Enjoyed meeting a fellow COPDer this morning. The portable oxygen gave it away. Hoped to be off the oxygen soon as he was recovering from pneumonia and slowly starting to exercise again.
Nice 5Km around Thornton Reservoir. - Lung Conditions C...
Nice 5Km around Thornton Reservoir.

Be careful don't fall in like I did lol looks lovley x

It is and more importantly flat....lol
If he wasn't on it before the pneumonia, then he should be able to get off it now. Might take a month or so, I found it irritatingly slow, but exercise helped no end.
Beautiful place
beautiful countryside!
i can imagine the air being clean too!
yesterday, i had quite a shock - a while back, i'd put a container with water on window sill in our bedroom, and i noticed the bottom was going black, so i decided to 'investigate' it, (we'd had the bedroom window open for a couple of weeks,) anyhow, once i poured the water out there was a thin film of black (soot?), which we thought must be pollution (i live in south london)... really disconcerting to see it in this form (there is of course always dirt/dust on windows etc but you kind of block it out/ignore most of the time)
Sadly within 5 miles are two large granite quarries. North West Leicestershire as a very large asthma problem.