Hoe to check my oxygen level , and what should it be
Oxygen levels : Hoe to check my oxygen... - Lung Conditions C...
Oxygen levels

You can buy pulse oximeter. When using it make sure your hands are warm. Test which finger gives the best reading and always use that one. Also ensure you have no nail polish on etc. When you can calibrate it to the one used by your Doctor. Lastly leave it on for 60 seconds before taking a reading.
As for what it should be very much depends on you and your condition. My normal is between 96% and 99%. Others have readings of 88% to 92%. Before you buy one take some advice from a Respiratory nurse on how to use one and what you should do in the event of low spo2 readings etc.
I only use mine during exercise or I feel unwell.
The hospital gave me a wristband that says my oxygen levels should be between 82%-97%%. Fortunately it's usually 97% - 99%, but I had been in hospital with a pseudomonas colonisation, temp 104, Oxygen 82%, and was put on Oxygen for 5 days.

Poems, double check the range. Are you certain the hospital started the range at 82. Acceptable range usually starts much higher, typically 88. Judg69
I'd love to be able to hit 88 on a regular basis. Acceptable is a fluid concept when applied to O2 saturation.