For a tad i wonderd why i have abdonminal pain.
Could it be infections i.e sepsis or is it muscle pain or scar tissue ?
But as i dont have chest infection given my condition must be later i.e muscle pain or scar tissue forming.
But today am talking about ASBESTOSIS induced ACUTE LUNG INJURY induced BY CHRONIC LUNG SEPSIS resulting in ARDS and ACUTE LUNG INJURY and HEART PROBLEMS.
And why not as my docs don't like to talk about asbestosis .. so i took proactive approach to my health as Asbestosis is not any less of a illness than any other asbestos related illness its just as grim. SEPSIS as in my case is caused by iron in asbestos fibers and dead lung tissue cells ect that a cant cough up.
But as any half competent doc will tell you bacteria causes SEPSIS wow might need to see my doc as is not quite grasped that.
Am not happy with this asbestosis thing and being ripped of as most docs know most asbestos suffers never see justice as most sircome to cor pulmonale given there lung disease pretty much like my not so happy about diagnosis of chronic lung sepsis ... that conveniently missed out my occupational asbestos exposer history.
Am not saying my doctors mot interested he's just got other priorities he's working to so that levees me with a grim diagnosis and no justice.
But wile searching web for answers .. i thought i would share where i am up to for my quest for a cure WELL if there is such a thing.
But as some might remember my post about vitamin C heres link some might find interesting
Its about Vitamin C asbestosis chronic lung sepsis abdominal sepsis - acute lung injury
AJPLUNG : Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol