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rbroome684 profile image
51 Replies

Stem Cell results

Its been a over a month now, close to two months, since I went for Stem Cell treatments.

I have had some improvements and my wife says there is some changes... Breathing is a little easier and not as hard to do.

It is still early,as the treatment center told me, that changes would be small over a 3 to 4 month period, a Function test will show the changes.

I plan to request a current PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) to see if my lung function has improved, (I feel that it has, but the test will tell for sure.

I will let you all know how it goes....

Ralph B

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rbroome684 profile image
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51 Replies
Badbessie profile image

I have been following this with interest. I think and this is only a lay man's opinion that any improvement will be difficult to substantiate. The nature of Lung Function Tests can be affected by so many factors that at times I feel they are not really a definitive scale of improvement or loss of function. My tests this year have a variable by as much as 20% of function. But I feel fitter than I have for years. At the end of the day it how you feel and how you are able to function that is important the rest is just numbers.

piping profile image

Interested to hear the results rbroom...Peter from Australia.

dogcyrus profile image

Thank you for keeping us informed.

if you have any improvement in your function test from the last one, it will have nothing to do with this so called stem cell treatment.

you will not find even the smallest pice of proof that this treatment has worked for any one other then those who work for these clinics.

no responsible doctor would even consider you try it.

maybe a talk with B L F , your doctor or your lung specialist will put you the pitcher better then i can.


rbroome684 profile image
rbroome684 in reply to


You must be an expert on Stem Cell and PFT tests, or trying to promote yourself as one, which is it.?

You state if you have any improvement in your function test from the last one, it will have nothing to do with this so called stem cell treatment.

How do you or your experts determine improvement.

you will not find even the smallest pice of proof that this treatment has worked for any one other then those who work for these clinics.

This is untrue, where is your information coming from??

no responsible doctor would even consider you try it.

Doctors admit it is not FDA approved, I've not had one say dont use it.. My doctors are probably as responsible as yours.

maybe a talk with B L F , your doctor or your lung specialist will put you the pitcher better then i can.

I would like to know, have you tried Stem Cell. if not how can you when no doctors have objected to my taking it and want me tokeep them updated on progress or not..

Your negative only attempts to discourage progress that could help.. No I didn't say would..

MY posts here are on my progress,, no attempt to get you or anyone to use Stem cell, THAT my friend is a personal choice and expense..

Wishing you only the best with what ever your issues may or maynot be,

falconcottage1 profile image
falconcottage1 in reply to rbroome684

Hi My name is Sue I'm from the uk. I am looking at stem cell treatment. Please keep us informed regarding your condition as it is supposed to take quite a while to se improvements. my fingers are crossed for u . Good luck!

moodygirl profile image

Thanks for update Ralph. Seems promising.

annenic profile image

Sounds good an positive Ralph, fingers X'd the tests are good x

jackdup profile image

Thanks for keeping us informed on the procedure and am hoping for significant and definitive improvements in your PFT results.

Dedalus profile image

Positive news Ralph. Look forward to learning the results of your PFT.

Hello Ralph, I had no idea anyone was running stem-cell trials. What actually are they doing and what is the aim of your treatment? I've wondered about stem-cell treatment for lung damage and pleased to hear someone is trialling.

All the best for the future...

rbroome684 profile image
rbroome684 in reply to

Hi Hummingbirdy

There are a few trials going on in the USA I know for Stem cell therapy for different health issues.. All we can do is research as I did for over a year, Searh Stem Cell therapy COPD, or Emphysema or what ever your issue is.

I went to a center in the USA. they take a couple ounces of your blood from your vein , then run t through a centrifuge, to separate Stem Cells.. Making them much stronger as they put it and return your blood strengthened back into you veins to go to work as the new and stronger Stem cells.

The trials I couldn't find exactly what I wanted, so I went to a center that would perform the stem Cell treatments Of course that was at my cost.

The centers claims are an 84% success rate with patients, and maybe a 10% to 30% (Maybe) no guarantees..

I feel that I am doing well and some improvement, but its still early.. it may take as they say a few months to see some improvement..

Also Stem cell therapy n the USA and possible other countries is not approved by the FAD and maybe Health organizations..

Let me know If I can help with other information.


asfaan_abs profile image
asfaan_abs in reply to rbroome684

Good Morning

I am glad to hear that you had stem cell therapy, we are also considering for my husband who only has 16% lung function its so hard to find some trusty worthy clinic.

we supposed to have gone to Shanghai for clinical trial unfortunate that fell through. due to lung biopsy which is not safe for my husband


Maureenpearl profile image

Hi Ralph, praying it all goes well for you. I have been diagnosed with Lupus which has damaged my lungs (Pulmonary Fibrosis). I have been told I am not a good candidate for lung transplant so I am interested as to why you were given stem cell treatment and your ongoing progress.

Take care, blessings to you.

Ellena profile image

Wishing you all the best Ralph and looking forward to hearing more about this treatment.

All the best. X

MaryAnne127 profile image

Please read the Tampa Bay investigative reports about Dr Feinerman and his newest medical facility. Article from 2011

Grace Brown died 5 October 14, 2011

Article from 2015

Dr Feinerman no longer appears in the ads for the institute but he is the company.

The below link gives his medical training etc.

Sc99By542 profile image

Hi I have had severe asthma from chilhood, now they say I have copd, so I am really interested to see how it goes for you.

All the best.

rbroome684 profile image
rbroome684 in reply to Sc99By542

Hello SC99

I will keep all updated with any changes I experience in August, I will try to habe my VA doctor refer me for a PFT pulmonary function test to see of there is improvement or North, I feel it will be positive,

ol-ly11 profile image

Are you living in UK? Really interested and keep asking my consultant. Which hospital do you use? Hope all continues to improve for you.

rbroome684 profile image
rbroome684 in reply to ol-ly11


I live in the USA and had the stem cell therapy here also.. Let me know if I can be of help to you.

ol-ly11 profile image
ol-ly11 in reply to rbroome684

Thank you. Not so available over here I don't think. I have mentioned to my consultant a couple of times now and he just shakes his head. Maybe I should offer to pay like you have to in USA. Good luck. Please keep posting so we can follow your journey.

sloaneranger profile image

Can u tell me where you had the treatment Ralph and approx ball park costs I can send you my email if you want to keep the latter part private.

rbroome684 profile image
rbroome684 in reply to sloaneranger

send your email if this forum permits it

sloaneranger profile image
sloaneranger in reply to rbroome684

Not sure if it does its [edited out] I'd really appreciate any info as having exhausted all other possibilities including donor organs it seems stem cell treatment is my only hope.

gaffers profile image

Hi I am sorry to say that I don,t believe that there is any Viable stem cell treatment available at this time,

MY Daughter is a doctor of bio technology and a researcher at a leading university, working with the bio med field ,she has first hand experience with stem cells having worked with them for some cancer research she did and also some work she did in growing bone from stem cells.

Being concerned over my illness she keeps track of some of the newer treatments being trialed,and she tells me that we are many years away from anything that could work. Remember this is my daughters field of expertise and she has good reason to hope for some positive results. I am sorry to say that at the present time stem cell treatments are dangerous and only profiteering and irresponsible people are selling them,

I am not referring to medical trials being carried out for research purposes, but people offering what can only be bogus treatments for profit

gaffers profile image

IN addition to my post, the only stem cells that could conceivably become lung stem cells are "non differentiated cells" available only from either an embryo or the placenta, they are present in VERY small quantities in the bone marrow but finding them and separating them from bone marrow cells is problematic stem cells once differentiated can only become cells of that type E.G. heart stem cells will only become heart cells,we do not at this present time know how to make lung stem cells therefore any stem cells somehow administered to your lungs cannot grow new lung

rbroome684 profile image

I am getting many naysayers about Stem cell, for some of you who asked. no i don't speak for doctors or any institute I also do not work for any medical facility,

The last time I mentioned an institute on this forum, I was informed that or my email was not permitted,

I am simply reporting on what I am experiencing, I am not telling you or anyone to use Stem Cell or any form of treatment,

I will say, if you haven't tried stem cell or other treatments, that is your choice but how do you speak against what you have no idea about,

Odd how I have done research for a year before I felt I was/am willing to try the procedure

>I researched many institute's and interviewed previous patients (personally) most with positive results, Not one medical doctor told me not tho try stem cell therapy,

Just because the FDA doesn't approve a treatment does not mean it is a scam as some are trying to claim, The FDA on my opinion I find is funded by the drug companies that plush their million dollar medicines

For anyone who seems too be concerned about scams, I guess its a possible but it is my money, not yours,

oh btw just because someone is a doctor or knows a doctor. doesn't make you any authority

Of if don't get the results I wish for, that is my problem,

in reply to rbroome684

the replys you had from gaffers and MaryAnne127 and from me are absolutey ture.

stem cell treatment is fine if you want to pay and help with the much needed research.

but lets face it, is it even research what they doing?

rbroome684 profile image
rbroome684 in reply to

ub40 have you tried Any form of treatment to make claims that it doesn't work?

in reply to rbroome684

i am going on the information given by my doctor and my consultant who are both very nice and caring people.

my advice is still the same to any one who is thinking on going down this road. speak to your doctor, your lung specialist as they keep up to date on these things.

they will tell you stem cell treatment at this moment in time does not work for copd.

rbroome684 profile image
rbroome684 in reply to

I was going too wait until later to reply.

NO doctors here in USA North Carolina that i have spoken to have, responded that no one should try Stem cell procedures

yes they admit out is not FDA approved, and still in research, plus to let them know how it goes and my results,

One doctor who is currently doing trials for COPD also advised me that it isn't FDA approved and needs additional research, but did not suggest that I didn't go for stem cell treatment, , My PA and GP both were excited about, my trying STEM Cells and yo keep them updated


in reply to rbroome684

hi Ralph, i have said all i needed to say in this post. and i am genuine in that i wish you and any others who have this treatment that it is successful.

am sorry to say i cant help you with private messages. as i dont know what to do either.

perhapps stone-UK or mrsmummy will explain it.

good luck.

mrsmummy profile image
mrsmummy in reply to

It is in the Pinned Posts section, along with other useful posts and the BLF guidelines.

in reply to mrsmummy

thank you very much for the link mrsmummy.

i found it very helpful and easy to understand, but have also saved it just in case i ever want to use it.

will deffenately look up on the pinned posts for anything that could be useful to me.

great site by the way.

lungs profile image

You are right not pay too much attention to others. It is your body so your choice. I am interested to know the criteria to meet for stem cell transplants in the lungs. I would be very interested for any information re country, hospital, consultant. As it is it was very good of you to put your experience on this site. I am emphysema at the serious stage now. If you want I can give you my email if you want things less public. Thanks and I wish you all the best. I am very much looking forward to hearing about your

rbroome684 profile image
rbroome684 in reply to lungs

Last time i offered my email for anyone to gather more info on the subject. it was removed as not permitted,

stone-UK profile image
stone-UK in reply to rbroome684


E-mails are removed for your protection rather than not being allowed. You have to be aware of trolls and any other undesirables who can easily use your personal information for mischief.

It is always better to use the PM system which is save and secure.

Similar with your Facebook account details.

lKeith profile image


Hi Ralph, have been trying to get in touch with you since you came back from the states. Glad you are OK was begining to get worried. These things all seem to take time and few restore you to full working order but they do help with some improvement.

I've been researching lung coils & valves as other solutions to your stem cell treatment,do please keep us informed, I can't even get referred yet, my GP is insisting it must come my hospital specialist, all rather frustrating.

Keep well, glad to see you back.


falconcottage1 profile image
falconcottage1 in reply to lKeith

Hi keith. I have bronchiectasis and live in the uk. I have seen a number of posts about shunts which can open up the bronchial tubes, but try as I do I cannot find any information regarding same. Could u point me in the right direction?

mrsmummy profile image
mrsmummy in reply to falconcottage1

This is a good place to start reading. :)

lKeith profile image
lKeith in reply to falconcottage1


Hi, There appears to be a couple of posts come through that refer to stem cell treatments, I have kept in touch with broome since the treatment was administered and have noted some progress in their condition.

Pointers, There are various sites on the net that indicate "trials" they often list hospitals that are recruiting for patients. Try The Royal Brompton, they have a good reputation in UK. They have trialed lung reduction, valves & coils. The Royal London likewise. Some of the treatment may come however at a price (Private). I have also approached the manufacturers agent for valves in UK try on email a fellow called Scott Lawson. He has a list of UK hospitals doing this treatment. Also try PneumRX ,email for coils,(Sorry lost the contact name) they will also provide lists of hospitals. The net for stem cell is Ticeba-Germany Dr Ganss(Coroline) Heidellberg, What clinic-Germany, Worlwwide Clinical Trials, mainly in USA. Just type in clinical trials and a list of various trials should come up, just choose the type of treatment. I know there is a hospital in the Midlands/North that seems very active in this field but have forgotten details, sorry Wythenshaw I think.

Hope this helps


falconcottage1 profile image
falconcottage1 in reply to lKeith

Thanks for the info. will get on to them right away. Hopefully something will be on which can give us hope. Will keep in touch. Cheers again.

gaffers profile image

I do not wish to be unkind in any way, the earlier posts were my understanding of the SCIENCE! my daughter is a leading researcher in this field.

She knows much much more about this extremely complex science than any medical doctor who may use the research and knowledge of people like my daughter but frankly only partly understand it.

Having a medical degree does not make you an expert in cell biology.

BUT my daughter is, and she tells me that at this time the science is not there,

if someone has money and wishes to gamble it on improving there health that is there choice.

But this is not medicine or science it is at best an unfounded gamble and at worst dangerous quackery

again i am not referring to genuine studies for research but to people selling treatments with no scientific bases

I apologise if anybody is offended by my comments but i feel these things must be said

Beth1949 profile image


I live in the states and I had stem cell treatment in Dec of 2015. I had it done in Nashville, TN.

I have Bronchiectasis, and have had lung issues for 30 years (diagnosed with allergies, then asthma, then COPD, then 5 yrs ago BX).

After the treatment, I didn't notice a change for months. But, after a year and a half, I can say that for the past few months, I have been feeling great. I will get out of breath if I'm doing something strenuous (I'm a 68 yr old female). I see my pulmonary specialist every 3 months and each time, my breathing tests have improved. The last test, he said, was almost to the normal person range.

I don't know if it's due to the treatment, or that I retired two years ago (less stress and more time to take care of myself), or that we moved a year ago from a very industrial air polluted area to a much more healthier air quality area. I also exercise regularly.

Also, since the treatment, I have not had a bronchoscopy or hospital stay. And only one ER visit about a month after the treatment. That is a record for me. Previous two years, I had several hospital stays and bronchoscopies per year.

Also, I've been able to decrease my meds. I was on 40mg of prednsone a day for years and was up to using my nebulizer 3-4 times a day. Now I'm down to 10mg of prednsione and use my nebulizer twice a day for maintenance.

Give it time, I hope you get positive results, Beth

in reply to Beth1949

Beth1949 hi, i read up on your other posts from two years ago.

there was some members very much against and trying to descourge you form having this stem cell treatment , others where just wishing you well and good luck.

what made me reply to this post, is you say you cant be sure on why you have improved so much now 2 years after having cell treatment. or becouse you had moved from a very industrial air polluted an area that you now able to breath in clean air.

given that all your health issues are from your lungs. i would say moving to somewhere where you now can breath into your lungs unpolluted air is the reason why you have improved.

and long may it continue.

as for sct.... cant be that as any good doctor will tell you. its still only research. 😏

rbroome684 profile image
rbroome684 in reply to


I just received your reply to me. It seems you have the wrong user.. I just had Stem Cell treatment May 25th & 26th, Improvements are still in the process with gradual change.

As for 2 years ago I have no idea who you are talking about being discouraged by other members. There has only been 3 maybe 4 counting you that have spoke against what I just had.

I also do not know where I may have moved from a very air polluted area.. My health conditions you speak of are Emphysema . What are all my health conditions you refer to?


Ralph B

Beth1949 profile image
Beth1949 in reply to

Like you said, it's only in the research stage.

As for feeling better in the last 1 1/2 yrs, the stem cell treatment did not do any harm, and may have improved my lung function.

Stress, I think, has a lot to do with it. Trying to hold a job and deal with the day to day ups and downs of this illness can cause a lot of stress.


deedeedog profile image
deedeedog in reply to Beth1949

Hi Beth, I live in Knoxville, TN and have been interested in going to Nashville myself. Can't afford it yet. I wish you the best. I have thought of moving too but have no idea where to move!? The allergens here are some of the worst!! As far as people being negative...well I guess they are just being cautious. I, for one, feel I have nothing to lose by trying new things. One blogger on here mentioned an amino acid called N-Acetyl Cysteine. I researched it and I just started taking it...with high hopes. Thank you for sharing and putting yourself out there with your information. We can all benefit from each others experiences. So glad you are feeling so much better! Nancy

joke profile image

Way to go. Positive Good luck

falconcottage1 profile image

Hi rbrome684, its Sue Harris again. I am glad you continue to feel a little better. The lady who had treatment 2 years ago said it took longer than 6 months to clearly see the improvements, but her tests continue to show improvements in lung function.

My question to you is: do you travel to the US every 3 months for follow up treatment? This is what is putting me of the idea of going to the US. I believe there are hospitals in Europe which offer this type of therapy, but am struggling to find them even with a web address I was given.

robert7270 profile image

So glad to hear this news and your post, I just joined today. I live in s.c. with emphysema would love to folloe up with you on your continued improvements being we are the same age. I am seeking knowledge in stem cell concern. Trying tho find anyone that has tried this. Nashville is my best choice also. Please reply. From myrtle beach

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