Hi there,
Recently I was in hospital for two weeks having Tazacine IV to treat my pneumonia and and a very bad bronchiectasis exacerbation. Has anyone else had this type of antibiotic as IV before.
Please feel free to share your thoughts.
Hi there,
Recently I was in hospital for two weeks having Tazacine IV to treat my pneumonia and and a very bad bronchiectasis exacerbation. Has anyone else had this type of antibiotic as IV before.
Please feel free to share your thoughts.
Yes, I've had it several times when I've had a pseudomonas colonisation of my lungs. I've even been trained to do my own home meds. But the last time, I had pseudomonas AND pneumonia. I kept drifting in and out of consciousness for 4 days and the Tazocin didn't work, so they put me on Meropenham. The nurses kept finding me delirious and hanging out of bed.
How awful PG - sorry you had to go through that.
I was terrified. I had to be put on O2!!
Had they not given you 02 when you were admitted PG ? I always get it when I go in and after the first 36 hours or so, can use it at my own discretion.
My O2 levels have never dropped low before, so never neede it. I'm usually around 95% They gave me a wrist band to wear advising staff that if my O2 levels go below 88% I need to be put on oxygen. I was on it for 5 days and stayed on it 24-7. Haven't needed it since, but I have my own Oximeter and check it every few days.
Hanne62, the first time I had Pseudomonas they gave me the Cipro and nebulised colymicin. but Cipro gave me tendonitis, so I had to stop using it.
Hi Poems, I was changed to Meropenem as well but last year I had a terrible infection and after 20 days of Meropenem, I went home with the bug still flourishing. Three months later, it still hadn't gone so I had to go into hospital again. This time they used Tazocin 14 days and it cleared the infection completely. I didn't have any delirium though or end up hanging out of the bed Nice to see you here again, PG and hope you are keeping well.
I've found it good too, & so far have been able to tolerate it, unlike gentamicin, ceftazidime, meropenem or cipro. And it's effective against pseudo. Unfortunately there's a shortage right now drugs.com/drug-shortages/pi... but it seems to be fairly temporary. I think this happens from time to time as it's only manufactured by one company in the Far East - crazy or what?
Yep, Ive had it in hospital for double pneumonia and type 1 respiratory failure. It worked well for me though I had awful thrush in my mouth. I was dreadfully weak but did manage to get back to my baseline after a few months. Don't be disheartened if it takes some time to feel 'normal' again, that's normal - just build up gradually.
Hi O2, last time I was in hospital, I mentioned to them ( one really bad day) that I seemed to be worse there then I was at home. They told me that those heavy doses of IV abx are very tough on the system and accounts for a lot of the tiredness and weakness you go through in hospital and recovering at home.
Yes, I've had it several times. When my Bronchiectasis was less severe, I used to have it for a week. But since 2013, I've had to have it for a fortnight, to get the best result. It's an excellent antibiotic and I never had a problem with it. Hope it does the trick for you.
Hi Joseph
Sorry to hear you have been having such a rough time.
Yes I have had Tazocin but only for a short period of time last year. In clinic my Consultant wanted me to start on Meropenem for pseudo. To start in hosoital and then to do them at home myself. When I went in pharmacy changed it to Tazocin, which I was on for a couple of days, when the cf nurse told me Tazocin was no longer licenced for home IVs. My consultant came and changed it quickly to Meropenem and I finished the IVs at home.
I hope the Tazocin has kicked the bugs into touch, although I expect it will take some time for you to feel 'normal'.
With best wishes
Yes I've had IV Tazocin several times with Hospital at Home for up to two weeks a time. Last time end March with Pneumonia. Works well I found the infection not too bad otherwise it's Hospital for me with IV meropenen.
Hope you're feeling better now. π