woman (who has now passed on) it seemed to be run by a little gang of bossy patronising old biddies who were unfriendly. I didn't need all that shite so stopped going. I bumped into one of the nice people last year and told her why I had left. She understood and said there were some nice folk there and to go and sit with them and her. I might go back one day.
To be honest I didn't get much out of it as they all seemed worse than me and it all seemed a bit facile really. We sat and chatted and had a little raffle. Then we had tea and coffee and apart from a talk with the respiratory nurse, who was lovely, that was it. It didn't seem worth the return £5 bus fare.
I enjoyed my PR except for one guy (I was still smoking) who said breezily 'Give it up it's easy!'. I saw red and went for his jugular He never came again I am usually pretty tolerant of others but the way he said that, well I just saw red.
Hope you are ok sweetheart and as well as possible. xxx

Aww lilac you to are lovely you come across that you won't be put down by anyone I agree if you still smoke you do & it's not easy to give up I've been there & realy I didn't want to give up as I have always enjoyed lonrdto smoke . Just some are unfortunate than others & it catches on to us . Bit as long as you do what you can with it without a fag believe in yourself & enjoy life regardless off negatively off others . Bless xx Bernadette x
Ha ha Bernadette I am a pussycat really I do find the older I get though the less easily I tolerate fools. Do you? I think that's an age thing though. I don't pride myself on plain speaking or anything as in my experience most of those people can dish it out easily enough, but can't take it themselves. If you do the talk you have to do the walk as well don't you?
I take life as it comes and try not to worry too much about the future. I think like most of us I have lost loved people and learnt that life is short and uncertain. You can only enjoy it whilst you are here.
I hope you are well love. xxx

Its not old age and illness that maakes you miserable some people are unlucky enough to be born like that you either take them on or give them a wide berth .lets face some people are only happy when they have something to complain about
Via la diffrence ha ha
Very true and I avoid them like the plague!

i had the same problem,so i stopped going
The groups I've been to in Crewe and Hanley have been great. Just wish I wasn't so busy so that I could go more.
I hate it when people ignore new people. It must have been very upsetting for you and it seems logical to me that the correspondence should advise in advance about what not to do e.g. Wear perfume etc. You get this sort of advice with regard to other health related investigations/activities.
I was in the respiratory clinic one day and the woman next to me sprayed herself with perfume and I nearly choked! I could have choked her too but apparently that's not allowed. That's a pity 😜
The best/worse place for that to happen is on an aeroplane. I can confirm, through experience, that you can get the attention of the whole crew and all the passengers too 🤣
Seriously though I would contact the relevant person or persons and explain your experience and how it has affected you.
Big hug to you xx
Thank you for your reply and understanding. I had wanted to attend the group for quite a long time but was looking after my husband who had lung cancer, I had expected a warm welcome and as I was still raw from my husband death 2 months earlier I probably over reacted. I can't go back as all I saw and heard for the 10 minutes or so I was there was a clique who all seemed to be totally concerned with the lady who seemed to be in charge. Or perhaps they were put off by the fact I arrived with shopping trolley in tow. Ah well onwards and upwards as they say around here. Big hug back xx
I totally understand you not wanting to go back. The way I look at it is that it is their loss. Everyone has something unique to bring to a group and your contribution will be missing.
How many others have gone before you and fine exactly the same thing? Perhaps you may feel strong enough to intact someone to explain your disappointment and your feelings about the whole event.
You have so much to deal with and I am so sorry about the recent death of your husband.
You're very welcome and loved and cared about in here so we'll keep you as the others don't deserve you. You are our gain xxx
Sorry you had such a pore experiance. You could join and change things from the inside any group can get it wrong and wont realise untill they are told. And if they are stuck in thear ways. Maybe a new commite is in order. You will probably find you are not the only one that feels like you do about the group 😆
We can have our own Breatheasy group on here!