Scientists ADMIT Morgellons Disease i... - Lung Conditions C...

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Scientists ADMIT Morgellons Disease is REAL

4 Replies

Well other day I was watching interesting program about Morgellons Disease and it could be Extraterestrial bacteria.

Apparently they was saying they think know some bacteria excrete string like fibres THATs when I remembered post tad ago about coughed up fibres that I could not identify or incinerate SO I put them down to asbestos and mixed fibres.

Anyone know about Morgellons Disease & The Lung's after all are not lungs skin.

It's reported antibiotics help but some doctors say it's placebo effect and it's all in the mind.

All as I know is I coughed up load of stuff that looks like that Morgellons Disease fluff balls that others have coughed up.

Picture is stuff I talked about tad ago that I think is was asbestos under microscope ONE on left was incinerated then squashed but as you can see had no effet that's why thought was asbestos mixed fibres.

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4 Replies
Ergendl profile image

Try checking this out with an online academic resource like the Trip Database. Good luck with your continuing resource.

Badbessie profile image

Bit of a controversial subject lots of very different views. It's very uncommon and due to that a lot more research needs to be done before any claims are made. It's mainly a skin disorder and even saying that is controversial as there seems to be a split on if it a physical disorder or not.

moodygirl profile image

My friend's daughter convinced her mother that she had fibres growing out of her skin. Her face and arms were a mess where she was constantly scratching and picking. However it turns out she was taking drugs. She's now off them and her skin is clear....

I'm not saying that everyone who thinks they have it is on drugs..... Joni Mitchell was supposed to have it...

Interesting, Jeff. Which programme was that on? I'd never heard of it so I googled & found this reference to a Public Library of Science study: "researchers have struggled to prove the condition exists. A 2012 study published in the peer-reviewed PLOS ONE journal could not pinpoint what was causing the rashes. Instead, experts believe that the condition is a mental illness. The sores are caused by patients repeatedly picking and scratching at their skin, and the “fibres” are simply cotton from clothing.

They also found that those who complained of the condition scored highly for depression, and had somatic concerns – where a person’s mental condition affects their physical health."

Stress manifests itself in so many ways. It does with me anyway (but not this one, yet 😊)

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