I have a PR assessment 2nd May can anyone please tell me what to expect. I'm quite nervous about it, will I have to do any exercises? I can't walk very far without getting SOB. I know most of you find this course invaluable but I don't know if I could keep up with it! Lilian
PR Assessment?: I have a PR assessment... - Lung Conditions C...
PR Assessment?

They will usually measure how far you can walk in a set time period (usually 6 minutes). This will then be used as a yardstick at the end of the course to measure your improvement. If you can't walk that long it doesn't matter, they will measure what you can do. There is no need to worry as they are looking out for your best interests and they will be assessing whether this course will benefit you.
Crikey, Mrs. Mummy, 6 minute walk! I think I can do 1 minute at the moment. I will do my best but I hate being sob in front of other people, at least, for once I won't be the only one. Thank you for your reply. xx Lilian
Hello Lillian. Please don't worry as the assessment is mostly questions that need to be asked to see if they feel that you will benefit from PR, and it gives them something to measure your progress when you start. You will need to do a six minute walk test, but it is at your own pace and you just do as much as you're able. The PR exercises are very gentle, and you will be monitored to make sure that you're coping with them. The idea is that you build up gradually, and at your own pace, and hopefully by the end of the course you will be a bit fitter. You also get a lot of benefit from the education sessions. Don't worry......there's absolutely nothing to fear. XXX
Hello Pam, I wonder what the criteria is to benefit from PR. I like it when you say the exercises are very gentle. At the end of our garden there is a path that leads to a Coach Road, no traffic, a short way down the road is a bench. I can manage to the end of the path and I can see the bench, but haven't the confidence to walk to it. Last year I was walking the dogs down there without even thinking about it. I want to walk to the bench!! Hopefully, as you say my strength will build up gradually and also my confidence. Thank you for your reply Pam xxxxx
Your confidence will build because you're in such a safe environment. You'll be walking to that bench before you know it ๐. I don't know of anyone who hasn't gained great benefit from PR. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I did. XXX
You will enjoy it I have been on 3 PR courses and at the momen I am doing a follow up cardio exercise course I was refered to after my last PR course. I get breathless doing it. But they will let you work at your own pace at the PR courses they check your o2 level after doing exercises and you have to mark down how breathless you are after doing each excersise. Being breathless after exersising is normal.
Thank you Nottobad, You've been very busy, you never know, after the 6 week course I may be as active as you. I'm going to try. Thank you for your reply. xxxxxx
The one I am doing at the moment is for 16 weeks. But just remember to do it at your own pace. Xx

You will be fine, they don't make you do anything you can't do. You will enjoy. I can't wait to go back. Take care and have a lovely Easter.xxx
Hi Lilian, nothing to be frightened of, before I started exercising I was down to 35 yards of walking before having to stop, I can now walk for 2.5 miles of hilly terrain. It is at PR that you will learn how best to manage your condition in all respects. From how to breath more efficiently, healthy eating, how to use your inhalers correctly, how to relax, and giving you the confidence to get out of breath and how to recover from it easily. You will make it to that bench with ease afterwards. But don't forget that it is a case of "use it or lose it" you must keep up the exercising after you finish your PR course, you will soon fall into the routine of regular exercising and enjoy the sense of wellbeing from it.
Hello 2greys, I have read many of your posts and I admire your dedication, you are an excellent advert for PR! If I could do a quarter of what you I would be so proud of myself. My main concern, as you mention, is the confidence to get out of breath, the sob doesn't scare me as such but it's such hard work to get back the control. I totally agree, use it or lose it! I'm going for a little walk now, the sun is shining. Thank you for your reply. 2.5 miles of hilly terrain!! Wow!! Lilian xxxxx
Hi Lilian, you've got great advice above from everyone so I'll try not to repeat too much. As they say, you go at your own pace. Remember the course is for your benefit, not the physiotherapists (though they do get satisfaction knowing they are helping), so remember you are the one in control and you can stop anytime it feels too much. You may feel very out of control now since your walking has become so compromised but building up strength should bring back that sense of control. Since you say you don't like people to see you sob, that is something you could bring up in the education part of the course - you surely won't be the only one who gets embarrassed by this. Sharing how you feel will be another benefit of the course and another way to increase your confidence. Good luck and let us know how you get on
Hello O2, You are all such lovely people on this site. I have read a lot of your posts O2, and they have all been so beneficial. The generosity of sharing your experience and knowledge is received with so much gratitude. I knew very little about COPD before I joined this forum and now learning more everyday. If I have a 'dodgy' day, I will look through past posts and will find others who are feeling the same and impart their knowledge. I used to feel so alone with this condition, not now! I am not a very social person but I agree with you sharing how you feel offers many benefits Thank you for replying O2 and of course, I will let you know how I get on. Have a lovely day. Lilian xxxxx
We can't all have the same levels of sociability Lilian, nor should we, but here you are now sharing your fears and feeling connected to members on the forum. It may feel strange at first not knowing anyone but over time you'll likely relax and just listening is helpful knowing everyone's in the same boat. The thing about PR is whatever anyone's level of functionality when they start, they - we, as I go to a weekly maintenance session - are all trying to be the best they can be as individuals. Take care
Thank you O2, what an intelligent reply. Hope you have a good night. Lilian xxxx
In Australia we do a walking test for 6 minutes
don't worry about it, it is mostly filling out questionaires,and a walking test during which your sats are measured. You will meet the rest of your class and have a coffee. You also get to choose whether you want to do ti-chi or more energetic exercises. I did the ti-chi and loved it. Please don't worry ,they won't expect more than you are capable of. ENJOY
Hi Maggie, thank you for your reply. I don't know much about ti-chi but I would choose that. Like most people I have never had my sats measured so that will be interesting! I have a problem wearing a bra, tightness round chest even when I'm not wearing one. Have tried sports bras, bigger bras, but can't get round the tightness, am quite heavy at the top! I wonder if anyone else has the same problem. Of course they do! Have a lovely day Maggie. Lilian xxxx
Don't fret too much, a lot of the assessment are questions about your general health, take a full list/copy of your prescription drugs with you to save time, they will know what most of them are for, inhalers etc. Most tests only involve a 6minute walk test test on the flat at whatever speed you feel comfortable. they will keep that record to assess you at the end of of the treatment period to see whether you can walk further, most people do even if only by a small margin it's an improvement. You meet people of your own ability, some worse some better but your all have the same problems and it is good to share. you should find it of benefit mentally and physically. Good luck & don't worry.
Hello Keith, thank you for your reply. I will take a copy of my prescription. With the 6 minute walk test, how sob would I have to be before I can rest? Do they suggest push yourself to the limit, and then have to do breathing exercises to get it back under control. That makes me fret a bit. I am looking forward to meeting people with the same condition, I don't know anyone else other than the lovely people on this forum from whom I have learnt so much. That of course, includes you Keith. Thank you. Lilian xxxxx
Do not push yourself to the limit, take things nice and easy and at a steady pace, they will not want you collapsing on them. Do not fret the people who run these courses are experienced and understanding of the condition, they will probably tell you take time to recover before asking questions. For the assessment you have little to worry about so calm yourself down and don't get worked up over nothing.
Thank you Keith, I'm going to try and walk a little more each day in preparation for the assessment. I cant push myself too much, I'm 80! I know that is no excuse but I do use it occasionally!! I am looking forward to the PR now that this forum has given me the information I need. I hope you are well Keith. Have a lovely day. Lilian xxxxxxx